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Thread: innapropriate comments from strangers...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK

    innapropriate comments from strangers...

    i went into a local bar last night with a friend and his girl for a meal, went through the doors and straight to the bar. Within seconds of standing at the bar, an oldish guy who for the record i have never seen before in my life, approaches me and says

    "how much do you pay for your nandrolone?"

    My response was "What? **** off!"

    And off he scuttled like a rat from a hole.

    For a short while I was annoyed and a little shocked that some random old dude who didnt appear to be at all interested in working out would ask me that, but then i started to feel alittle bad about shouting at him lol.

    Am i right to feel bad?

    Anyone else have stories about innapropriate comments from starngers?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Yeah just run a guilt trip on them for being a jerk, it either works or gets you punched in the face. Either way you make them look like the ace hole.

  3. #3
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    happend to me a few times , i just shrug it off...they are not worthy of a reply

  4. #4
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    i wouldnt have yelled. Makes you look like the bad guy. roid raging on him. I would have made a wise ass comment or said nothing

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Kinda funny actually....

    I was at a party after my band played 5 years ago, and this douche-bag I dont even know walks up to me in front of everyone and says "hey man, I can get some steroids with that creatine in them, you obviously work out or whatever"............and kinda shocked I just said " thanks".

    That is one of the dumbest ****ing things Ive ever heard in my life. I wanted to chew this idiot out or worse, but I didnt want to draw any attention to myself or him. Figured this way I wouldnt have to hear anything else he had to say.

    Hall of shame?
    "hey man, I can get some steroids with that creatine in them, you obviously work out or whatever"...yes....he said that.

  6. #6
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    I would have asked him how much he paid for his hair plugs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Shit man I have strangers come up to me all the time and ask about gear. Its kinda annoying, but what can you do. I usually just raise my eyebrow and walk away.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704 View Post
    i went into a local bar last night with a friend and his girl for a meal, went through the doors and straight to the bar. Within seconds of standing at the bar, an oldish guy who for the record i have never seen before in my life, approaches me and says

    "how much do you pay for your nandrolone?"

    My response was "What? **** off!"

    And off he scuttled like a rat from a hole.

    For a short while I was annoyed and a little shocked that some random old dude who didnt appear to be at all interested in working out would ask me that, but then i started to feel alittle bad about shouting at him lol.

    Am i right to feel bad?

    Anyone else have stories about innapropriate comments from starngers?
    Yeh, will tend to happen more at bars.
    But I'm curious why he said "nandrolone", I can see "test" "juice" or something you'd expect to hear from your average person, but I'm not big enough where people have made comments on my physique.

    Most of the time just the lame "do you work out" comment.

  9. #9
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    dont worry, you shouldn't feel bad.
    Last edited by GT2; 06-07-2008 at 08:56 PM.

  10. #10
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    Last night at my gf's house, her bro was having a party and one of his mates walked into my gf's room without knocking while me n her were in there, and I stormed out slammed him against the wall and told him he has no right to do that, it's an invasion of privacy and has to respect someone else's room. He sh*t himself and walked away then from afar goes "fvckin roid rage"...the ironic thing is i've never even touched gear, what an ignorant fvck

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Good answer!
    I'm tall and people ask me if I play basketball, I say no, do you play miniature golf.

    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    I would have asked him how much he paid for his hair plugs.

  12. #12
    I woulda said, "Whats nandrolone?"

    Think bout it. Basically the only people that know what it is use..

  13. #13
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    The bigger man walks away.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    Good answer!
    I'm tall and people ask me if I play basketball, I say no, do you play miniature golf.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    Good answer!
    I'm tall and people ask me if I play basketball, I say no, do you play miniature golf.
    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    I know this guy that is freakishly tall and gets very annoyed when people ask him if he plays basketball. If they are short he says "No, I do not play basketball. Do you play miniature golf? If they are fat he asks them if they sumo wrestle.

    Do I know you?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by football2007 View Post
    I woulda said, "Whats nandrolone?"

    Think bout it. Basically the only people that know what it is use..
    agreed. play stupid and no one can really hassle you too much.

  17. #17
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    Talk about inappropriate questions, I had some guy ask me if I would him off while he took a dump on a spider monkey playing in a pool of pickle juice..... you just can't walk into Arbys without someone asking you that anymore......

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Talk about inappropriate questions, I had some guy ask me if I would him off while he took a dump on a spider monkey playing in a pool of pickle juice..... you just can't walk into Arbys without someone asking you that anymore......
    that was me dude.

    Anyway, i only replied without any sense of whit or intelligence due to shock lol. I am prepared for the next moron haha.

    I too wondered why he said nandrolone, and not deca, juice, gear whatever, which adds to my feelings that he wasnt actually intending on being a dick

  19. #19
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    You should have said, "Come on man, that would be as stupid as me coming up to you in front of your wife and asking how much do the hookers here cost?, If you want to ask someone a question, ask the bartender for another drink and get please just get the f*ck away from me."
    You did not do anything wrong. He probably did not mean anything by it. But, that does not make what he did appropriate. There are many people that try to make contact with others but usually put their foot in their mouth. They cant help it.

