My protein farts have gone too far.
I was shopping at a store and I went to the changing room to try them on. I went to the changing room and it was very small. I had to fart and I was all alone in the room so I thought I would let it rip.
Man I let one go, it felt so good. If fact as it came out I even had to let out a little giggle cause it was so loud and felt so good.
Then the smell hit me. Protein fart smell the worse. My eyes even watered.
Then a guy came in and used the changing stall next to me. I heard him say "FVCK". I then I could here him breathing heavily like he was holding his nose.
Then another guy came in with his kid. The little kid was like "Daddy, what is that smell?"
Then another guy came in and immediately said "Jesus Christ! This is a changing room, who took a shit in here?"
So then I had to wait for them all to leave.
What the fvck is wrong with my diet. I just thought my wife and kids were big complainers!