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Thread: the gay thread. full of homo goodness....

  1. #241
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefkake31 View Post
    Damn, guy has an 8 pack
    I have straight guys ask me all of the time what they should do to get better abs. My response is always "ride my dick. It'll give you better abs."
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  2. #242
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    just stopping in to get my morning dose of homo goodness to start my day off right.

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheArtist View Post
    really, if you just call "not gay" then you can pretty much do whatever you like... so i've been told.
    no no no...if your wearing surgical glves it's not gay it's a medical homo...

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    I have straight guys ask me all of the time what they should do to get better abs. My response is always "ride my dick. It'll give you better abs."
    I don't know about the abs but I'll ride it if you give me your legs

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    just stopping in to get my morning dose of homo goodness to start my day off right.

    I always kick start my day with a good dose of homo goodness. Don't know what i'd do without it.

  6. #246
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefkake31 View Post
    I don't know about the abs but I'll ride it if you give me your legs
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  7. #247
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    Same deal, but for your delts, Carlos.

  8. #248
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Sexual Antagonism

    Gay couples can't have biological kids together. So if homosexuality is genetic, why hasn't it died out?

    A study published last week in PLoS One tackles the question. It starts with four curious patterns. First, male homosexuality occurs at a low but stable frequency in a wide range of societies. Second, the female relatives of gay men produce children at a higher rate than other women do. Third, among these female relatives, those related to the gay man's mother produce children at a higher rate than do those related to his father. Fourth, among the man's male relatives, homosexuality is more common in those related to his mother than in those related to his father.

    Can genes account for these patterns? To find out, the authors posit several possible mechanisms and compute their effects over time. They conclude that only one theory fits the data. The theory is called "sexually antagonistic selection." It holds that a gene can be reproductively harmful to one sex as long as it's helpful to the other. The gene for male homosexuality persists because it promotes—and is passed down through—high rates of procreation among gay men's mothers, sisters, and aunts.

    This theory doesn't account for female homosexuality, which another new study (reviewed in Human Nature last week) attributes to nongenetic factors. It also doesn't account for environmental or prenatal chemical factors in male homosexuality, such as the correlation between a man's probability of homosexuality and the number of boys previously gestated in his mother's womb. But it does explain the high similarity of sexual orientation between identical twins, as well as patterns of homosexuality in families. It's also plausible because sexually antagonistic selection has been found in other species. And many scientists who think environmental and prenatal factors influence homosexuality also believe that genes play a role.

    The authors note that according to their computations, the theory implies some testable predictions. One such prediction can be checked against existing data. The prediction is that on average, if you're a straight man, the reproductive pattern among your aunts will reverse the pattern seen among aunts of gay men. That is, your paternal aunts will produce children at a higher rate than your maternal aunts will. The authors check this prediction against the available data. Sure enough, it holds up.

    I don't know to what extent this theory will end up explaining male homosexuality. But its emergence threatens to change our thinking about gay men in several important ways.

    First, it implies natural limits to homosexuality. You don't need to worry that gay teachers or television characters will "convert" hordes of boys. Sexually antagonistic selection is self-limiting and impervious to postnatal cultural factors. The authors' computations show no scenario in which male homosexuality spreads throughout a population.

    Second, by the same token, you can't culturally eradicate the gay minority. It's sustained by genetics and natural selection.

    Third, if the authors are correct, we're not really talking about genes for homosexuality. We're talking about genes for "androphilia," i.e., attraction to men. The importance of the genes lies in what they do not to men but to women, by increasing reproductive output so powerfully that these women compensate for the reduced output among their male relatives. You can't isolate gay men as a puzzle or problem anymore. You have to see them as part of a bigger, stronger, enduring phenomenon.

    Fourth, this larger phenomenon can't be dismissed as a disorder. The study's press release concludes that "homosexuality should not be viewed as a detrimental trait (due to the reduced male fecundity it entails), but, rather, should be considered within the wider e volutionary framework of a characteristic with gender-specific benefits."

    Fifth, the benefits aren't really confined to women. They protect society as a whole. The authors' computations indicate that as a society's birthrate falls, female carriers of androphilic genes account for a larger share of the output. In short, the genes provide a "buffer effect" against extinction.

