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  1. #1
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    Do you have a liberal minded mentality

    When we think of liberal versus conservative what usually comes to mind is politics (republlicans or democrats, for example) or maybe, more generally, a kind of tolerant attitude one can take (e.g., one's level of tolerating alternative lifestyles or respecting individuality or equitability in general). My attitude might be considered liberal because I believe that gays should be allowed to marry and enjoy the same benefits of a heterosexual union. I'm pro-feminist as I encourage woman to assert themselves in the workplace and in their personal lives. I also encourage woman to become conscious of the fact that a woman is not born but made via cultural convention - I think that was Simone Bouviers argument her book "the second sex" (I don't know how to spell her name). In general, I love the maverick that questions conventiion and I love free thinkers who have the courage to do things in his or her way in the face of social convention and it's pressurres.

    But when I think about the fundamental mentality of a liberal I imagine a person who tends to suspend judgement and do an information search before drawing a conclusion. And once a conclusion is drawn it is held as tentative and open to subsequent revision. We think of such people as open minded and again - "liberal." The opposite of that would be a person who swiftly draws a conclusion - often a kind of default conclusion that is often guided by readily available "knowledge constructs" such as a heuristic, platitudes, stereotype, or conventional thinking in general. Wheras the former is often associated with creativity and divergent thinking (raising more than one point of view to a question) and the latter is associated convergent thinking or arriving at "the" answer and usually with a confident air.

    I very much look the part of a conservative. I've been told I look like a marine or a cop with my square jaw and serious disposition. In the gym, I'm very disciplined, monomaniacle and super focused. Yet, I know all of that is a veneer. I'm truly a person who better enjoys questions (over answers). The only people I judge are judgemental types who I feel lack imagination, empathy, and human values in general. The drawback for me can be nihilism and the loss of conviction. I'm prone to depression and at times I've entered deeply into chaos and disorder. The liberal position is not necesarily centered on psychological stabillity and a general sense of well being. Nevertheless, I think a liberal enjoys more freedom because they can imagine more possibilities and more choices. But with all of those choices, how do we choose? What if I'm wrong?

  2. #2
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    I must mention that the present day term "liberal" is often used a pejorative one and is not representative of the classical "liberal" who was a staunch advocate of personal liberties and freedoms. The classical liberal of today is now known as a libertarian. The original label of being a liberal was intended to mean someone who advocates limited government, personal liberty&freedoms, etc.,etc. The "liberal" ideology has been hijacked by groups like Green Peace, PETA, and the ACLU.

  3. #3
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    No doubt but I was getting towards the more generic "liberal mentality" as opposed to the content of one's beliefs or political affiliation. When you get into mentality, you have to think of a cognitive style. I don't think people consider that as often.

    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I must mention that the present day term "liberal" is often used a pejorative one and is not representative of the classical "liberal" who was a staunch advocate of personal liberties and freedoms. The classical liberal of today is now known as a libertarian. The original label of being a liberal was intended to mean someone who advocates limited government, personal liberty&freedoms, etc.,etc. The "liberal" ideology has been hijacked by groups like Green Peace, PETA, and the ACLU.

  4. #4
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    I condsider myself a liberal minded thinker. I am a big advocate of science, but if you were to classify my political ideals most people would consider me a conservative.

  5. #5
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura View Post
    But when I think about the fundamental mentality of a liberal I imagine a person who tends to suspend judgement and do an information search before drawing a conclusion. And once a conclusion is drawn it is held as tentative and open to subsequent revision. We think of such people as open minded and again - "liberal." The opposite of that would be a person who swiftly draws a conclusion - often a kind of default conclusion that is often guided by readily available "knowledge constructs" such as a heuristic, platitudes, stereotype, or conventional thinking in general. Wheras the former is often associated with creativity and divergent thinking (raising more than one point of view to a question) and the latter is associated convergent thinking or arriving at "the" answer and usually with a confident air.
    When I think of liberal it should be someone that is like what I bolded in your post. They carefully examine everything before drawing conclusion and value facts and critical thinking. In that sense I am very much a liberal, I try to avoid having a opinion on matters where I havent looked at the facts.

    The problem is that it seems like most people that label themself liberal today has abandoned just that. They dont care about facts and beeing open minded to them means beliving in new age b.s like healing etc. The typical liberal today seem to be against anything nuclear or GMO, willing to belive in anything "spiritual" and doesnt realy care much about science or critical thinking. They seem to confuse beeing open minded with beeing stupid...

  6. #6
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    im definetly a liberal minded person. i consider the term liberal for a state of mind to reflect someone that looks outside the box or challenges typical accepted norms etc.

    politically etc i dont know what i would classify myself as.

  7. #7
    Gators is offline Banned
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    I am a big fan of personal liberty, and wants the Gov't to leave me alone. Politically i am definitely a conservative, but don't agree w/ any one party on the majority of issues, and am very disenchanted w/ both parties.

  8. #8
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
    Diary of a Mad-man is offline Associate Member
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    Most of us on here are at least a little liberal, since you know, the whole right to put what you choose in your own body thing.

    I am fiscally conservative and socialy liberal. For example. I think you can have an abortion, as long as you dont waste any of the carcass.

    I think I am going to shut up now. Im just going to make someone mad. AND we arent allowed to talk about rec drugs, which is a big part of the conversation. I dont think you should stop people from smoking weed while pushing alcohol/tobbaco/ciggarettes/anti depression/ADD on people. Saying god putting weed on earth is a mistake, then shaking big titties in my face with "this buds for you" on them. BS.

  9. #9
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    most liberals are like hippies. They talk about peace and pride themselves on being open minded, but they consider anyone who doesnt believe what they believe or live like they live to be ignorant. They are the biggest hypocrits of them all. I get sick and F'n tired of people judging each other. It makes me sick how so many people think that THEY have ALL the answers.
    I would estimate that about %75 of people, in my opinion, suck sweaty sack. (No offense DSM(:-)

  10. #10
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    Sounds a bit like a sweeping generalization. Beware of phrases like, most of these types of people are like....Better to forget the content of your beliefs and examine your thought processes. Relying on stereotypes is no substitute for good ole information processing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    most liberals are like hippies. They talk about peace and pride themselves on being open minded, but they consider anyone who doesnt believe what they believe or live like they live to be ignorant. They are the biggest hypocrits of them all. I get sick and F'n tired of people judging each other. It makes me sick how so many people think that THEY have ALL the answers.
    I would estimate that about %75 of people, in my opinion, suck sweaty sack. (No offense DSM(:-)

  11. #11
    wilson9d's Avatar
    wilson9d is offline Senior Member
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    I have an apathetic mentality.

  12. #12
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    Im a homophone.

  13. #13
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    im definetly a liberal minded person. i consider the term liberal for a state of mind to reflect someone that looks outside the box or challenges typical accepted norms etc.

    politically etc i dont know what i would classify myself as.
    I would guess Libertarian.

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