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Thread: Does make-up become less attractive the older you get?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    New Joisey

    Does make-up become less attractive the older you get?

    I guess this is a question for the older gents.

    But I noticed recently when I'm talking or w/e to women that make up has become like an instant turn off for me.
    I always use to find it attractive, but last 3 girls I've been with wore no make up at all.
    Its like this weird urge I get that I just find attractive, in a way it seems like women who wear make up are covering up their true femininity with a sharpie or something. Like if I could paint my dick transparent, it doesn't matter if you can see it or not, but w/e you're looking at just isn't real.

    Anyone else get turned off by this? Sorry I had a couple drinks tonight and just noticed this.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 06-06-2008 at 10:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I prefer the natural look, but most wild sluts wear a ton of makeup so I guess it goes both ways!!!!!

  3. #3
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    Yeh don't get me wrong I completely use to find the porn star look hot.
    But if shes standing next to a girl w/out make up, who's even a bit less g/lookn, I go for the natural chick because I keep thinking what the girl with the make up looks like natural.

    Its really weird but I feel like I'm being deceived or some shit.

  4. #4
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    May 2002
    Yea I'm 100% with ya... Ever wake up to a girl in the morning and be like ahhhh..Makeup and a few drinks can do wonders..I know we have all been down that road!! I have banged a few hotties in my day and got cold feet the next morning after seeing a blemish or a wrinkle as we woke up..I would always pretend my friend was in a minor car accident and had to pick him up!! Sick I know, but who wants to have breakfast with a butterface{every thing is hot but-her-face}
    Last edited by kman; 06-06-2008 at 10:55 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kman View Post
    Yea I'm 100% with ya... Ever wake up to a girl in the morning and be like ahhhh..Makeup and a few drinks can do wonders..I know we have all been down that road!! I have banged a few hotties in my day and got cold feet the next morning after seeing a blemish or a wrinkle as we woke up..I would always pretend my friend was in a minor car accident and had to pick him up!! Sick I know, but who wants to have breakfast with a butterface{every thing is hot but-her-face}
    I didn't want to bring up the waking up in the morning thing but OMG. Thats the most degrading feeling in the world.
    If you make a girls face messy, ( to keep it "clean") than pass out, chances are she will go to the bathroom to wash her face, than you wake up the next morning and don't want to even say a word to her.

    Last time this happened the girl was casually asking "do you want to hangout again?"
    I was so freaked out because she had washed her face off that I literally couldn't even speak to her. She looked like a totally different person. Make up is just like the ultimate recipe for buyers remorse imo.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    lol buyers remorse. I like natty. You know what you're getting.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i like it. I agree it can cover up some scary things. But if she is naturally hot and knows how to do her make up. WOW

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i like it. I agree it can cover up some scary things. But if she is naturally hot and knows how to do her make up. WOW
    Yeh, thats my problem. Some women are sooo good at doing make up that they literally paint a new face on, match their skin tones, and its not so easy (at least for me) to realize they have 5 lbs of make up on.

    Its the ones who go crazy with the darker contrasts like dark eyeliner, lipstick, when we think they have a lot of make up on but in reality they're using colors with a higher contrast.
    Some chicks know how to use 5lbs of subtle contrasts, and its virtually impossible to know how much they really have on.

    Maybe some guys are better, but I just can't tell. When someones wearing a well designed mask even an expert can mistake it for a real face.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Yeh, thats my problem. Some women are sooo good at doing make up that they literally paint a new face on, match their skin tones, and its not so easy (at least for me) to realize they have 5 lbs of make up on.

    Its the ones who go crazy with the darker contrasts like dark eyeliner, lipstick, when we think they have a lot of make up on but in reality they're using colors with a higher contrast.
    Some chicks know how to use 5lbs of subtle contrasts, and its virtually impossible to know how much they really have on.

    Maybe some guys are better, but I just can't tell. When someones wearing a well designed mask even an expert can mistake it for a real face.
    when you go to kiss her touch her face and gently scrap with your fingernail. If there is a 1/4 inch hole where you scrapped off make up you know.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    when you go to kiss her touch her face and gently scrap with your fingernail. If there is a 1/4 inch hole where you scrapped off make up you know.
    LMAO! I was actually thinking the same exact thing, but a way of doing it accidentally.
    Like "OMG! You have a spider on your face!" Than flicking it with my finger and checking for residue.

    The scary part is I can actually see myself doing this.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    LMAO! I was actually thinking the same exact thing, but a way of doing it accidentally.
    Like "OMG! You have a spider on your face!" Than flicking it with my finger and checking for residue.

    The scary part is I can actually see myself doing this.
    if anyone would do it it would be you. I want to hear how it goes.

  12. #12
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    lol, not going out for a few hours but will def chime in afterwards.

    Going to be interesting looking for clowns in a crowd, not my usual thing but sure it'll be fun. (I know thats a joker but close enough )

  13. #13
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    if u start liking people for who they are.... instead of just some sort of exotic lust thingymagig... Maybe its not the make up thats going... but your sex drive hehehe .. :-p
    Bojangelos no one-itis on no make up alright... Love em all the same, no matter what.

  14. #14
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    If they use make uo the right way it looks nice. But 95% of women have no clue what there doing with it. They think its like finger painting.

  15. #15
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    My ex gurl looked so much prettier without make up, She knew how to put her make up on and she was very attractive with make up. However when i saw her after she took off make up, it always turned me on. At time i would just beg her to not put any at all. I think if they just groom them selves ( hair straightened, eye brows tames e.t.c) that's hotter. Ofcourse that's for gurl's you wanna take home and keep. otherwise backdoor sluts well, the more the make up the merrier lol...

  16. #16
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    My BF prefers me with a tan and no makeup. Suits me just fine, I'm a florida girl so I'm not much into make up anyway.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    If they use make uo the right way it looks nice. But 95% of women have no clue what there doing with it. They think its like finger painting.
    Truer words have never been uttered

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    if u start liking people for who they are.... instead of just some sort of exotic lust thingymagig... Maybe its not the make up thats going... but your sex drive hehehe .. :-p
    Bojangelos no one-itis on no make up alright... Love em all the same, no matter what.
    Problem here is it takes about 5 lifetimes to know someone. By that time your both dead and "thingymagig's" is your last resort.

    And I'd love them all the same if they *were all the same lol.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    If they use make uo the right way it looks nice. But 95% of women have no clue what there doing with it. They think its like finger painting.
    I hate to point this out, but any women who saw Drew Barrymores last commercial knows this isn't true.. and the shits everywhere.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    My BF prefers me with a tan and no makeup. Suits me just fine, I'm a florida girl so I'm not much into make up anyway.
    I'd personally tell your BF to prefer w/e the hell you feel like giving him. I'm not a chick but if this situation involves "changing to make your partner happy" I'm not into that mentality at all.
    There IS a give and take, but I always try to make sure I get more than I give, call me selfish. Doesn't matter.

    Tan is hot, but its like a seasonal expecation. When I run into a girl Dec 24th who is pale but hot enough to melt an igloo, that is what I gets me going.
    No matter what time what day or what month your with her, you want to show her shes good anytime of the year. =]

  21. #21
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    And lastly for the record, I didn't do any makeup schmeres.
    Some hot female bartender was trying to get the wrong guy drunk that night.

    And I don't think she still knows what happened... w/e.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    i like makeup but just not caked on.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I like makeup on a woman, caked or not, its men wearing it that bothers me.

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