    The study's lead author, Andrea Camperio Ciani of the University of Padova, sees these ramifications as a happy ending. "This is an example where the results of scientific research can have important social implications," he tells LiveScience. "You have all this antagonism against homosexuality because they say it's against nature because it doesn't lead to reproduction. We found out this is not true because homosexuality is just one of the consequences of strategies for making females more fecund."

    But the word consequence suggests a sixth, less happy implication: How would gay men see themselves and be regarded in a society that understood their condition as a side effect of female e volution? Would male androphilia be treated like sickle-cell anemia—the unfortunate cost of a genetic mutation that's beneficial in other people? We medicate sickle-cell anemia. Would we medicate homosexuality?

    I don't know, and neither does Dr. Camperio Ciani. Science, like culture and politics, has its happy moments. But don't mistake them for endings.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  9. #249
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    you obviously haven't heard of a little book called the holy bible? Well yeah, apparentely you're a filthy gay & you're going to hell. Just thought i'd let you know.

    haha just joking bro. Carlos.

  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny_Rotten View Post

    you obviously haven't heard of a little book called the holy bible? Well yeah, apparentely you're a filthy gay & you're going to hell. Just thought i'd let you know.

    haha just joking bro. Carlos.
    Thought you were calling him out at you love him dearly

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny_Rotten View Post

    you obviously haven't heard of a little book called the holy bible? Well yeah, apparentely you're a filthy gay & you're going to hell. Just thought i'd let you know.

    haha just joking bro. Carlos.
    Man, I love messing with the bible thumpers around here. I just go to the same book of Leviticus and start pulling out all the stuff that they don't use and ask them if they're going to hell too? When they say no, I just ask them, "So why are you bound and determined that I'm going to hell when by the same rules you're dammed yourself? Maybe your god is a rules lawyer and stuff, but the God that I know is a loving and forgiving being. Maybe you should try that yourself one day."

    Needless to say, I don't get bothered much anymore.

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny_Rotten View Post

    you obviously haven't heard of a little book called the holy bible? Well yeah, apparentely you're a filthy gay & you're going to hell. Just thought i'd let you know.

    haha just joking bro. Carlos.
    Try this book out for size :

  13. #253
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Try this book out for size :

    Now that's a book worth reading.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  14. #254
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    Thank you for the compliment. It is me. You made a curious statement. "even though you're gay" As if me being gay would be a detriment to my physique.

    I am not fem and I do not have fem friends.
    In other words, I paid you a compliment completely in a heterosexual aspect.
    Im not a homophobe, but i dont want DSM getting any funny ideas. He simply will not stop hitting on me

  15. #255
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    Sexual Antagonism

    Gay couples can't have biological kids together. So if homosexuality is genetic, why hasn't it died out?

    A study published last week in PLoS One tackles the question. It starts with four curious patterns. First, male homosexuality occurs at a low but stable frequency in a wide range of societies. Second, the female relatives of gay men produce children at a higher rate than other women do. Third, among these female relatives, those related to the gay man's mother produce children at a higher rate than do those related to his father. Fourth, among the man's male relatives, homosexuality is more common in those related to his mother than in those related to his father.

    Can genes account for these patterns? To find out, the authors posit several possible mechanisms and compute their effects over time. They conclude that only one theory fits the data. The theory is called "sexually antagonistic selection." It holds that a gene can be reproductively harmful to one sex as long as it's helpful to the other. The gene for male homosexuality persists because it promotes—and is passed down through—high rates of procreation among gay men's mothers, sisters, and aunts.

    This theory doesn't account for female homosexuality, which another new study (reviewed in Human Nature last week) attributes to nongenetic factors. It also doesn't account for environmental or prenatal chemical factors in male homosexuality, such as the correlation between a man's probability of homosexuality and the number of boys previously gestated in his mother's womb. But it does explain the high similarity of sexual orientation between identical twins, as well as patterns of homosexuality in families. It's also plausible because sexually antagonistic selection has been found in other species. And many scientists who think environmental and prenatal factors influence homosexuality also believe that genes play a role.

    The authors note that according to their computations, the theory implies some testable predictions. One such prediction can be checked against existing data. The prediction is that on average, if you're a straight man, the reproductive pattern among your aunts will reverse the pattern seen among aunts of gay men. That is, your paternal aunts will produce children at a higher rate than your maternal aunts will. The authors check this prediction against the available data. Sure enough, it holds up.

