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nash did awesome. But I still think warrior owned those two, as kevin did as well. fox may not have realized it, but they looked idiotic (both but specifically warrior). Warrior explained multiple possible factors and even through in steroids to agree to disagree. shithead and douche bag then criticized warrior for ignoring certain factors ie steroids, when in fact, it was completely the other way around. Shithead and douche bag ignored all other factors and without any qualifications blamed roids and only roids which was comical. Warrior called those two out by asking what kind of authority they had and they had nothing to say. Warrior is a badass, who I think out intellecualized those two during the interview for the most part.
But I think with both warrior and nash, douchebag, shithead, and bubble gum brains (chick) in both interviews baited kevin and warrior to say something to sound bad, then cut them off without letting them explain themselves. But anyone with half a brain I think can cut through the bullshit to see that fox got owned both times by people with authority and qualifications on the matter.