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Thread: discussing steroid use with friends, family, relationship partners....

  1. #1

    discussing steroid use with friends, family, relationship partners....

    ok, so here's a question. How are you all dealing with using steroids and discussing it with others?

    I don't mind some of my close friends knowing, but i have to be careful because of my profession and my professional path in life.

    question is, if you just meet someone (i'll say female since most of us on here are guys) and you start dating. what if she asks you about steroids because she knows you are super involved in competitive bodybuilding?

    it's wrong to lie, and i hate basing a relationship on lies, but if you arent close enough to trust her with that info yet, you have to lie to her, correct? then there is the thought of reprocussions later when you come clean with her.

    With family. do most of you tell your family? i would assume most people have parents that would of course be "disappointed" in them if they found out.

    thoughts please

  2. #2
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    I am very selective. Family no, friends...only the ones who use themselves, girls....depends on the girl, the two im dating right now both use, so yes. If its a naive girl, I just tell b.s. my way through it leaving it vague and open for later down the road.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    I don't tell anyone, only the guys I was in the same room with when we all decided juicing was a good idea at the same time over some beers.

  5. #5
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    Close wife close friends and my brother. I just let the other think what ever they want.

    After a while you get to a point were people just know.

  6. #6
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    is ti wrong people dont ask me they just assume...i never get asked, they just ask me what i take....

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB View Post
    is ti wrong people dont ask me they just assume...i never get asked, they just ask me what i take....
    LOL....*Buff ducks to dodge webbs head getting bigger* I change my answer to webbs.

  8. #8
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    i just tried telling my girl today that im considering it...didnt go too well lol

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    i just tried telling my girl today that im considering it...didnt go too well lol
    Women take birth control pills and it is common place for menopause women to take progesterone.

  10. #10
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    No, one knows for sure, wife thinks they are supplements, and that's what she wants to believe..

    brother knows as he is on HRT, and we can discuss many things.. like GH..

    but friends and family?? no..

    let me ask you something.. do you discuss with friends and family how often you masturbate?? what you fantasize about??

    exactly, it's none of their business..

    good luck..
    The answer to your every question


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  11. #11
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    I'm contemplating telling my girlfriend. I don't like hiding it from her, plus I think she knows considering how I act when I hear anti-steroid propaganda on TV and in the media. There's also, of course, the way I look that might give it away. Other than her, everbody just assumes and I don't care.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    No, one knows for sure, wife thinks they are supplements, and that's what she wants to believe..

    brother knows as he is on HRT, and we can discuss many things.. like GH..

    but friends and family?? no..

    let me ask you something.. do you discuss with friends and family how often you masturbate?? what you fantasize about??

    exactly, it's none of their business..

    good luck..
    Oh yes the good old flex wheeler interview

  13. #13
    hmmm... i do not discuss at all .....

    At only 230 i dont get the finger pointed that often...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    i just tried telling my girl today that im considering it...didnt go too well lol
    haha ditto

  15. #15
    my girl assumes ...

  16. #16
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    my partner is a nurse..does my glute injections for me, and sometimes my delts if im too lazy to do it myself.

    safe, sterile, clean injections....

    and only my CLOSEST friends..... (2 people i trust)

    thing is, telling a partner - the minute you have an argument or fight or you're in a pissy mood/having a bad day.... the first thing that will come up "must be the juice, it's the roids!"

    a friend of mine told his gf. every few days, SHE was being a bitch, but that's cuz HE was on was all his fault.

    she is a psycho.

  17. #17
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    Don't say anything.
    It's your personal business.
    It's not a big deal. They are just steroids. Nothing special.
    So why talk about it?

  18. #18
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    My close friends know, and my Dad does. My father and I are pretty tight and when I lived in Florida and put on 30lbs of muscle really quick he kinda figured something was up. I don't lie to him so.... Most of the time people just assume, but I dont care...
    Great post though bro!!!

  19. #19
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    ve jay jay land
    Most families and friends will have a very, very bad reaction and don't want to hear facts or nothing about aas, I say hell no, the less who know the better.

  20. #20
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    ok, so here's a question. How are you all dealing with using steroids and discussing it with others?

    I don't mind some of my close friends knowing, but i have to be careful because of my profession and my professional path in life.

    question is, if you just meet someone (i'll say female since most of us on here are guys) and you start dating. what if she asks you about steroids because she knows you are super involved in competitive bodybuilding?

    it's wrong to lie, and i hate basing a relationship on lies, but if you arent close enough to trust her with that info yet, you have to lie to her, correct? then there is the thought of reprocussions later when you come clean with her.

    With family. do most of you tell your family? i would assume most people have parents that would of course be "disappointed" in them if they found out.

    thoughts please
    I speak openly with my family about it and they're OK with it.

    As far as dating. If someone I'm dating asks questions about it, I answer honestly. Steroids can be used safely and he should research before considering it. If they ask me if I use them it depends how close we are how I respond. I'll either tell them that it's illegal, how could they ask me something like that. Or I'll answer honestly. It depends how much I trust them.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  21. #21
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB View Post
    is ti wrong people dont ask me they just assume...i never get asked, they just ask me what i take....
    Yeah they're the same way at my job. They just assumed.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  22. #22
    inky-e's Avatar
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    My wife and kids know, and a couple of my associates have known. From past experience I have realized that people generally are clueless about gear and they make assumptions and also gossip. So even if I'm ON gear at the time I won't disclose to anyone other than my immediate family.