  20. #20
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    I had a fellow co-worker ask me a couple weeks ago if I was taking Roids. I had just started my first ever cycle but only on it for about 3 or 4 weeks.

    I said thank you, that is all. He knows I work out quit a bit because I usually work out at work the last hour or hour and a half at work since no one else is here. I keep a couple sets of dumbbells, exercise ball and pushup grips under my desk.

    Personally I would have just played dumb and said what is that???

    For the kid who had the guy walk in his GF room, you should have chased him down telling him no but now he will see roid rage.... and after scaring the shit out of him again let him know you have not started roids YET but when you do and are 2x as big as you are now you will kick his ass all over again. LOL

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704 View Post
    "how much do you pay for your nandrolone?"

    My response was "What? **** off!"

    And off he scuttled like a rat from a hole.

    I think you misunderstood the poor old man. He was probably a dealer and was going to offer you a huge discount!

  22. #22
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    tell you the truth, you only need to be offended, when you dont get comments. because that means, well....ya.....

    bodybuilding is kind of like being a celeb in a way. if you cant handle the attention and the criticism, you should'nt be doing it. If this stuff bothers you, then maybe the lifestyle isnt for you.

    no need to be a jerk.

  23. #23
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    all you had to do was say? whats nandrolone? is that like the new creatine?

    or just say.....I dont use.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish&Andy View Post
    Last night at my gf's house, her bro was having a party and one of his mates walked into my gf's room without knocking while me n her were in there, and I stormed out slammed him against the wall and told him he has no right to do that, it's an invasion of privacy and has to respect someone else's room. He sh*t himself and walked away then from afar goes "fvckin roid rage"...the ironic thing is i've never even touched gear, what an ignorant fvck
    well did kinda freak out a little

  25. #25
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    He probably had some sweet connection and was gonna hook you up

  26. #26
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    I can only picture his face LOL

  27. #27
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    As far as inappropriate comments go, I was at a club one time and this gay guy approaches me and said he'd pay me 50 bucks to let him blow me! I told him I wasn't gay!.....................................and I wouldn't do it for less than $100!

  28. #28
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    oldie but an goodie..

    "hey man, do you do steroids"

    my response

    "Depends, is your sister's name steroids?? "
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  29. #29
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  30. #30
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    I was with a group of people a few weeks ago and went to a Cafe Brazil that was loaded with gay people. I mean big time, we were the only straight people around the joint. These were the gayest of gay people too...I believe hey are called "Flamers".

    We made it inside and I was looking for some coffee, me and my buddy went to get some and we were standing there waiting to get to the coffee when I hear my buddy say "No, **** you. I ain't no bitch, you're a bitch" and then some gay guy waslking in front of us with his hand up saying "Psst". I grabbed some coffee and asked about creme and this guy says "I'll give you some cream"....I was like wtf? Shrugged it off and got the hell out of there.

    There was a woman cop working there, this was like 3am and I asked if she was punished and sent there, she said it was just part of the job. haha

    I am scarred from that place. Why in the hell would anyone say something sexual to a complete stranger? wtf?

    Carlos or DMX (whatever your name is)... chime in and tell me these people disgust you.
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  31. #31
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    Who cares what someone else says just tell him to piss off your in my space.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    I was with a group of people a few weeks ago and went to a Cafe Brazil that was loaded with gay people. I mean big time, we were the only straight people around the joint. These were the gayest of gay people too...I believe hey are called "Flamers".

    We made it inside and I was looking for some coffee, me and my buddy went to get some and we were standing there waiting to get to the coffee when I hear my buddy say "No, **** you. I ain't no bitch, you're a bitch" and then some gay guy waslking in front of us with his hand up saying "Psst". I grabbed some coffee and asked about creme and this guy says "I'll give you some cream"....I was like wtf? Shrugged it off and got the hell out of there.

    There was a woman cop working there, this was like 3am and I asked if she was punished and sent there, she said it was just part of the job. haha

    I am scarred from that place. Why in the hell would anyone say something sexual to a complete stranger? wtf?

    Carlos or DMX (whatever your name is)... chime in and tell me these people disgust you.

    You should of pressed charges for sexual harrassment,
    thats what any woman would of did if a guy did that to her.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Talk about inappropriate questions, I had some guy ask me if I would him off while he took a dump on a spider monkey playing in a pool of pickle juice..... you just can't walk into Arbys without someone asking you that anymore......
    Never eating at arby's again

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    tell you the truth, you only need to be offended, when you dont get comments. because that means, well....ya.....

    bodybuilding is kind of like being a celeb in a way. if you cant handle the attention and the criticism, you should'nt be doing it. If this stuff bothers you, then maybe the lifestyle isnt for you.

    no need to be a jerk.
    it has nothing to do with not beiong able to handle comments dude, ive been getting those since i was 16 and if im honest i love the attention that bodybuilding gets me.

    But when i feel someone is trying to make themselves look clever at my expense, then i dont particularly respond in a positivge manner.

    Again, ive had dodgy comments before, and didnt respond like i did to this guy, but this was by far the most peculiar circumstance

  35. #35
    number twelve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post

    Carlos or DMX (whatever your name is)... chime in and tell me these people disgust you.
    LOL u mean DSM

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