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Thread: Corporal Punishment

  1. #1
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    Corporal Punishment

    Guys, just curious on your thoughts around corporal punishment. How did you parents punish you? You ever get a spanking, the belt, hickory switch?

    Anybody with kids believe in corporal punishment today?

    I have to say I had the odd smack on the ass as a kid, I don't htink it hurt me and if anything taught me to behave. My sisters parent the same way our parents did really. Nothing abusive (IMO), just the odd spank.

    I know there are lots of differing opinions on 'time-outs' really work?

  2. #2
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    Definately believe in it... Time out works for little stuff...but the spanking helps when things keep happening and time out just isn't enough.

  3. #3
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    There is a fin line between punishment and abuse. As a parent you need to find the boundaries before you react.

    you have to also be careful not to be mentally abusive.

  4. #4
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    I enjoy abusing children

    just kidding, but I think it works.

    Dr PHil is a puzzy who says it doesnt do anything and is only an act of anger on our part......well if little johnny keeps running towards the road with his ball over and over, maybe he needs an ass whoopin before he turns into that little kid on Pet Cemetary that eats the grill of a semi. I guess im thinking about kids in the 3-6 year range. Probably doesnt do much good when they are 16, other than make them hate you.
    Last edited by Diary of a Mad-man; 06-03-2008 at 11:53 AM.

  5. #5
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    Im 100% for corporal punishment and I think it should also be brought back into schools. There is a popular term being used in the UK as "Broken Britain", and it's used to describe the rising problem in crime perpatrated by feral youths in their teens, drink and disordely, theft and often murder. Political Correctness has created these little monsters running around and doing what they want because we are not allowed to punish them. A 10 year old child can have his/her parents arrested if he is spanked. Im sorry but political correctness creates MORE anarchy, it does not stop it.

  6. #6
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    I had to bite into bars of soap a lot.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Im 100% for corporal punishment and I think it should also be brought back into schools. There is a popular term being used in the UK as "Broken Britain", and it's used to describe the rising problem in crime perpatrated by feral youths in their teens, drink and disordely, theft and often murder. Political Correctness has created these little monsters running around and doing what they want because we are not allowed to punish them. A 10 year old child can have his/her parents arrested if he is spanked. Im sorry but political correctness creates MORE anarchy, it does not stop it.
    I dont agree with it in school. I wouldnt want someone else putting their hands on my kid if i had one. Also do you really think you would take at age 16 some teacher paddling you. I would have cracked him back

  8. #8
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    i believe in it, and i do it, but it is very limited, and that's with my kids and my grand kids.

    As for bringing it back to the school??? no way in hell, people in the school system are all morally corrupt, the saying "those that can do, and those that can't teach" is alive and well..

    I will not empower Child molesters and liberals to inflict their judgment of correct behavior on my children..

    Now, just like no one would allow their 8 yr old to spend the night with Michael Jackson, why would you allow your children to be taught that it's ok for that type of behavior, and that the values of their parents is wrong, and that only the school and teachers have their best interest in mind..

    Yes, my wife home schools now, my 1st 2 children went through the daycare system (public school) not the 3rd..
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  9. #9
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    yeah, i don't think spanking a 16-yo is gonna do a lot of good - maybe taking away the car keys lol

    i agree that our society has changed since i was in grade school. at that time, getting the strap was acceptable and used as a form of punishment. i think kids were 'better' then and not as bad of punks. i agree that political correctness has changed things. i do believe that up-front discipline causes less trouble later.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I dont agree with it in school. I wouldnt want someone else putting their hands on my kid if i had one. Also do you really think you would take at age 16 some teacher paddling you. I would have cracked him back

    I don't know how it is in America, but the generation of my parents and their parents and their parents before hand had corporal punishment in school and the youths of their time were noway near what the youths of today are. Kids today are not afraid of teachers, not afraid of adults and not afraid of the police. They run rampant, terrorising people, in many cases people have been kicked or stabbed to death by these little bastards. And it's all because they have NOT been taught how to respect their elders from an early age. It sounds like an old cliche but it really is apt, kids today DO NOT respect their elders or anyone for that matter.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I don't know how it is in America, but the generation of my parents and their parents and their parents before hand had corporal punishment in school and the youths of their time were noway near what the youths of today are. Kids today are not afraid of teachers, not afraid of adults and not afraid of the police. They run rampant, terrorising people, in many cases people have been kicked or stabbed to death by these little bastards. And it's all because they have NOT been taught how to respect their elders from an early age. It sounds like an old cliche but it really is apt, kids today DO NOT respect their elders or anyone for that matter.
    i think you earn respect. Adults included. Alot of teachers and adults dont earn it. You dont jsut get respect because your older. But i do agree most kids are way out of line

