It's good to see this guy still trains and looks good for his age,but going back to wrestling would be ridiculous.
It's good to see this guy still trains and looks good for his age,but going back to wrestling would be ridiculous.
ya think...
I like this guy but most of the wrestle are nut case.....IMO
The "War-yah" was a terrible wrestler, but the promos he cut were the funniest things ever. Here's the Warrior telling people not to smoke...
He's one of the few old school guy's who's still alive.Iguess tren and test keeps you young
I remember watching him as a kid when he was still called the Dingo Warrior.
guys, watch the movie "the rise and fall of the ultimate warrior"
its the funniest shit on earth.....its a biased WWE video with everyone hating on him, all his old school and new school matches, and such
I thought he was gonna explode the way he was so vascular and throwing salava all over the place.
Even though at a young age I was a Hulk-a-maniac I was a fan of the Warrior. Dude is still jacked though, I hope I look like that at his age..
I think he is bigger now than when he wrestled!
those were odd moans
He looks like a jacked up version of Brett Favre
Thank the bodybuilding gods for gh and igf.![]()
WTF That guy was once my hero? God he looked like he yawned between every rep. I feel a little weirded out by watching that.
I Look Above To The Gods, And When You Fall Below The Skeletons Of The Warriors Past, The Power Of The Warriors Will Become The 8th Wonder Of The The Worllddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!
seriously, 50% of his stand up interviews, he talked about "injecting with the power of the warrior" and "the juice that flows through the veins of the warrior", he really said that crap all the time.....its in the above link. If he wasnt "juicing", her sure was a walking pun.
* "I was sent in a capsule from a place long from here and I came here for one reason: to attack and keep coming. Not to ask but just to give. Not to want but just to send...send the power of the Warrior down everybody's throat in the WWF till they become sick of it. Well you're gonna get sick of it because this freak of nature right here is just beginning to swell. And when I get big enough, brother, there ain't gonna be room for anybody else but me and all the Warriors floating through the veins, and the power of the Warriah~!"
* "Load the spaceship with the rocket fuel! Load it with the warriors!"
* "Full of the juice to carry the spaceship as far as it wants to go!"
* "The family that I live for only breathes the air that smells of combat. With or without the facepaint I am the Ultimate Warrior!"
* "How must I prepare you must ask yourself. Should I jump off the tallest building in the world? Should I lay on the lawn and let it run over me with lawnmowers? Should I go to Africa and let it trample me with raging elephants?"
I would let this guy babysit for me.
i was never really into wrestling ( i mean other then when i was young and had those rubber
but i was always an ultimate warrior and hulk hogan fan,,
i can pretty close to winning a weird all over print uw shirt on ebay last year,
he's looking good.
no homo
I watched pro wrestling my entire childhood. It sucks balls now, but my friends and I are still fans of the old school days.
People dont understand why we like it and think we are probably white comes down to this. Whoever your favorite character or personality is, you root for. It ends up that you are just rooting for your favorite celebrity to win a fake fight with some cool acrobatics and maybe some comedy in the process. Your friends are either for or against your wrestler, both of which are fun. That doesnt make me dumb white trash! (I have been getting that a lot lately, since Ive been NETFLICKING it up, woot).
here is ultimate warrior telling off football agent, dont know if this is repost.
next post is Warrior arguing with Sheik at autgraph signing.........shiek is a puzzy and starts picking on little event organizer dude, warrior is in grey suit again at beggining. I would bust the iron sheik in the teeth/ cum in his hamburger
Last edited by Diary of a Mad-man; 05-30-2008 at 04:41 PM.
Man, he got old. Also he's a total nutjob from what I hear.
man i thought the original ultimate warrior died, hes a bout a quarter of the size he was back in his prime but he still ripped as shi t
Last edited by IronReload04; 05-31-2008 at 10:21 AM.
"However, in May 2008 he announced that he would be returning to wrestling, facing Orlando Jordan on June 25, 2008 in Barcelona, Spain in a match booked by the Italian Nu-Wrestling ********* promotion."
Ridiculous it shall be :
the original workout video
dude makes some weird ass faces/groans
he is such a weirdo
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