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Thread: Alternative Energy = More powerful cars???

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    Alternative Energy = More powerful cars???

    Hey guys at first i was really against alternative energy in cars. I love powerful cars and the though of little smart cars makes me cringe.

    I did abit of research and realized you can get wayy more power from alternative energy for cars such as Ethanol and Biodesiel.

    I saw a show on the discovery channel that showed a escalade with a biodesiel enginer. They tried to drag race it and the thing was so powerful it broke the axel.

    Anyone with some links post this is some really cool stuff.

    Regular gasoline has 87 octane and ethanol has 113 octane!!!

    Making us less dependent on middle east oil would be a good thing however im not going there as the people behind and the speicial interests are making amazing money so it wont change.

    I want this thread to showcase some cool alternative energies!!

    I know this may not be realitys but ever sicne finding out more i am really intrigued. This can produce faster, more powerful cars while also reducing our depends on the middle east oil and save americans money.

    I never believed in a oil shortage or global warming but none the less why arent people trying to develop more than one technology. I would love to see a free market for energy for automobiles.

  2. #2
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    I am so tired of reading the paper all day with these stupid ideas to conserver to save oil and this massive crap of saying we dont have enough.

    The people who produce the oil love it. They get to virtually restricvt the supply and rip people off. As webb said there is tons of crude oil but all the refineries dont run at capacity half run, broken etc. Since it is so hard to start a new one they claim less supply and jack up prices.

    Rather than trying to be environmentalists and conservatives what is that. That isnt a American. However we have the opportunity for greener technologies that are also more powerful and cleaner.

    Thats what i like to hear thats American. It would be cool to see some of this stuff get utilized more.

    WHat is going on with biodesiel and ethanol why are they so rare?

    Their is no shortage of oil the problem is we dont have a free market. A few players control it all like a cartel, they drive out competition and work together to drive up prices. IF we had 2-3 forms of energy for cars we could have lower prices and better performance. Aslong as the oil companies can keep doing this and no new refineries will come it will just get worse.

  3. #3
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    I am the same way in this regard. Check these cool new technologies out.

    There is a Program called invention Nation on Science channel, They show really cool stuff.

    Also is a good place to start.

    Here is a question DO you need to modify your diesel vehicle to use Bio Diesel?

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    hey Calgarian i think you can modify.

    But its the ground up biodesiel designs which are the best.

    I saw this program on the discovery channel this guy modified his escalade to use Biodesiel and the thing had crazy horsepower, it even had so much torque they snapped the axel like a twig.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    Thats cool!

  7. #7
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    hey guys some really cool links

    "300 HP Biodiesel Gets 50 Miles To The Gallon — The car will do 0-60 m.p.h in under 4 seconds. 300 horsepower, 50 miles to the gallon on Biodiesel. Looks that will draw the girls. And built by High School Students.What more could you want!"

    That is badass check the link out.
    300 HP Biodiesel Gets 50 Miles To The Gallon — The car will do 0-60 m.p.h in under 4 seconds. 300 horsepower, 50 miles to the gallon on Biodiesel. Looks that will draw the girls. And built by High School Students.What more could you want!

  8. #8
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    haha sorry i have to post htis link ths is just plain bad ass.

    "The vehicle in question is a modified 1965 Chevrolet Impala, nicknamed the "Bio Rocket," that has been transformed into a biodiesel-powered alt-fuel wonder. The Bio Rocket gets a new PPE supercharged GM Duramax diesel that runs on B-100 biodiesel, said to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 78 percent. Engine power was jacked up from 350 horsepower to 800 hp with 1,400 pound-feet of torque. The Bio Rocket sprints from zero to 60 mph in about 3.5 seconds."

    "By installing a monster 800-horsepower diesel engine to run on biodiesel in the '65 Impala, we demonstrated that you don't have to sacrifice power to go green," said Beau Boeckmann, Galpin Auto Sports' president, who is also a consulting producer and on-air talent for Pimp My Ride.

    Man this is just awesome, the power is incredible and so it the acceleration.

    OMG 800 HP and 0-60 in 3.5 seconds that is incredible!!!!

    Screw Oil.!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    hey Calgarian i think you can modify.

    But its the ground up biodesiel designs which are the best.

