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    Alright boys, have a situation and want my online buds opinions. I'm being very serious so don't turn this into a joke or Anal thread.... C, I'm looking at you!!!
    As most of you know I broke up with my baby girls mom about two months ago and its been rough for me. Had a very hard time dealing with it. I went out and banged a couple 20 something year olds and recently went to town on this hot ass cougar from my gym, but thats another
    I decided to give the online thing a go because I really want a mature woman who has her head on straight. Went on Fitness Singles because it may sound vain, but I dont want some fat nasty girl. I met and have been talking to this girl from my hometown in NY. Shes hot as hell, but really has her shit together. She has a little boy, but looking at her body you would never know. We started talking and you would think we have known each other for years. Great conversations and just a nice comfortable feeling. She lives in NY and I live in Vermont and its only 4 1/2 hours away, but we both agreed were mature enough that if there's something there we can make it work. She also has a great job in Accounting/Financial like me and works from home so If need be, she could relocate. So what do you guys think about the distance. I look at it like I can hop in the car and see her anytime I want and she feels the same way. I want you guys views and opinions and wondering if anyone has done it and if so was it a success. Thanks fella's....TJ

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    Alright boys, have a situation and want my online buds opinions. I'm being very serious so don't turn this into a joke or Anal thread.... C, I'm looking at you!!!
    As most of you know I broke up with my baby girls mom about two months ago and its been rough for me. Had a very hard time dealing with it. I went out and banged a couple 20 something year olds and recently went to town on this hot ass cougar from my gym, but thats another
    I decided to give the online thing a go because I really want a mature woman who has her head on straight. Went on Fitness Singles because it may sound vain, but I dont want some fat nasty girl. I met and have been talking to this girl from my hometown in NY. Shes hot as hell, but really has her shit together. She has a little boy, but looking at her body you would never know. We started talking and you would think we have known each other for years. Great conversations and just a nice comfortable feeling. She lives in NY and I live in Vermont and its only 4 1/2 hours away, but we both agreed were mature enough that if there's something there we can make it work. She also has a great job in Accounting/Financial like me and works from home so If need be, she could relocate. So what do you guys think about the distance. I look at it like I can hop in the car and see her anytime I want and she feels the same way. I want you guys views and opinions and wondering if anyone has done it and if so was it a success. Thanks fella's....TJ
    My opinion seriously....Its too soon for you to jump in a relationship bro. Looks are important but you have to realize that you have a baby girl I have a kid too and I wouldnt want anybody to take care of him except me or my wife. So you can keep talking to new GF and see how it goes...dont do moving in and other shit yet. But you can have anal sex as much as you want.

    No Bro seriously too soon for you to jump in another relationship. Also do not like a person because of their look( I feel important to mention it cause you were drolling when you were typing about her) Hey JLo is good looking too will I marry her ...No will I have anal sex with her.....Hell yeah.

  3. #3
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    I've tried it and failed, but it was over a much longer distance; NJ and Florida. I can also be somewhat needy and so was she so Im sure that had something to do with it. The key is going to be trust. You have to be able to trust her to not be fooling around with someone else and she has to be able to do the same. It's not for everybody, it just depends on what time of person you are. Personally, I couldn't do it, just because when I have a gf I need that physical contact (phone sex can only do so much for you, lol). But if it feels like it could be the real thing and you dont mind the drive, and she seems like someone you could trust then I say go for it and good luck.

  4. #4
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    C, I'm not juming into shit bro. We both agreed since we went though pretty much the same shit to take it slow, get to know each other and then tackle that hurdle if it comes up. We really have so much in common and she was the first girl I have talked to that has not asked me how much I can I will never move from my baby, ever. And her ex is great with her son and she said they are great at working things out with their son. Its not about looks either bro's, just a plus. If I wanted that I would have kept banging the 22 year old barbie doll I hit a few weeks ago. Girl was a ten and was so into feeling me up she practically raped me at the bar. Just want something more ya know....

