ok so if you read my other thread on how I cheated on my gf, youll prob laugh at this one haha.
So I get off work last night at like... 3am ( I'm a bouncer) anyway. I pull into my driveway and I see what looks like my ex's car parked outside of my house . And I was like nah there's no way she's here. If u only seen some of this sh*t she txt me, you would never think I would see her face again.
Of course I apologized, and I really would love to have her back, but whatever, not a big deal.
so I go in my house and look around and see if she's in there. Now she doesnt have a key so I wouldnt expect her to be in there. Well she wasnt. So I sit on the couch and I'm like, shit I'll go check out the car. So I'm looking inside and there's no one, but I no for a fact its her car. So I look in the back seat and I'm like.. I think there's someone back there? Well she is, and sleeping to. I'm like wtf is going on.
so I knock on the window and wake her up and she is absolutly hammered. Can't walk, can barley talk. So she gets into her driver seat, and she's like I'm driving home... Hahaha. Yea right. No way she can even find her ignition let alone drive. So as I'm telling her no, she falls asleep like mid sentence.
So of course I pick her up and bring her inside, put her in my bed and let her sleep. I even crashed on the couch out of respect. I'm sure she didnt want to be waking up next to her ex she just dumped 2 days ago for cheating on her :/
Ok well I woke up this morning. Of course she's gone. But now its 4pm and I have herd nothing from her. No thank you, no note.... Sweet right? I mean I prob deserve a thank you don't u think? Hahaha
What do u guys make of this whole situation?
* my bad on the grammar mistakes, I wrote this at work on my iPhone