I have to say im leaning towards the former. Ive had mates of mine that have come to the gym with me in the past, for like 6-12 months and then drop out, but I have one mate that, hell...I wonder if he's wasting his time.
My current gym partner has been coming to the gym with me since about 2 years ago. I took a huge amount of time out of the gym last year (barely went at all) and so decided to get back into the gym hardcore since February. I think since then ive made excellent progress, my diet is in check, im in the gym 5-6 times a week, im really loving it. And then I got my mate. Half the time he's late (there is nothing worse than waiting for someone when you've arrived) which ends up with me starting without him, he complains if he has to go to the gym on his own, so doesnt..this is because i work a coupla evenings so i have to go in the afternoon while he is still working during the day, and now he's taken it upon himself to keep going travelling for work, like every other week he is off to spain or italy to sort things out and he's gone for the week. I thought it was compulsory for him to go on these trips but he tells me he goes to Europe (he works in IT) because its easier to fix whatever problem there, than here. I kinda had a set too with him about this and he got pretty angry saying he loves the gym. Damn, both of us got pretty out of shape during our hiatus, i lost quite a bit of size while he's developed a huge gut, which incidently is still there. I know this sounds like a huge rant but it just seems like a diffucult situation for me now.