  5. #5
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    try it out you have nothing to loose. I'll tell you the drive will get old after a while. but maybe she will be worth it.

    I did it from philly to miami with my best friend when we started dating. We flew back and forth every other weekend. It got old and was a strain on both of us. Neither of us could relocate so we just went back to friends. She is still my best friend today

  6. #6
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    Thanks Gix... I drive to NY all the time anyway, and its not a bad one at all. All my friends are their and I have to go their to get some things anyway, if you know what I mean. I agree with you bro, I have nothing to lose and only something to gain. Thanks again Brother

  7. #7
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    I was in a relationship exactly like that. We met online. Everything was great. We woud take turns driving 3 hours to meet every weekend. I lost my license so I ended up taking the train for 4 hours to see her. We fell in love. We had things in common. Our friends got along. So after about 9 months of that, I moved out to where she was and we got a place together. It was great. Then... 6 months down the road. We started to unravell. I was working 80 hours a week. Focusing on my training. We hardly saw or spoke. So we ended it. I moved back home. We still chat and catch up every few months.

    So all in all... I dont regret it. She was a good person. I enjoyed the time we had. And it was a good experience to have in my life.

    I hope this works out for you bro!!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    C, I'm not juming into shit bro. We both agreed since we went though pretty much the same shit to take it slow, get to know each other and then tackle that hurdle if it comes up. We really have so much in common and she was the first girl I have talked to that has not asked me how much I can I will never move from my baby, ever. And her ex is great with her son and she said they are great at working things out with their son. Its not about looks either bro's, just a plus. If I wanted that I would have kept banging the 22 year old barbie doll I hit a few weeks ago. Girl was a ten and was so into feeling me up she practically raped me at the bar. Just want something more ya know....
    Just keep the long distance relationship for now.....I hope it works out...COuold you send 22 yrs old girl my way my son wants to date

    Good luck with it bro.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    Just keep the long distance relationship for now.....I hope it works out...COuold you send 22 yrs old girl my way my son wants to date

    Good luck with it bro.
    x2 on the 22 year olds, my ahemmm son likes to "date" them. Good luck bro, hope it works out for ya!

  10. #10
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    I really meant my Son...he is 2 like older

    Sorry TJ....Go on with ur advise guys. bad calgarian..

  11. #11
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    Give it a shot for 2/3 months but try not too get too serious in that time frame, after 2/3 months evaluate how things are going, then if things are going good then obviously take the r/ship to the next level, if after 3 months its not going well just bang it b4 you tell her your part was me being serious).
    Last edited by sassbs11; 05-29-2008 at 11:08 AM. Reason: typo

  12. #12
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    Gotta keep my ass on the side for now boys, but if things work out with Janel shes all yours.... I also got a cougar who a FREAK. She was a little wild though. She wanted me to do some nasty things to her, but she was hot as hell for a 47 year old. Nice tits, great stomach, tight ass, mmmmm. What was i talkng about?
    Seriously though, I am gonna give it a shot. Shes really awesome and When we talk its for hours and like weve known each othe for years. She has a kid and shes cool wiht mine. Thanks though boys

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    Gotta keep my ass on the side for now boys, but if things work out with Janel shes all yours.... I also got a cougar who a FREAK. She was a little wild though. She wanted me to do some nasty things to her, but she was hot as hell for a 47 year old. Nice tits, great stomach, tight ass, mmmmm. What was i talkng about?
    Seriously though, I am gonna give it a shot. Shes really awesome and When we talk its for hours and like weve known each othe for years. She has a kid and shes cool wiht mine. Thanks though boys
    Send u a PM

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    I really meant my Son...he is 2 like older

    Sorry TJ....Go on with ur advise guys. bad calgarian..
    LMAO! Oh, I actually meant me

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    LMAO! Oh, I actually meant me

    I should stop hijacking TJ's thread otherwise he will get mad at me and smack his stereo on my head.

    Go on guys with ur advise.

