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Thread: how to get your ass beat 101

  1. #1
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    how to get your ass beat 101

    Ok,i work for a security compeny as a shift maneger and we were working a wedding the other day ,and one guy is a "litle" but drunk and he starts makeing a mess ,so i walk over politely and tell him in these exacte words " listin bro ,your makeing a bit of a mess ,lets go outside for a breather ,i'll have a smoke with ya ,wash your face or somthing ,and bring you back in all better , ok bro ?"

    so this ****nut gets up ,and gets right in my face yelling at me and telling me he's gona kick my ass ( fact ,this kid is 5'8 and 170 lbs tops ,i'm 5'11 and 240 right now ) so i tell this kid to calm down and not ruin the wedding , out of no where he throws a sucker punch right into my i'll give the kid credit ,it was a sucker punch be he got me good and i went down to one knee THIS is the part where the fact that i'm mid cycle takes over and i forget that i am on the job ,i get up and headbutt this moron right in the nose ....he goes down like a bag of bricks and passes the ****out his famliy wants to press charges ...i told them they are more then wellcome

    crap ....some people, you know ?

  2. #2
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    ****, i swear it's like the bigger i get the more people want to fight, thank god i don't work in security..(

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by thecivilizedanimal View Post
    ****, i swear it's like the bigger i get the more people want to fight, thank god i don't work in security..(
    thats so true !
    nobody wantd to fight when i was like 180 , nowdays every other inscure dick wants to throw down

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by HolyBlade View Post
    Ok,i work for a security compeny as a shift maneger and we were working a wedding the other day ,and one guy is a "litle" but drunk and he starts makeing a mess ,so i walk over politely and tell him in these exacte words " listin bro ,your makeing a bit of a mess ,lets go outside for a breather ,i'll have a smoke with ya ,wash your face or somthing ,and bring you back in all better , ok bro ?"

    so this ****nut gets up ,and gets right in my face yelling at me and telling me he's gona kick my ass ( fact ,this kid is 5'8 and 170 lbs tops ,i'm 5'11 and 240 right now ) so i tell this kid to calm down and not ruin the wedding , out of no where he throws a sucker punch right into my i'll give the kid credit ,it was a sucker punch be he got me good and i went down to one knee THIS is the part where the fact that i'm mid cycle takes over and i forget that i am on the job ,i get up and headbutt this moron right in the nose ....he goes down like a bag of bricks and passes the ****out his famliy wants to press charges ...i told them they are more then wellcome

    crap ....some people, you know ?
    Youre an idiot.

    Im sick of people coming here and bragging about how badass they are becuase they knocked someone out that is 70lbs LIGHTER than them. Not to mention the bad timing for that little guy in the first place for dealing with a SOBER guy on cycle.

    You are stupid for reacting the way you did and you should get off cycle now, as you give anabolics the nasty reputation it has.

    Grow up, be professional and act like a man. Its not like you were forced to defend your life, here. Pathetic.

  5. #5
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    they wanna press charges? and he punched you first lol

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Youre an idiot.

    Im sick of people coming here and bragging about how badass they are becuase they knocked someone out that is 70lbs LIGHTER than them. Not to mention the bad timing for that little guy in the first place for dealing with a SOBER guy on cycle.

    You are stupid for reacting the way you did and you should get off cycle now, as you give anabolics the nasty reputation it has.

    Grow up, be professional and act like a man. Its not like you were forced to defend your life, here. Pathetic.
    so if someone punched you in the face you wouldnt react? you would just take it liek a bitch i guess? thats what im getting out of it

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Youre an idiot.

    Im sick of people coming here and bragging about how badass they are becuase they knocked someone out that is 70lbs LIGHTER than them. Not to mention the bad timing for that little guy in the first place for dealing with a SOBER guy on cycle.

    You are stupid for reacting the way you did and you should get off cycle now, as you give anabolics the nasty reputation it has.

    Grow up, be professional and act like a man. Its not like you were forced to defend your life, here. Pathetic.
    did you totaly miss the part where he hits me first and the part before that where i talk to this dude politely and offer him some help with his drunken ass ?

    i'm the last guy in the world to look for a fight ,i even stood a side and didnt start a fight when i cought my girl cheating on me (look over one of my old thread) ,but if someone lays thier hands on me? i'ma ****ing kill him !

  8. #8
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    Warning, we have a no-flame policy, you just crossed the line.

  9. #9
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    I suggest we calm it down in here and stop name calling, sheesh!
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  10. #10
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    I sort of agree with johnny...not all the way as he was over the top but your job in that situation was to subdue the guy...not take him out.

  11. #11
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    LMAO at the tag for this thread!!!!