    I saw this program on the discovery channel this guy modified his escalade to use Biodesiel and the thing had crazy horsepower, it even had so much torque they snapped the axel like a twig.
    I was told that it will run without any modification. THey actually showed on Myth Buster. I am just trying to confirm.

  10. #10
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    Ya i dont know much about it, it killed me when i saw that we can use different forms of energy that are cleaner, effecient, and produce more high performance engines then Oil can.

    Check out that pimp my ride thats really cool a 800 HP muscle car that does 0-60 in 3.5 !

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    I was told that it will run without any modification. THey actually showed on Myth Buster. I am just trying to confirm.
    What do you mean no modification, stock engine for an escalade is a gas engine. But yeah, for a diesel engine no mods are nessicary. Bio diesel tends to gel in cold weather though. Peanut oil was the first fuel a desiel engine ever ran on. They will run on all kinds of stuff. If you want to cut about 60 cents a gallon, fill up with home heating oil, it's only missing the tax.

    I think electric is going to be the future, not enough farm land to go around to fill the demand if everyone drives biodiesel. A nuke plant takes up like no space, and won't drive up the cost of food.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    What do you mean no modification, stock engine for an escalade is a gas engine. But yeah, for a diesel engine no mods are nessicary. Bio diesel tends to gel in cold weather though. Peanut oil was the first fuel a desiel engine ever ran on. They will run on all kinds of stuff. If you want to cut about 60 cents a gallon, fill up with home heating oil, it's only missing the tax.

    I think electric is going to be the future, not enough farm land to go around to fill the demand if everyone drives biodiesel. A nuke plant takes up like no space, and won't drive up the cost of food.
    Really good point, biodesiel and ethanol need to much effort into growing crops and will drive up the food.

    I dont buy into this whole green house things but it could be costly to make all the crops and they will drive up the price of other foods.

  13. #13
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    Hey guys look at this!

    FlexFuel engines wow this is amazing.

    There is the free market for you. Imagine driving up to the gas station and having a choice between multiple fuel types!

    These fuel types also provide excellent quality, i had no clue this was even possible.

  14. #14
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    all the gas you buy at the pump at least in CT is 10% ethanol already, it isn't that big of a modification. You get a little less fuel economy with ethOH I'm pretty sure.

  15. #15
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    I no longer care about performance. I am at the point where i would buy anything that will help in putting these greedy mother f@#$%ers out of business.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I no longer care about performance. I am at the point where i would buy anything that will help in putting these greedy mother f@#$%ers out of business.
    I agree

  17. #17
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    Ya hey guys i was just reading all the 2009 escalades are some flex fuel engine and will support ethanol.

    GM invested in some new startups that apparently can make ethanol from trash!!!!

    If true this is huge.

    The thing i like is with all this globaization crap these days it can actually put money back into america.

    More and more jobs are leaving this country it would be nice to see some stuff put back in.

  18. #18
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    who said there's a shortage in oil? There's shortage in refineries but not oil. But yea the guys who started google started a private company and are making a supercar that runs on battery.

  19. #19
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    Oil was never going to last forever, so it's better we look for alternative energy sources now while we still have some left.

    Ethanol has quite a promising future I think, Brazil are the world leaders in Bio Fuel and most of their vehicles run on ethanol. And yes I have also read in the Independent about Hyper Cars that run on electricity that apparantly can cross the entire continent of America before being recharged again.

    Doesn't Arnie have a hybrid Hummer? I heard he is quite green these days.

  20. #20
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    Well i never bought into global warming and their is no shorttage of crude.

    Their is a shortage of refined gas because the gas companies act like a cartel and no one else can get in and they through prices up.

    The reason i got a problem with OIl and gas is there is no free market.

    The free market is the solution. I am so sick of globaization fvck the middle east. Starting stuff here can put money back into america for americans.

    Our trade deficit has been negtaive for long enough and one day its all gonna fall down.

    The thing that drives me nuts is we can have higher performance cars running different types of fuel and more performance

    GM is dealing with 2 companies that claim they are making Ethanol fuel (E85) from trash and waste!!!1

    GM stocks look like a bargain right now if this is true.

    Oil is going up but it is going to come down. Just like theover inflation we had for years, at some point it will all fall down.

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