  23. #23
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    in a situation where a girl asks about it cuz you are big and into bodybuilding, and you dont want to lie. i would tell her, yes i do them. but i have a prescription from my doc. its a half lie. not so bad. hahah

  24. #24
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    in 1 person in my family has ever asked. I told them the truth. Most of my friends do stuff too so its no secret. I really dont hide it from anyone

  25. #25
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    My wife knows. I told her before I did my first cycle. But we havent discussed it since then and she hasn't seen me inject. Its kind of one of those topics she doesn't want to talk about much. As long as I am open with her then she is cool with it.
    My brother knows. Those are the only two people who know.
    I have had friends drop hints though. I recently had one say 'You know I would take steroids if they werent illegal, but I dont know how to get them.' I didnt say anything.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    in a situation where a girl asks about it cuz you are big and into bodybuilding, and you dont want to lie. i would tell her, yes i do them. but i have a prescription from my doc. its a half lie. not so bad. hahah
    haha, news is i actually DO have a prescription. lol

    I have to be careful with who i tell. I evade the question as much as possible without lying to people. I say stuff like "do you think i'd be this calm al the time if i was on steroids" or "wouldn't i be like 250lbs". Things that make them say "ya, that's true" but i don't answer a solid no. My greatest line is "do you honestly think i would do something like that". Because of my profession most people would be like "ya, you're right, that would be pretty stupid".

    i definately am afraid of my parents. They are both doctors and really controlling. I'm well enough on my own, but i don't want to lose face with them. They've opened a lot of doors and i don't want them to turn from me when i'm about to need them the most to advance my career.

    my dad asked me after my first competition. he said "you're not taking steroids or anything" and i could honestly answer no because i wasn't on them. I see his point though, i put on almost 40lbs in less than a year. Awsome diet and a super hard coach worked great for me. It also helped that the competition was natural so i had to take a drug test. That kind of proved a point along with my answer. So maybe from now on they'll just assume i can bust my ass and keep putting that kind of weight on. lol

    I told my coach, 1 of my best friends, and a trainer that i've known for quite some time and can trust. The trainer has used before and he was a very good bodybuilder. He helps me out wiht some questions and asked me how things were going when I was on. I like him knowing because he lets me know what to expect on some things and looks out for me.

  27. #27
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    If you are pulling a caper, whether it's tax-evasion, robbing a bank, kidnapping a diplomat, embezzling the pension fund at work, or just good old-fashioned murder... never, ever, ever tell a woman!

    Girlfriends become ex-girlfriends. Wives become ex-wives. Many of them have an axe to grind.


  28. #28
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    Just my wife and my trainer know... Wife does my glute shots... I think she gets off on it....

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim View Post


    If you are pulling a caper, whether it's tax-evasion, robbing a bank, kidnapping a diplomat, embezzling the pension fund at work, or just good old-fashioned murder... never, ever, ever tell a woman!

    Girlfriends become ex-girlfriends. Wives become ex-wives. Many of them have an axe to grind.

    words of wisdom

  30. #30
    Wife knows no big deal. As long as you educate her the good benefits and the misunderstanding of steroid use.

  31. #31
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    i told my ex-fiance. then i found out after we broke up that she had blabbed to all her friends. so after that... i dont tell a soul. but my friends and family ask about it though.

  32. #32
    Iver never told my family and never will. The only friends that know have done it or are interested. My girlfriend of 2 years knows.. she helps me with it. its comforting to know that she isn't going to stumble apon a bunch of pins and think im a junkie or something. I know guys that dont tell the woman they live with and just dont understand how they can be comfortable with that.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    I'm contemplating telling my girlfriend. I don't like hiding it from her, plus I think she knows considering how I act when I hear anti-steroid propaganda on TV and in the media.
    Yeah this and the fact that you lock the bedroom door the same time every week. HA!

    'Honey...what are you doing in there? Why can't I come in?'

    'Dammit women! I'm trying to concentrate!'

  34. #34
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    The wife and kids know that I juice occasionally ..... the wife did my first few injections. Nowadays I just don't do it in their faces. I go out of their way and make sure no one can walk in on me!!

  35. #35
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    It's so common where I am that you talk about juicing in the same convo that involves weed and beer. Atleast half the people who go to the gym in town eventually end up taking something.

  36. #36
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    just family and close friends who also juice...but everyone assumes I do...

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N. View Post
    Yeah this and the fact that you lock the bedroom door the same time every week. HA!

    'Honey...what are you doing in there? Why can't I come in?'

    'Dammit women! I'm trying to concentrate!'
    ...every day.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    Yeah they're the same way at my job. They just assumed.
    Yeah I remember that thread you made a while back about that asshole who said "steroids".. about you.
    I was pretty pissed to hear about that.

    Have you had trouble with that guy since?

  39. #39
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    I was told my b/f would break up with me if i started(he doesn't know my past). I have a lot of educating to do

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim View Post


    If you are pulling a caper, whether it's tax-evasion, robbing a bank, kidnapping a diplomat, embezzling the pension fund at work, or just good old-fashioned murder... never, ever, ever tell a woman!

    Girlfriends become ex-girlfriends. Wives become ex-wives. Many of them have an axe to grind.

    Got it, you wouldn't tell a girlfriend, but you would tell a boyfriend?

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