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Thread: How do you guys have the mind set for this hobby.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Your mom's room

    How do you guys have the mind set for this hobby.

    How do you guys push yourselves to get in the gym, eat right, and sleep right??
    I know most of us are hard working middle class guys. work long hours and what not.

    I have two jobs, one thats pretty physically draining, gotta wake up at 2-3am for it, then at 9am i leave and go do an easy restaurant job serving until 4-5pm. it pays the bills but it really effects my fitness.

    Ive noticed a pattern, i follow a strict correct regimen for about a month then i go a week or two where i fall apart, then psyche myself up again and do it for another month. but the key to this hobby is staying consistent.

    Maybe its just that im lazy, an ex addict, work too long of hours.... im not sure. How do ya'll keep with it year around???

    My two main problems are getting enouph food and sleep. Ill go half a day eating hardly anything and then try to make up for it when im off work. Stuff my face until its time to sleep, yet lose sleep because im trying to make up for my shitty diet through out the day....

  2. #2
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    personally, I have things ALOT easier than you do righnt now.....but, I heard this calling since I was 2 years old.....when i saw the movie the predator, i knew anything less than arnold was un****INGacceptable....

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    gangsta rap

  4. #4
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    I've had some of the same issues, although my job is steady 9AM-3PM (off from July-Sept and Jan-Apr).

    I needed to focus on consistency. Look at your schedule. Identify patterns. See where you can do the same things (eat, lift, etc.) every day. Once you get a plan, the hard part is sticking to it. On days where I don't feel like lifting, I make myself do it - it's really difficult and there's no magic trick to getting around it. Just gotta do it. I always feel a lot better once I'm finished and many of my best workouts have been on days where I didn't feel like doing anything. So my bottom line advice is to suck it up. Consistency, consistency, consistency.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    HAHA love that song.

    If i call you a nappy headed hoe, aint nothin to it, gangsta rap make me do it

  6. #6
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    thanks for the advice csar, ill try that. i think a check list in a note book would help. when to eat, what to eat etc.... set a time to sleep, complete all work outs and log reps and weight.

    kinda hard becuase ive recently this past 2 weeks dropped smoking, caffiene, and my adhd(no such thing) medication. cold turkey. ouch

  7. #7
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    For me (ex addict also,5yr) The gym, fitness, cardio,diet everything related IS MY RECOVERY PROGRAM!!! I look at it this way. Have to replace that old lifesyle with it, and it works pretty damn good too.

    No one feels like doing it all the time, but you just do. What ever it takes. An extra cup of coffee, extra nicotine gum (works for me!), a day off to regroup, a cheat meal (or day!). Whatever.

    The payoff is great. And I always tell myself "I know I'll feel better after I do this"

    Don't You?

  8. #8
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    ya bro, i tell myself.... damn after i get threw this workout ill feel like a million bucks, and i always do. but just getting through the foggy headedness and getting in there is my problem. guess ima put together a daily routine not only with lifting, but sleeping, eating, and just a routine that will help leave me more energy for the workout.

    If this fails, i think ill just join the 24 hour gym and go at 2 am every morning when im fresh and be a day sleeper... atleast late afternoon sleeper

  9. #9
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    you gotta find a middle ground where you can be a student and dont have to worry about taking care of a family so its not too hard for me

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecto9 View Post
    For me (ex addict also,5yr) The gym, fitness, cardio,diet everything related IS MY RECOVERY PROGRAM!!! I look at it this way. Have to replace that old lifesyle with it, and it works pretty damn good too.

    No one feels like doing it all the time, but you just do. What ever it takes. An extra cup of coffee, extra nicotine gum (works for me!), a day off to regroup, a cheat meal (or day!). Whatever.

    The payoff is great. And I always tell myself "I know I'll feel better after I do this"

    Don't You?
    this is pretty much how i am. working out keeps me sober.

    i get depressed if i take off too long from the gym, i need it. fat out of shape people make me sick too
    Last edited by naturalsux; 05-22-2008 at 09:30 AM. Reason: typo

  11. #11
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    +2 on the depression.

    There is such a thing as a positive addiction and i have found mine.

  12. #12
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I truly enjoy the lifestyle, and as I see gains I am more motivated to continue.

  13. #13
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    In all honestly, if I ever feel lazy or I don't feel like it, I watch this video:

    There were other ways I used to get myself pumped mentally, but for me this commercial just really made me realize how many excuses people make up to get out of things. I swore to myself I would never be one of those people.
    Maybe it will help motivate you too? Who knows, but best of luck to you

  14. #14
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    wow overhauls, that was actually very fvcking helpful. i just added that to my favorites!

    And dsm, i need to acquire that addiction. i have an extremely compulsive addictive mentality, i just need to somehow find out how to adopt that one.

    Thanks bro's AR always got the answers

  15. #15
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    This is my life...past present and future....i WILL be a pro...thats all there is to second place, no other way of life....thats all...thats my mind set...

  16. #16
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    Its not all was easy for me. The last year i have had some fall off and have a hard time staying in the gym. My day to day life tasks tend to interfere some times. right now i just need to set and stick to a new routine.

  17. #17
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    Its like a routine now, I don`t even have to think about it really. I suppose steady gains keep me comming back, but its usually the first so many months of doing it is hard because of the abrupt change in your schedule.

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