Hey guys at first i was really against alternative energy in cars. I love powerful cars and the though of little smart cars makes me cringe.
I did abit of research and realized you can get wayy more power from alternative energy for cars such as Ethanol and Biodesiel.
I saw a show on the discovery channel that showed a escalade with a biodesiel enginer. They tried to drag race it and the thing was so powerful it broke the axel.
Anyone with some links post this is some really cool stuff.
Regular gasoline has 87 octane and ethanol has 113 octane!!!
Making us less dependent on middle east oil would be a good thing however im not going there as the people behind and the speicial interests are making amazing money so it wont change.
I want this thread to showcase some cool alternative energies!!
I know this may not be realitys but ever sicne finding out more i am really intrigued. This can produce faster, more powerful cars while also reducing our depends on the middle east oil and save americans money.
I never believed in a oil shortage or global warming but none the less why arent people trying to develop more than one technology. I would love to see a free market for energy for automobiles.