Ok,i work for a security compeny as a shift maneger and we were working a wedding the other day ,and one guy is a "litle" but drunk and he starts makeing a mess ,so i walk over politely and tell him in these exacte words " listin bro ,your makeing a bit of a mess ,lets go outside for a breather ,i'll have a smoke with ya ,wash your face or somthing ,and bring you back in all better , ok bro ?"
so this ****nut gets up ,and gets right in my face yelling at me and telling me he's gona kick my ass ( fact ,this kid is 5'8 and 170 lbs tops ,i'm 5'11 and 240 right now ) so i tell this kid to calm down and not ruin the wedding , out of no where he throws a sucker punch right into my chin....now i'll give the kid credit ,it was a sucker punch be he got me good and i went down to one knee ......
now THIS is the part where the fact that i'm mid cycle takes over and i forget that i am on the job ,i get up and headbutt this moron right in the nose ....he goes down like a bag of bricks and passes the ****out ...now his famliy wants to press charges ...i told them they are more then wellcome
crap ....some people, you know ?