  16. #16
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    No Worries C... Usually I love screwing around in the lounge here, but ultimatley I would like a nice relationship with a girl who not F***** in the head three ways ya know. Its nothing to go out to the bars/clubs and get some ass. This girl just seems awesome. Last night we were talking and got cut off. She called me first thing to apoligize and asked me to call her later. it was really nice.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    No Worries C... Usually I love screwing around in the lounge here, but ultimatley I would like a nice relationship with a girl who not F***** in the head three ways ya know. Its nothing to go out to the bars/clubs and get some ass. This girl just seems awesome. Last night we were talking and got cut off. She called me first thing to apoligize and asked me to call her later. it was really nice.
    As I said bro....I hope it will workout. But give it sometime and then go from there. I am guessing u were with ur ex for a long time... were you?

  18. #18
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    One important question I forget to ask u ...does she like it in the pooper? If no....dump her...

    Sorry you told me not to do that......Bad calgarian Bad.

  19. #19
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    Heres a question for many miles would you consider traveling for a chance at a lifetime of love and happiness.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    One important question I forget to ask u ...does she like it in the pooper? If no....dump her...

    Sorry you told me not to do that......Bad calgarian Bad.
    Totally agree

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    Heres a question for many miles would you consider traveling for a chance at a lifetime of love and happiness.
    35. 50 if she is really hot

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    Heres a question for many miles would you consider traveling for a chance at a lifetime of love and happiness.
    It depends on if she was gonna put out or not.

  23. #23
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    sassbs, come on bro... Its not like I cant get laid. I really want more than that.
    And Inky... thanks bro, my sentiments exactly. She might be the one and its not what I consider far at all. Were both adults and know what we want.

  24. #24
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    I'm encouraged when you say she's the first girl who didn't ask you how much you bench. The very muscular share a problem with the very rich: they don't know if they're loved for who they really are, or because they can provide expensive presents or hot sex. Wealth and fullfilling orgasms are nice things to have, but if you make them the 'answer' to your life's question they're gonna let you down in the end. Neither can fill the human need for understanding, connectedness, and shelter for the heart.

    It's great that she's got a hot body, but that gets old pretty fast. If you're looking for a nice piece of ass you can get that without spending seventy bucks on gas every week-end.

    When you're together, judge the quality of the relationship by what you do together as two friends. Are you just humping from the moment your car pulls into the driveway 'til you leave on Sunday night, or are you growing together as two human beings who share a common vision about life, and life together? A hot body can be a bit of a trap. "Do I love her, or her tits?" "Does she love me, or my pecs?" Get to know her (and her son) by doing things outside of the bedroom. Go to the beach or the pool; pack a picnic lunch; garden together; go food shopping! You're trying out a situation that, if successful, is going to create a new family. Do family things together. It'll help you both meet the person under the "tits" and "pecs".

    I wish you good luck. As you move on with your life and seek happiness I know you won't forget the commitment you have to your daughter and her happiness. Both you and this woman you've met both are no longer the center of your own respective worlds. When you have kids, that changes. Each of you holds a young person's ultimate success and happiness in your hands. That, if nothing else, creates a common bond between you. Neither would do anything to jeapordize their child's wellbeing.



  25. #25
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    i like Biglittletim. seems like a good guy.

  26. #26
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    Damm bro, thats deep. Thanks man. That was my feelings exactly. She was pretty adament she's not going to jump right in the sack with me and if she did I wouldnt want her. Sex is great, but just a small part of the relationship. Thanks again brother

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    Damm bro, thats deep. Thanks man. That was my feelings exactly. She was pretty adament she's not going to jump right in the sack with me and if she did I wouldnt want her. Sex is great, but just a small part of the relationship. Thanks again brother
    I'm only assuming but I think you're a relatively young guy, even so, looks like you have a very realistic outlook on whats important.Like you said sex IS great,but it takes alot more to form a successful and lasting relationship. WE can bang any woman any time. But to wake up in the morning next to the woman who is your soulmate and best friend, thats priceless.