  12. #12
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    do i think that i acted the right way ? no ,by all means no , i hate fighting and i think that i never should have goten so far ,but the secend he places his hands on me ,i act in instinct ,nothing more

  13. #13
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    I probably would have reacted the same way to be honest, and it didn't sound to me like you were bragging about knocking out a dude 70 pounds lighter than you; it sounded like you were simply telling us details of the story. I'd love to see how these guys that tell you to "act like a man" would truly react in a situation like this. I'm a very calm tempered person, but when someone hits me in the face it's almost a gut reaction to swing back. Maybe the "fight or flight" theory is true after all!

  14. #14
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    In a normal situation thats fine. Someone hits you, you break em..but working for a security company he signed up to be a catchers mitt and keeper of the peace..not to go around taking heads off. Cops and bouncers are in the same boat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Overhaulz View Post
    I probably would have reacted the same way to be honest, and it didn't sound to me like you were bragging about knocking out a dude 70 pounds lighter than you; it sounded like you were telling us the story. I'd love to see how these guys that tell you to "act like a man" would truly react in a situation like this. I'm a very calm tempered person, but when someone hits me in the face it's almost a gut reaction to swing back. Maybe the "fight or flight" theory is true after all!

  15. #15
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    Gee, it didnt come off as bragging, more like, "listen to this bad day I had".

    So to act like an even bigger man, someone TYPES FROM THEIR COMPUTER that you are a bitch for defending yourself? LOL

    At least we all know we can punch Johny-too-small in the face and he wont do anything back to you, because he is more of a man and a proffesional than we are. Isnt that right Johhny? Oh he was on the job so that's different? Maybe if he was teaching retarded kids, but a drunk at a wedding sucker punching you?
    Get off your high horse.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack View Post
    In a normal situation thats fine. Someone hits you, you break em..but working for a security company he signed up to be a catchers mitt and keeper of the peace..not to go around taking heads off. Cops and bouncers are in the same boat.
    Yeah, because we've never seen cops or bouncers use more force than neccesary or "lose their cool". When I see a 130 lb kid start to throw up at a club downtown, I see a meat-head open the door with the kids face and toss him like a cum rag.

    Cops are 99% assholes, so I wont even go there. Ive had cops threaten to beat my ass or shoot me for jack shit. Yes, Ive had a cop tell me he would "bust a cap in my ass" if I moved, standing with my hands on his car, when I havent said shit or done shit. He was checking me for curfew when I was walking at night 11:30 pm when I was 17. LOL. Thats a lame story, im sure you guys have seen worse......

    anyways, good for you. "Dont let people punch you in the face" is a good rule of thumb to live by.
    Last edited by Diary of a Mad-man; 06-09-2008 at 12:30 PM.

  17. #17
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    Lets not give his post any more credence than it deserves. If this thread develops into a flame fest it will be locked and everyone who participated will look stupid.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diary of a Mad-man View Post
    Gee, it didnt come off as bragging, more like, "listen to this bad day I had".

    So to act like an even bigger man, someone TYPES FROM THEIR COMPUTER that you are a bitch for defending yourself? LOL

    At least we all know we can punch Johny-too-small in the face and he wont do anything back to you, because he is more of a man and a proffesional than we are. Isnt that right Johhny? Oh he was on the job so that's different? Maybe if he was teaching retarded kids, but a drunk at a wedding sucker punching you?
    Get off your high horse.

  18. #18
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    Theres always exceptions but I wasnt referring to the losers in those professions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diary of a Mad-man View Post
    Yeah, because we've never seen cops or bouncers use more force than neccesary or "lose their cool". When I see a 130 lb kid start to throw up at a club downtown, I see a meat-head open the door with the kids face and toss him like a cum rag.

    Cops are 99% assholes, so I wont even go there.

  19. #19
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    You’re right. I was over the top. I should not have called names, so I apologize for calling him an idiot.

    I think its dangerous to attach your anabolic use to your behaviors. I also think its weak to take out someone who is obviously a much smaller person physically and mentally (at the time) than you.

    I don’t believe that he posted this thread to ask for advice or to say he was surprised by what happened. He came here to brag about it. The thread title proves it. I think that’s lame.

    Sure, I have been in the situation more than once where Ive dropped someone. However, I felt bad regardless of who was right and I was embarrassed by the situation.

    Most importantly, the last thing I would do is post my illegal actions of using anabolics in conjunction to a situation where the other people involved are seeking their legal options against me!

    So, if you want to call me a bitch for telling you to act smarter and keep your ass out of jail and your money and property in your possession, then fine! I take one on the chin and keep my life the way I like it.