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I don't know how it is in America, but the generation of my parents and their parents and their parents before hand had corporal punishment in school and the youths of their time were noway near what the youths of today are. Kids today are not afraid of teachers, not afraid of adults and not afraid of the police. They run rampant, terrorising people, in many cases people have been kicked or stabbed to death by these little bastards. And it's all because they have NOT been taught how to respect their elders from an early age. It sounds like an old cliche but it really is apt, kids today DO NOT respect their elders or anyone for that matter.
    I agree to a point, however statistics hold out that it may not be all because of corporal punishment, or the lack there of..

    many would say it is due to the higher welfare state that many raise their children in, the public school as a whole.. the introduction of crack in the early 80's, single mothers, the falling away of families where the grandparents are not able to care for the children as daycare, there are just too many unknows..

    also, the accepted "culture" that seems to be rampant in the urban areas.. tv, mtv, rap music that degrades human life and women's rights..

    now i have a headache.. thanks..
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  13. #13
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    I was never punished with any type of striking. And I turned out pretty darn decent but sometimes I begged my mother to beat the hell out of me instead of all of the yelling. I think you just need to be level headed about punishing a child, obviously respect for their parents must be learned at a very early age.

  14. #14
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    You're out of your mind if you think that I would trust some power crazed underpaid teacher to discipline my child. High school was not that many years ago for me, as I'm still in college and I can remember vividly the power trip that MANY MANY teachers were on. These people are paid crumbs, $30,000-$60,000 a year, and have at the minimum (in NJ) Masters degrees. That means they are highly educated with graduate degrees, and get paid very little. Many of them have some sort of inferiority complex, or other mental issue, and seem to rather enjoy the "power" that they have over children/young adults. We cannot even trust police officers who are actually trained extensively in corrections and enforcement of the law to not abuse their power. You think that I am going to trust the physical discipline of my child to someone who spent 6 years majoring in English&Math? No fu*in way. If a teacher EVER layed a hand on my child, I would lay them on the ground.

    As far as parents punishing their children with mild violence, I do not know where I stand because I am obviously not a parent yet. So I will not comment in an area with which I have no experience, and I will not even attempt to speculate on what I would support or not. In anycase, I stand completely opposed to anyone other than parents performing this type of discipline to a child.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i think you earn respect. Adults included. Alot of teachers and adults dont earn it. You dont jsut get respect because your older. But i do agree most kids are way out of line
    Excellent remark Gixxer...I have said this many times. Like I mentioned previously, high school was not that long ago for me. I often had it out with teachers who held themselves on a pedestool and expected me to bow at their feet for no reason other then that they were teachers. I believe that respect is earned no matter what your age, title, or income level. No one is entitled to automatically earning respect. A persons character, conduct, and treatment of others is how one measures the respect for another person.

  16. #16
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    Remember that video where the kid slaps his mother?
    He doesn't respect her. How can you respect someone who doesn't stand up for themselves. Whereas if you don't stand up for yourself, then you don't stand for anything. So you aren't acknowledged as a human being. Pretty simple.

    So a good smack back to that child says, "Yeah I have feelings, I AM a person who demands better." This means respect!

    A good spank on the ass is fine. But not to damage, only to send a message of "Wapow! I CAN hurt you.. buuuuut I won't.."

    Seriously though, discipline is in order otherwise they expect no consequences, and may do worse in the future. I mean sh!t, the kid SLAPPED his mother across the face. She does nothing back, so the kid thinks he gets away with it.

    there IS a line, but I don't think its so thin, it's pretty obvious. You don't hit across the face, or with a friggin bat or anything...

    It's common sense

    I got the coat-hanger, a paddle, a belt. lol I had it coming!
    Even I say I appreciate it when I look back
    Full grown WOMEN like being paddled... have mercy

    Really, only a spankin on the butt is legit in my book.
    Last edited by SnaX; 06-03-2008 at 01:43 PM.

  17. #17
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    i am in agreement w/ corporal punishment by my own hand to my own kid... noone else has the right to lay a hand on him tho... (unless its momma, or gparents but that still a shady spot) i think that the one who raises the child has the right to spank... but there is a fine line between correct punishment and abuse *which as already been said* and there has to be respect there.... if no respect then it could get ugly, but w/ respect the corporal punishment is minimal...

    and btw i hate eating soap... gah! lol

  18. #18
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    I got spanked as a kid and it worked fine for me. My younger sibling never got spanked and now runs wild and can't be controlled. I am all for spanking children.

  19. #19
    I'm all for it. Bring back the cane in schools!
    In legislative practice bring back the death penalty, a life for a life.
    Thiefs? why not adapt a bit of sharia law and cut their fvcking hand off! You rape someone, kiss good buy to your pecker too!
    These are just a few things that could help straighten a few lawless kids out, knowing that if they fvck about the system will beat them!