  28. #28
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    Yeah Bro thought I had that, but in retrospect I know I didnt. I am going to be 33 July 2nd too. This girl is 28 and my ex was 24 so Janel is far more mature. Better conversation and it does not seem like its all about her, like it was with my ex. Thanks man

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    Yeah Bro thought I had that, but in retrospect I know I didnt. I am going to be 33 July 2nd too. This girl is 28 and my ex was 24 so Janel is far more mature. Better conversation and it does not seem like its all about her, like it was with my ex. Thanks man
    Now does she let you do the Anal? If not dump her (Sorry man cant help it)

  30. #30
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    I'm being serious Dick!!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    I'm being serious Dick!!
    Sorry bro cant help it and I am worried about urs too

  32. #32
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    Damm man I am more worried about you wanted my video sexcapades

  33. #33
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    It might just be the Clomid talking, but...

    You're at the age where you finally know what you want in a relationship, and by that I mean what will make you truly happy over the long haul, not just provide quick doses of pleasure.

    When we're kids (20's?) we fantasize about the perfect lover and it's something from a porno fantasy. It's all about "me, me, me", and my needs. Your ex-girlfriend might still be at that stage in her life, while you've moved on and are looking for something deeper and more meaningful. Look for that same desire for something more, something lasting, in the eyes of Janel.

    Some people go their whole lives and never find their soul mate. Some of us are so clouded in our thinking and screwed up in our priorities we don't know WHAT we need, let alone what we want in another person. You sound like you've got a mature head on a pair of still young shoulders. That you're able to pass up the hot "barbie dolls" in favor of finding a real woman shows a good character. I think you're gonna do pretty well for yourself.

    Good luck!


  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim View Post
    You're at the age where you finally know what you want in a relationship, and by that I mean what will make you truly happy over the long haul, not just provide quick doses of pleasure.

    When we're kids (20's?) we fantasize about the perfect lover and it's something from a porno fantasy. It's all about "me, me, me", and my needs. Your ex-girlfriend might still be at that stage in her life, while you've moved on and are looking for something deeper and more meaningful. Look for that same desire for something more, something lasting, in the eyes of Janel.

    Some people go their whole lives and never find their soul mate. Some of us are so clouded in our thinking and screwed up in our priorities we don't know WHAT we need, let alone what we want in another person. You sound like you've got a mature head on a pair of still young shoulders. That you're able to pass up the hot "barbie dolls" in favor of finding a real woman shows a good character. I think you're gonna do pretty well for yourself.

    Good luck!


    I believe there is a new (not sure if there was one before) relationship therapist Heavy stuff.

  35. #35
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    4 and a half hrs would be too far for me fo sho

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    I've been married over 20 yrs, so I may be out of touch. That being said, I'd like to change my answer to...bang all the bitches you can while you can,relationships are overrated and bring alot of pain.

  37. #37
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    ^^^^^Thanks for the words of wisdom, I shall do my best to live by them

  38. #38
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    well to make a long story short, i broke up with the greatest girl in the world and after 5 months i have realized how stupid i was and she has agreed to give me another chance and i am going to prove to here that i can do point and how it relates to you is that i am 12hr drive away from her now since i took a great job oppurtunity and we are gonna make it work...if you want it to and you are mature neough you can makje it work till you find a better of luck man

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    I've been married over 20 yrs, so I may be out of touch. That being said, I'd like to change my answer to...bang all the bitches you can while you can,relationships are overrated and bring alot of pain.
    Inky I pmed you bro.

  40. #40
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    i say go for it. i dont belive in that "its to soon crap". the best way to get over someone is to move on. you and this new girl have alot in common but if you enter the relationship thinking nothing but marrige it probably wont last. give her a shot and just see how it goes. i dated so many freaking girls in my life and i finally met the perfect one and i am getting married this saturday. just remember one thing when entering a relationship, looks will fade. never marry for looks or you will not be happy. my ex was an abercrombie model and i tried my hardest to make it look just because she was hot as hell. obviously it didnt work out, she cheated on me with ben rothlisberger.

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