    I don't know to what extent this theory will end up explaining male homosexuality. But its emergence threatens to change our thinking about gay men in several important ways.

    First, it implies natural limits to homosexuality. You don't need to worry that gay teachers or television characters will "convert" hordes of boys. Sexually antagonistic selection is self-limiting and impervious to postnatal cultural factors. The authors' computations show no scenario in which male homosexuality spreads throughout a population.

    Second, by the same token, you can't culturally eradicate the gay minority. It's sustained by genetics and natural selection.

    Third, if the authors are correct, we're not really talking about genes for homosexuality. We're talking about genes for "androphilia," i.e., attraction to men. The importance of the genes lies in what they do not to men but to women, by increasing reproductive output so powerfully that these women compensate for the reduced output among their male relatives. You can't isolate gay men as a puzzle or problem anymore. You have to see them as part of a bigger, stronger, enduring phenomenon.

    Fourth, this larger phenomenon can't be dismissed as a disorder. The study's press release concludes that "homosexuality should not be viewed as a detrimental trait (due to the reduced male fecundity it entails), but, rather, should be considered within the wider e volutionary framework of a characteristic with gender-specific benefits."

    Fifth, the benefits aren't really confined to women. They protect society as a whole. The authors' computations indicate that as a society's birthrate falls, female carriers of androphilic genes account for a larger share of the output. In short, the genes provide a "buffer effect" against extinction.

    The study's lead author, Andrea Camperio Ciani of the University of Padova, sees these ramifications as a happy ending. "This is an example where the results of scientific research can have important social implications," he tells LiveScience. "You have all this antagonism against homosexuality because they say it's against nature because it doesn't lead to reproduction. We found out this is not true because homosexuality is just one of the consequences of strategies for making females more fecund."

    But the word consequence suggests a sixth, less happy implication: How would gay men see themselves and be regarded in a society that understood their condition as a side effect of female e volution? Would male androphilia be treated like sickle-cell anemia—the unfortunate cost of a genetic mutation that's beneficial in other people? We medicate sickle-cell anemia. Would we medicate homosexuality?

    I don't know, and neither does Dr. Camperio Ciani. Science, like culture and politics, has its happy moments. But don't mistake them for endings.
    Its been studied a billion times over due to the fact that, well, homosexuality is more than just a preference. There are "levels" of homosexuality in men, to the point where there are literally women trapped inside a mans body. But believe it or not, there are some research groups that believe that homo sexuality is not only genetic, but hereditary. Semantic wise, genetics and heredity is pretty much the same thing, but in this case its from parent to offspring, instead of just in your gene pool. Basically, Men who have strong gay traits were passed the gene from there father, and from there fathers father and so forth and so on. Its actually very interesting.

    But for the most part, there are many countries in this world that actually practice homosexuality as tradition. Middle eastern men consider boys for pleasure and women for breeding. The ancient greeks were notorious for their "leap frog sessions" (gay orgies).

  16. #256
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    there are also species of animals that pair up with life long same sex partners.

    and a LOT of species "practise" sex and sexual activities with each other when young...

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine;40****3
    there are also species of animals that pair up with life long same sex partners.

    and a LOT of species "practise" sex and sexual activities with each other when young...
    Would my 5th grade buddy Andy fall into that category

  18. #258
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    actually, gays can have biological children these days. There's a dr who has found a way to create both sperm and egg from bone marrow, crazy stuff.

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Would my 5th grade buddy Andy fall into that category

    i dont know why i'm gay.

    i don't question it.....too much effort to figure out something i just can never explane.... i've known since i was 5...... i had the hots for tom selleck when i was YOUNG.... he was so masculine. i liked him best in "3 men and a little lady"..he was older, huskier, more mature looking.....

    i dont shove it in other peoples faces. most cant believe it when they find out.....

    at the same time, i have always found it hard to be friends with other gay guys that i've met thus far........... never could "relate" or "fit in".....