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    i am in agreement w/ corporal punishment by my own hand to my own kid... noone else has the right to lay a hand on him tho... (unless its momma, or gparents but that still a shady spot) i think that the one who raises the child has the right to spank... but there is a fine line between correct punishment and abuse *which as already been said* and there has to be respect there.... if no respect then it could get ugly, but w/ respect the corporal punishment is minimal...

    and btw i hate eating soap... gah! lol
    This is a good point but exactly the reason why kids are so lawless and disrespectful today.

  21. #21
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    Here is my philosophy...

    many things are warranted for the benefit of your child in the future... All of us react to pain, no if ands or buts.... you lose your job, you don't have money, you feel pain in one way or another plain and simple... a kid burns the yard down because they think it is cool and almost the house with it... you discipline them because they react to the pain...they wouldn't have felt the pain of losing the house because they are too young...but the spanking causes them to understand that their are reprecussions for their actions..hence they make better decisions later in life because they understand they don't want to feel one fashion or another... in fact we all continously make changes because of a painful choice we made at different times.

    many kids can't understand this logic.... you cant talk a kid into understanding that fire hurts.... so they get close and put there hand on it and OUCHY! guess what? they won't do that again... it is very similar in many different disiplinary things.. abuse is very real and out there and there is a big difference... but, teaching your children that there are consequences that result in pain that they don't want to welcome is a very good thing... then as they mature the lessons you teach them change and the manner of discipline needs to also.. etc..

    cool lounge topic, btw

  22. #22
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    kids shouldnt get hit to be hurt, it should just be to emphasize a lesson

  23. #23
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    I have no problem with it. But I would not let a teacher do it. I got 'pops' in Jr High all the time from a power hungry gym coach. I also think after a certain age it is more humiliating than it is effective punishment. That being said the last thing I am going to do is try to reason or argue with a 5 year old kid.

  24. #24
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    I was hit when i was in school by my teacher. My parents went to he school and all most kicked her ass. She also got fired with no pension, suck to be her.

    But as for anyone hitting on my wife dog or kid i dont think so.

    I do agree with the comments above with all people need to earn respect to gain respect. This includes family members as well.

  25. #25
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    My dad gave the occasional spank or belt or wooden spoon, or just pinned me to the floor. During the winters though I would have to strip down to my shorts and sit outside, he called it cooling down. A girl I hang out with her dad is a bodybuilder and so is she. In her teenage years is she got in trouble for drinking or being out to late her dad would get her up at 6am the next morning and take her to work legs.

  26. #26
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    If the kid grows up thinking that physical force is normal and ok, then he's probably gonna use it on other kids.

    IMHO, if the adult is upset or emotional whatsoever, then no, physical force is a particularly bad idea.

    I know that spanking is a quick and easy thing to do, but it would be much better for everybody concerned if the adults learned better parenting techniques.

  27. #27
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    I think, I may be wrong, that Goose is into a different type of corporal punishment.

  28. #28
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    I got it. I have five kids and they all got it. Within reason it is totally OK IMO !!

  29. #29
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    I got the corner with my hands raised for hours, or the coat hangers to my hands. Old school punishment right there.

  30. #30
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    no wayyyyyyy should it be aloud in school...

    When I was a kid, like 2-4 maybe up to 6. I got the wooden spoon on my bare ass. It only stung to a very small degree. But being the really smart feller that I am, I faked pain, so my mom thought that I hated the spoon, when in reality I didnt feel a thing.

    My parents are kind of like bad cop worse cop. My dad rules by shier intimidation, he once killed chuck norris with his bear hands.. He has never layed a finger on me. When he is in the room, "you step the **** down". Their is just no misbehaving in a presense like that. Mom on the other hand, has a face slap that is kind of annoying but gets the job done, she is more of the enforcer in a way. IF I get out of line, i get slapped.....But i usually dont get out of line these days being 22 years old.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator View Post
    My dad gave the occasional spank or belt or wooden spoon, or just pinned me to the floor. During the winters though I would have to strip down to my shorts and sit outside, he called it cooling down. A girl I hang out with her dad is a bodybuilder and so is she. In her teenage years is she got in trouble for drinking or being out to late her dad would get her up at 6am the next morning and take her to work legs.


  32. #32
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    feel free to discuss corporal punishment on a societal basis. i know that in several southeast asian countries, they have corporal punishment and VERY low crime rates. apparently people think the idea of being caned in public is worth not breaking the law for. i sometimes think it would help here as a deterrent.

  33. #33
    sometimes punishment is nessesary. but it can be done too often. at this point its the responsibility of the parents to realise that they have to work with the kid rather than spanking his butt every night..

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