The cooking everyday sucks ! Along with that the stove is giving off so much heat my AC hasn't shut off since i been home from work , the dishes are never ending and my kitchen is all smokey !
..and i want more fish (just finished a serving)![]()
The cooking everyday sucks ! Along with that the stove is giving off so much heat my AC hasn't shut off since i been home from work , the dishes are never ending and my kitchen is all smokey !
..and i want more fish (just finished a serving)![]()
I cook all my protein a week in advanced besides the days I eat eggs.
get WEBB or BIG to cook....
my girl goes nuts because she cant belive that i can happily eat brown rice and fish every night for dinner along with a clean diet all day long. dieting is one thing that never bothered me at all.
just keep bulking.
yeah we have m&m meats, i eat like a ****ing horse, clean too ( for the most part , no junk food ) but i still feel like i'm not getting enough food,. lol
I hear ya, I started doing all my cooking for the entire week (except the eggs) on Sunday evenings. Then i just stick some of the extra servings that i won't eat till later in the week in a zip lock bag, toss it in the freezer and take it out later. Makes it convenient during the week but Sundays suck, lol
You guys cook meat at the beginning of the week and let it sit ?
i usually only cook my meats a couple days in advance, if i do at all... i'm busy, but no so busy i have to prepare all my meals 1 week ahead... It also helps to buy tupperwear. AND lastly, when i'm home, i have two bowls, one for oats and one for meat, that i use throughout the day, i just rinse them out immediately after i'm done so i haven't cluttered all the dishes in the cabinet... the little lady really appreciates it. Or dsm, the little mr. may appreciate it.![]()
I cook all my poultry and meats on the grill twice a week. Sunday and Wednesday usually work best for me and it takes about 30 minutes start to finish. It definitely saves a lot of time through out the week when all I have to do it throw the food in the microwave for 1 minute instead of going through the whole process of cooking and cleaning each and every time I have a meal.
Im dieting as well right now and its hard like you mentioned getting everything ready then doing all the cleaning.
i do, I cook 3 or 4 packs of chicken and 3 or 4 large steaks and a package of pork center chops, and two bags of fish, one talipia and one salmon and then put them in there own ziplock bag and grab some as i go through the week... do it all on the grill takes about an hour
i tend to cook every 2 or 3 days. i grill most of my meat (chicken breast, ground turkey burgers, steak) and grill up enough for the next 2 days, keep it in the fridge. cook up a pot of brown rice, it keeps for a few days no problem. i tend to cook veggies fresh every night, steam up broccoli, green beans, or other green stuff. i LOVE the nights i don't have to cook though!
get paper plates and those foil things for the oven and jsut throw them away.
I am going to start cooking my chicken on suns/wed but i am afraid the meat will dry out. I guess ill give it a try.
I already use paper plates which help a lot.
but then you'd have to fire up the grill again/stove a second time to finish the other half of the cooking process, wouldn't you?
Naw bro...I am saying instead of letting them thaw all the way or doing it in the microwave. Let them be a little frozen in the center still then cook them slowly until the breast is all the way cooked. Keeps them moist...the chicken that is.
^^ just dont overcook your chicken is all he is saying,
I do the same thing, fill up your sink with hot water and defrost chicken in there not the microwave cause it will turn to rubber. while they defrost you can start preping your rice veggies, etc. then when they are defrosted on the outside and still a little frozen in the middle throw em on the foreman,
Also dont shut the lid on the grill so it dosent squeeze out the juices. watch your chicken like a hawk and flip several times, Ill cook up to 5 days worth of meals and its never ever dry.
What do you guys like to add to make brown rice taste better? I like a little soy sauce.
I have to pick up a foreman. I use to have one but i broke it and never purchased a new one.
I have used a little bit if chicken broth before but i think it has too much sodium so i dont anymore.
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