I was with a group of people a few weeks ago and went to a Cafe Brazil that was loaded with gay people. I mean big time, we were the only straight people around the joint. These were the gayest of gay people too...I believe hey are called "Flamers".
We made it inside and I was looking for some coffee, me and my buddy went to get some and we were standing there waiting to get to the coffee when I hear my buddy say "No, **** you. I ain't no bitch, you're a bitch" and then some gay guy waslking in front of us with his hand up saying "Psst".

I grabbed some coffee and asked about creme and this guy says "I'll give you some cream"....I was like wtf? Shrugged it off and got the hell out of there.
There was a woman cop working there, this was like 3am and I asked if she was punished and sent there, she said it was just part of the job. haha
I am scarred from that place. Why in the hell would anyone say something sexual to a complete stranger? wtf?
Carlos or DMX (whatever your name is)... chime in and tell me these people disgust you.