A few Key points about neuro anatomy that may support the CNS burnout theory (Central Fatigue)
1. Neurons do not store there own glycogen. There support cells know as glial cells store glycogen and directly shuttle sugars to the neurons.
2. There are about 4-10 times as many glial cells as there are neurons in the brain. Neurons are so highly specialized that they have lost the ability to maintain themselves.
3. Neurons at any one time have about 10 times the amount of active transcribing DNA (euchromatin) for protein synthesis as any other cell in the body.
4. Some axons from the brain can stretch as far down as the feet. All proteins are made in the cell body of the neuron. They have to be transported from the brain to the end of the axon. These proteins travel at there fastest at up to 400 mm/day. The axon is a continuous unit from the neuron to its axon terminal where it synapses with other nerves.
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