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Thread: Sleep Disorder To The Extreme...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Sleep Disorder To The Extreme...

    Alright bro's, here is a crazy one, I hope someone can be of SOME help, although I'm not too sure...

    Okay, I have a sister, she is in her 30's. Okay, so, she has these sleep things, now, they used to be almost everyday (in the past) but now they are seldom, maybe once a month or once every two months.

    What happens is, she goes to sleep like normal, but maybe like an hour or so into her sleep, she gets this tingly feeling throughout her WHOLE body. It lasts for a short while, and then, she feels pressure/tension in her whole body. And she seems to be awake, but she isn't really. She can see her own room, like she has her eyes open, but at the same time, they don't really feel open, like she is just dreaming it. It's weird to explain, like it's right at the borderline of dreaming and waking. Anways, the main problem is that when this happens, her whole body is paralized, she can't move, she tries, but she can't. She gets really scared, like MAJOR fear, but what she is actually fearing, she can't tell. So, this last for a while, and she struggles to really wake up, and get out of it, but it takes a while, and it's really freaky. She says that as time goes on, it gets harder and harder to wake up.

    Now, this has been happening for a long time, maybe off and on for the past 13 years (something I should mention is that my sister and me BOTH had menengitis of the brain, and were both pretty close to death, thank fully we both made it through, so i'm guessing her brain was def. affected somehow with the menengitis).

    She HAS seeked help, she spoke with a Psychologist, who recommeneded a Nurologist who sent her to another Nurologist. She has also been to a sleep lab (where she spent the night, and they reported that everything seemed normal). However, every now and then she still gets these weird things.

    Now, another thing to mention is, although a lot of people don't believe and are quite skeptical about ESP and 6th sense, my sister has a very strong case of stuff like that. The sense of Deja Vu, and seeing things before they occur, etc...

    I'm not looking for someone to give me a solution to this problem (that's virtually impossible) but what I am looking for is to find someone who has also experienced such things. If anyone has ever experienced similar things, or knows someone else who has, anything AT ALL related to such a thing, that may be of some help, plz let me know.

    Thank You

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    this is one sleep issue I have no advice on, bump to the top

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Re: Sleep Disorder To The Extreme...

    Originally posted by Terinox
    Alright bro's, here is a crazy one, I hope someone can be of SOME help, although I'm not too sure...

    Okay, I have a sister, she is in her 30's. Okay, so, she has these sleep things, now, they used to be almost everyday (in the past) but now they are seldom, maybe once a month or once every two months.

    What happens is, she goes to sleep like normal, but maybe like an hour or so into her sleep, she gets this tingly feeling throughout her WHOLE body. It lasts for a short while, and then, she feels pressure/tension in her whole body. And she seems to be awake, but she isn't really. She can see her own room, like she has her eyes open, but at the same time, they don't really feel open, like she is just dreaming it. It's weird to explain, like it's right at the borderline of dreaming and waking. Anways, the main problem is that when this happens, her whole body is paralized, she can't move, she tries, but she can't. She gets really scared, like MAJOR fear, but what she is actually fearing, she can't tell. So, this last for a while, and she struggles to really wake up, and get out of it, but it takes a while, and it's really freaky. She says that as time goes on, it gets harder and harder to wake up.

    Now, this has been happening for a long time, maybe off and on for the past 13 years (something I should mention is that my sister and me BOTH had menengitis of the brain, and were both pretty close to death, thank fully we both made it through, so i'm guessing her brain was def. affected somehow with the menengitis).

    She HAS seeked help, she spoke with a Psychologist, who recommeneded a Nurologist who sent her to another Nurologist. She has also been to a sleep lab (where she spent the night, and they reported that everything seemed normal). However, every now and then she still gets these weird things.

    Now, another thing to mention is, although a lot of people don't believe and are quite skeptical about ESP and 6th sense, my sister has a very strong case of stuff like that. The sense of Deja Vu, and seeing things before they occur, etc...

    I'm not looking for someone to give me a solution to this problem (that's virtually impossible) but what I am looking for is to find someone who has also experienced such things. If anyone has ever experienced similar things, or knows someone else who has, anything AT ALL related to such a thing, that may be of some help, plz let me know.

    Thank You
    i have done the exact same thing, the only way i can ever describe it is like being posessed. And it does get scary im not gonna lie. I've done this about 6-7 times myself. Everytime with me im always lying on my back and yes about mid sleep not even prolly an hour or so i'll open my eyes but when i try to move i can not i can't even move a finger, this get's scary. it's the unknown that's scarrin her bro. She does not know what the fuck is going on. Damn i thought i was the only one who's ever experienced this, i have never spoken of it to anybody. Now how i deal with it and eventually wake myself up is

    1. i tell myself i've been through this before(this eases some of the fear)
    2. i relax and try to get back into sleep mode( then in about 10 minutes im able to wake up, after i would wake up i would not want to go back to sleep... lol)

    all though i do not think it is psychological, it is however psychology that helps me get through it, and eventually wake my freaked out ass up.

    That's all i do.. im not saying it will work for her, but i know all too well what she is going through.. damn happy to hear it's not only me sorry about your sis.

    Hell anymore i welcome it because it is like a freaky thing to go through and i like those crazy dreams.

    as for the esp shit, it's not me.
    Last edited by BigMike J; 10-20-2002 at 03:01 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Terinox....try going to this website.
    It really helped me out alot when I was having a few espisodes of sleep disorders....It covers almost any kind you can imagine.
    I also had a thread, (I'll have to find it) on sleeping disorders I was having..
    But no where near what you guys have experienced. Anyways, I do recall reading one of the letters from a few people that have had your exact experience and there is a name for it. Check it out....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I think everyone has experienced some sort of sleep paralysis once in their lifetime. It can be a normal thing, where you are almost awake, but unable to move.

    However, I am by no means a specialist, but the fear that accompanies her vivid dreams/nightmares could be induced by stress from the work/spouse/family etc...


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Thnx for the feedbacks ya'll.

    I'll check that site babyweight.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Tatty I think your right......Stress will have alot to do with it...Also I found that if I eat late at night before I go to sleep, or drink alot of alcohol, I would have problems sleeping or freaky nightmares that I can't explain.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Orange County, CA
    I've heard of it.. It's called "scissors.."

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