So why did you guys start to juice? Do you wish you never did?
Sorry about the dumb questions just want to no what you have to say
So why did you guys start to juice? Do you wish you never did?
Sorry about the dumb questions just want to no what you have to say
the reason i started was for girls.. but now its just for pure self gradification. no i dont regret it.
Maybe when you get older, what age you start Nate?
How old are you?
19 but i dont take roids
here is the thing bro.. if i would have started without being educated about it then yes i would regret it. but when you reach the right age and you have the knowledge to cycle then aas usuage can be safe and benifical. i am 21 bro. i have been researching aas for around 2 years bro. i didnt start using aas untill i was 20. i with knowing what i know now i prolly would have waited a few more years but i jumped into with the knowledge to do it safely.
so i quess the only thing i regret is starting at such a young age..
Dont you wish that you did it all natural and had a good diet?
Nate bro whats you stats now?
hahha i started when at 18 i dont regret it . my goal is to BB mabey go pro idk yet
well ive read alot if your bones are fused.
the main reason guys here tell you to wait is alot of younger guys have bad training and diet but that doesnt include everyone.
Ive gotten really far myself. I just choose to not cycle yet for other reasons.
This summer ill get my bones checked up.
Personally your first cycle will be one of the best gains, do it right and eat big. This one dont worry about staying lean.
Diet is huge man get that down. And if you do pct you'll be fine.
how long have you been training.
They say if your under 21 but i know kids who have been training since they were 16 and got better and diet and haven't missed a workout in years by the time they are 19. If you just started you should wait atleast 2 years.
Learn to get results naturally which you can cause test is high at 19. Then cycle and youll get further.
I was a late bloomer and always had an interest in AAS. When I wrestled in school I was always the lightest weight class. Not only that, I was usually 15 pounds lighter than the lowest weight class making me the smallest of the small.
By the time I got to college I was 5'10" tall and weighed in at 122lbs. This was after a massive growth spurt. LOL.
This was twenty years ago and I did not have the internet or this site to learn from. I started doing test based on my friends experience. I think everything that was given to me was fake, which looking back is probably the best thing that could have happened. I remember leaving for vacation and my buddy thought it would be a good idea to give me everything I would have taken while I was away and he filled two pins nearly full. I do not remember how much it was, but I think he put about 5 cc's of cooking oil in my arse that day.
Do I regret it? Yes.
Not because anything bad happened to me, but because I was doing something very stupid without any knowledge of whether it could kill me or not.
I am now 38 years old. I have now read enough and spend time learning enough to feel more confident in my decision to use AAS. Is is still dangerous? It most certainly could be. But now if something goes wrong, I feel I at least took the time to learn the risks without just blindly jumping into it.
Although I could have reached my physical goals naturally, test gives me a feeling that goes beyond my shape. I have done a few cycles in my old age and will probably do a few more.
Looking back I probably got into it because of my insecurity about my size. Now it is the a means to help me feel young again. As you get older you slowly forget what it is like to feel young. When you take test, you have a reminder of something you did not even know you had forgotten. This may not be the same for anyone else, but as much as I like the increase in libido, there is more to it than just that and gaining muscle. It taps into something much deeper that is difficult to explain.
Oh, and now I am 190LBS and quite lean.
I was under the impression it would make my manhood grow....i was wrong![]()
i was a fat kid until i was 20 or so ( up to about 280lbs 6'2") i caried it well,
i started getting healthier losing weight, started training mma and got in good shape.
got a shoulder injury and stopped training, ate take out every day for a few years.
been lifting again 4 times a week or so for the past year and was getting frustrated that lifting isnt making me as big as i was when i was training.
( which might all be bs, because i never think i'm big enough )
always wanted to be big, always was into biology and genetic manipulation ( like every geeky comic book kid,, cmon MUTANTS ! lol superhero's etc )
so here i am ,
about to start a cycle, always trying to be bigger
can't wit to see the new hulk movie !
Last edited by thecivilizedanimal; 06-06-2008 at 06:31 AM.
i reached a platue on my weight, i had access to it. so i did it. i researched it first. i learned all i could before taking the first shot. and no i dont regret it. i cant wait to do another cycle now.
I started in my 40's as a result of significant weight loss, I didn't want loose skin so I started juicing to help me build the muscle necessary to fill in those trouble areas. It worked out ok.
I wanted to do ballerina like Arnold in Pumping Iron but felt i couldn't till i did steroids.
i started cuz i didn't want to be a little i decided to be a big
to look like brad pitt in fight clubjk
i dont regret it one bit
I started because I was the typical hollywood nerd i.e pimples, glasses, hunched back, low self esteem e.t.c Then when I finished being a teen I thought "f*** this" and took a different direction in life and began bodybuilding and roid munching and now those bullies and jocks shit their pants. I don't regret ever taking anything that will help me grow.
to increase my bicep size and benchpress max so I can pick up chicks......Havent started them yet, but thats why I will.
I will start AAS to get my balls bigger...Why the hell it matters? Read up on AAS and then decide ur self. I gather that u r a new member start reading I joined in 2005 and didnt start posting till March of this year. Lately All these stupid question been asked. Does people regret it? its like every decision you make and most of them by your own choice. Not getting mad at you but ask a good question and believe me people will go to the end to help you they did for me.
Arent you the one whoo wanted to do a questionnaire for the research in Question Answer section? You couldnt get the answers to u start asking them here....WTF?
NATE0406.....u look good bro even without guns in ur
Last edited by calgarian; 06-06-2008 at 09:03 AM.
aright guys....I think the word bro is being overused just a little in this thread?
Carlos said i had a dumpy assand he would not be with me if i looked like that.
I started so that I could win a stripping contest at a gay nightclub, maybe you have seen me on the mtv true life special
Mr.Clean, it seems like you were giving Nate a bit o Shit????? Not cool if you were BRO!!!!
And as for me I do them because I want to. I don't care what anyone thinks and could care less about everyones opinions but my own. I am really curious though about the tone you seemed to have with Nate though. Are you looking down on us because we juice?? If I got the wrong impression sorry dude, but if I hit the nail on the head?????
bring that thing over here, ill make it grow for you....bwhahaha
i started while i was in my first year of trade school cause i wanted to lose weight and i had dieted down from 270 to 200 all clean so i wanted to add be honest i do kinda regret parts of it from time to time, i know i will never stop working out and sometimes i know it would be sooo much easier to be fat and lazy and that would be nice, but then i think about how good i feel and look so i usually dont regret it for long...
they are a huge personallity feel better about the way you look, you in turn get iuncreased conifidence which changes the way you carry yourself and act...
When in Rome...
I guess so,,but wtf is a roid munching?? I do agree it gives you confidence, but I also believe deep down inside your true personality remains.. Nothing wrong with being a nerd, but a few cycles is not going to make you a instant chick magnet if you still wear star wars underwear!!!!!
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