    By the way, if any of you punch me in the face…well there are several things that could happen. If you have any money, Ill take that first.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by HolyBlade View Post
    Ok,i work for a security compeny as a shift maneger and we were working a wedding the other day ,and one guy is a "litle" but drunk and he starts makeing a mess ,so i walk over politely and tell him in these exacte words " listin bro ,your makeing a bit of a mess ,lets go outside for a breather ,i'll have a smoke with ya ,wash your face or somthing ,and bring you back in all better , ok bro ?"

    so this ****nut gets up ,and gets right in my face yelling at me and telling me he's gona kick my ass ( fact ,this kid is 5'8 and 170 lbs tops ,i'm 5'11 and 240 right now ) so i tell this kid to calm down and not ruin the wedding , out of no where he throws a sucker punch right into my i'll give the kid credit ,it was a sucker punch be he got me good and i went down to one knee THIS is the part where the fact that i'm mid cycle takes over and i forget that i am on the job ,i get up and headbutt this moron right in the nose ....he goes down like a bag of bricks and passes the ****out his famliy wants to press charges ...i told them they are more then wellcome

    crap ....some people, you know ?
    did they call the police?? in your contract what does it say about altercations with the public, or in this case, the client..

    Hell, if i were you'd get the civil suit started before they can, endangering your life with exposing you to the likes of that idiot. He probably has a criminal record, documented fighting skills or whatever..

    Do it up, if they can afford a security firm for the wedding, they can pay you and your attorney money to go away..
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    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  21. #21
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    He will succeed in pressing charges. You will go in for a statement, then you will say he started it. Then someone will either back up your story or not, hope you have someone that can. Best case scenerio, if they involve the law, you both get citations and pay his medical bills if he has any + you will have some legal bills. Once the man gets involved nothing is easy.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    did they call the police?? in your contract what does it say about altercations with the public, or in this case, the client..

    Hell, if i were you'd get the civil suit started before they can, endangering your life with exposing you to the likes of that idiot. He probably has a criminal record, documented fighting skills or whatever..

    Do it up, if they can afford a security firm for the wedding, they can pay you and your attorney money to go away..

    allready talked to my lawyer

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    He will succeed in pressing charges. You will go in for a statement, say he hit you first, then you will say he started it. Then someone will either back up your story or not, hope you have someone that can. Best case scenerio, if they involve the law, you both get citations and pay his medical bills if he has any + you will have some legal bills. Once the man gets involved nothing is easy.
    the entire crew i work with saw it ,and some of the staff where the wedding took place,and i know a few pepole on the staff so i have about 12 pepole or so to back up my side of the story.

  24. #24
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    to those saying i reacted too harshly

    understand where i'm standing there ,i just got hit in the face by a mad drunk who is clearly a violent person ,and as far as i know , HES NOT DONE SWINGING ,so before i get hit again ,i hit back and get it over with. it was that simple.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    You’re right. I was over the top. I should not have called names, so I apologize for calling him an idiot.

    I think its dangerous to attach your anabolic use to your behaviors. I also think its weak to take out someone who is obviously a much smaller person physically and mentally (at the time) than you.

    I don’t believe that he posted this thread to ask for advice or to say he was surprised by what happened. He came here to brag about it. The thread title proves it. I think that’s lame.

    Sure, I have been in the situation more than once where Ive dropped someone. However, I felt bad regardless of who was right and I was embarrassed by the situation.

    Most importantly, the last thing I would do is post my illegal actions of using anabolics in conjunction to a situation where the other people involved are seeking their legal options against me!

    So, if you want to call me a bitch for telling you to act smarter and keep your ass out of jail and your money and property in your possession, then fine! I take one on the chin and keep my life the way I like it.

    By the way, if any of you punch me in the face…well there are several things that could happen. If you have any money, Ill take that first.
    i live overseas,this can not effect me leagly ,or i would not post it here.
    and the part about mid cycle was kind of a joke ,trying to shed a lighter side to this crappy story.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by HolyBlade View Post
    i live overseas,this can not effect me leagly ,or i would not post it here.
    and the part about mid cycle was kind of a joke ,trying to shed a lighter side to this crappy story.
    Don't sweat it man, what you did was totally understandable and I hope that retard learned a lesson.

    I'm kind of surprised people here are jumping on you about it, you didn't ask to get punched in the face. It sounds like you were really nice and that fvckstick had it coming.

    here is a link to my thread where I posted about how I punched back a drunken woman:
    Last edited by zartan; 06-09-2008 at 01:12 PM.