  20. #260
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Israeli participants hold up the multi-colored Gay Pride flag together with the national flag during the controversial Gay Pride Parade in Jerusalem, on June 26, 2008. Some 3,500 participants marched down town Jerusalem and were secured by 2,000 police officers due to past years violence from Ultra Orthodox Jews opposing a gay parade in the holy city.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post

    i dont know why i'm gay.

    i don't question it.....too much effort to figure out something i just can never explane.... i've known since i was 5...... i had the hots for tom selleck when i was YOUNG.... he was so masculine. i liked him best in "3 men and a little lady"..he was older, huskier, more mature looking.....

    i dont shove it in other peoples faces. most cant believe it when they find out.....

    at the same time, i have always found it hard to be friends with other gay guys that i've met thus far........... never could "relate" or "fit in".....
    I can relate to that as I have several acquaintances who turned out to be gay, but they acted very straight. Most people would not have known just by talking and interacting with them. Its good you have the fortitude to not flaunt it for sure.

  22. #262
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    [QUOTE=Carlos_E;4050919]Thank you for the compliment. It is me. You made a curious statement. "even though you're gay" As if me being gay would be a detriment to my physique.

    I think that's called a back-handed compliment. A friend of mine is a hairdresser (i know, big surprise) who had a fairly conservative client. She was asking about how his family dealt with him being gay to which he responded that they were so accepting and loving and nothing was different. She proceeded to say 'Well, i suppose they would accept it, it could be worse like at least you're not a murderer or something'. He promptly told her not to come back.

  23. #263
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    Thank you for the compliment. It is me. You made a curious statement. "even though you're gay" As if me being gay would be a detriment to my physique.

    I think that's called a back-handed compliment. A friend of mine is a hairdresser (i know, big surprise) who had a fairly conservative client. She was asking about how his family dealt with him being gay to which he responded that they were so accepting and loving and nothing was different. She proceeded to say 'Well, i suppose they would accept it, it could be worse like at least you're not a murderer or something'. He promptly told her not to come back.
    I agree. "Even though your gay... you have an absolutely amazing physique" sounds like you're gay you shouldn't look like you do. As if being gay would interfere with bodybuilding. He said that's not what he meant but that is why I questioned it.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  24. #264
    Quote Originally Posted by wantmoremass View Post
    I agree. "Even though your gay... you have an absolutely amazing physique" sounds like you're gay you shouldn't look like you do. As if being gay would interfere with bodybuilding. He said that's not what he meant but that is why I questioned it.
    Oh you guys are so sensitive, and it was taken the wrong way. Like i said -

    It was a shortened version of: even though you are gay, im going to pay you a compliment about you body but I do not want anyone getting the idea that im a homo.

  25. #265
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    My neighbor asked me if i had a girlfriend and i said no and left it at that. Am i suppose to take it any further ?

  26. #266
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    Yea, ask if she has a brother =D

  27. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    Yea, ask if she has a brother =D
    Her: You seeing anyone ?
    Me: Depends..
    Her: On what ?
    Me: How cute your brother is

  28. #268
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  29. #269
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    did the gay thread die? :P

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    did the gay thread die? :P
    Just getting home from a great 1st date. He competes to. And unlike the last one. HE'S NOT MARRIED!!! Date 2 is tomorrow.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  31. #271
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    me and carl are spending the weekend together

  32. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post

    me and carl are spending the weekend together
    That's cool. What are your plans? I'm thinking of hitting the beach next weekend.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  33. #273
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    The south sucks for black gay men.


  34. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    That's cool. What are your plans? I'm thinking of hitting the beach next weekend.

    we are just spending time alone. not answering the phone, eating, etc etc the usual

    Quote Originally Posted by xythan_shadow View Post
    The south sucks for black gay men.

    why? no one from the klan dates outside the klan? :P

    racist down there, or all closet cases???

  35. #275
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    Fun times
    Last edited by xythan_shadow; 07-02-2008 at 11:40 AM.

  36. #276
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  37. #277
    Gay people are very funny... and usually very well dressed. I wish i had a gay friend to go clothes shopping with. lmfao

  38. #278
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    I wear jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt every where. Or I just put on sweats. I dunno if that is considered well dressed.
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  39. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    That's cool. What are your plans? I'm thinking of hitting the beach next weekend.
    LI beaches? I would probably stay away if I were you. At least for the holiday weekend. Usually the beaches around here suck during any holiday in the summer.

  40. #280
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    i just read this whole thread. took a little over a half hour

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