  27. #27
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    i love the one tag at the bottom ... ;p

  28. #28
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    Holy you just weren't very proffesional,both at your job and mentioning you were mid cycle, I would've left that part out especially here. Good luck.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by MATTMAN01 View Post
    Holy you just weren't very proffesional,both at your job and mentioning you were mid cycle, I would've left that part out especially here. Good luck.
    This is a discussion board, we post incidents/interesting stories and sometimes get people's opinions. He doesn't have to be 'professional' here certainly. Why does he need to leave that part about AAS out? Its incidental. Furthermore how is it unprofessional in his job? If someone assaults you, you must defend yourself. While maybe best case scenario you subdue him instead of headbutting, I don't see where he could be held at fault.

    One of my friends worked security at a nightclub. Someone spit in his face and he beat the piss out of them. It went to court and he got off no problems. Law is behind security, not the asswipe who's drunk and assaults you. Especially with all those witnesses. Just the same it wouldn't hurt to take some photos if your face is banged up.

  30. #30
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    Im gonna have to agree with Johny to an extent.

    Like stated previously, your job is to subdue, not to do even more damage.
    Especially when the guy is 70lbs lighter and drunk, he should be fairly easy to subdue.

    Now, had it been a bigger man, or this wasn't your job and happened in the streets, I would've knocked the guy also.

    By doing what you did, you just caused more of a problem, which is opposite of what your job is suppose todo.

    I believe you acted wrongly. JMO.

    Good luck with whatever happens.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by zartan View Post
    This is a discussion board, we post incidents/interesting stories and sometimes get people's opinions. He doesn't have to be 'professional' here certainly. Why does he need to leave that part about AAS out? Its incidental. Furthermore how is it unprofessional in his job? If someone assaults you, you must defend yourself. While maybe best case scenario you subdue him instead of headbutting, I don't see where he could be held at fault.

    One of my friends worked security at a nightclub. Someone spit in his face and he beat the piss out of them. It went to court and he got off no problems. Law is behind security, not the asswipe who's drunk and assaults you. Especially with all those witnesses. Just the same it wouldn't hurt to take some photos if your face is banged up.
    dont know where you live but not in most areas. Philly is bad agianst security.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by thecivilizedanimal View Post
    i love the one tag at the bottom ... ;p
    I don't, Johny is a respected member here, some immature n00b might not agree with him, but we aren't in junior high school here.

  33. #33
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    Johnny, man that was way harsh, but cool you apologized for it.
    Blade, I feel you man. I would be irate if someone punched me in the face, but you gotta keep it cool bro. I bounced for a while and took a few for the team. So many times I wanted just glaze these punks but you gotta keep it cool. IMO he got off lucky, but thats me

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I don't, Johny is a respected member here, some immature n00b might not agree with him, but we aren't in junior high school here.
    agreed. lets keep things civil guys. JTS has my respect, just because he doesnt post a ton doesnt mean hes not respected. He's very intelligent and educated and an asset to the board.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Youre an idiot.

    Im sick of people coming here and bragging about how badass they are becuase they knocked someone out that is 70lbs LIGHTER than them. Not to mention the bad timing for that little guy in the first place for dealing with a SOBER guy on cycle.

    You are stupid for reacting the way you did and you should get off cycle now, as you give anabolics the nasty reputation it has.

    Grow up, be professional and act like a man. Its not like you were forced to defend your life, here. Pathetic.
    sometimes i think scolding ppl who tell these kind of stories is well deserved. but who are you to come here and judge him like that? how would you react if some asshole landed a solid hook to your jaw? im sure you would turn the other cheek. maybe he over reacted a bit but you dont need to go on a rant and call him pathetic.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    sometimes i think scolding ppl who tell these kind of stories is well deserved. but who are you to come here and judge him like that? how would you react if some asshole landed a solid hook to your jaw? im sure you would turn the other cheek. maybe he over reacted a bit but you dont need to go on a rant and call him pathetic.
    sorry i posted this b4 i read the other comments...

    also i agree with roid about it being part of the job. good point there

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    sorry i posted this b4 i read the other comments...

    also i agree with roid about it being part of the job. good point there
    Don't you agree with me also??

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by HolyBlade View Post
    do i think that i acted the right way ? no ,by all means no , i hate fighting and i think that i never should have goten so far ,but the secend he places his hands on me ,i act in instinct ,nothing more

    So you don't have very good control of yourself huh? I can only say what I would have done. If I did get hit, I would have just slammed him down and torqued something a tad to subdue him until I could get someone to help me escort the piece of shit out of there.
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  39. #39
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    Must be on sust, I heard that stuff makes you able to fight well

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by scottythebody View Post
    Must be on sust, I heard that stuff makes you able to fight well
    I heard that too, think im gonna try that out, i hope the sust takes over and i dont dont get my ass kicked because then i'll probably be dumb enough to post in a forum that i got my ass kicked and sust doesnt make you a better fighter and become the laughing stock of the internet and even get a nickname along the lines of sustaman.

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