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Thread: Supplements that are actually effective

  1. #1
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    Supplements that are actually effective

    Hey i dont go much but you walk into GNC and there is so much crap that is a waste of money.

    I had a guy trying to tell me how good this fat burner is that uses raseberry extracts wtf and like 2-4x the price of clen come on.

    It seems to me these are your basic supplements. Lets not forget DIET is huge diet is #1 but if there is any supplements that are worth it and not some rip off in a fancy looking bottle i want to get them.

    1. Protein powder.
    2. BCAA's
    3. Amino Acids

    It seems this is all i need. Their fat burners are junk IMO.

    To much protein powder isnt any good either i usually go with 1 or 2 a day 1 after my workout.

    Whats your take on supplements.

    Lastly on vitamins and minerals i heard someone else here saying he has a syrup or something for horses that has a bunch of vitamins and minerals. Where can you buy something like this.

  2. #2
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    Ya sorry i didnt make it clear but do most of you guys use a multi vitamin or minerals or anything.

  3. #3
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    i dont think a multi is needed when you have a clean diet. you get plenty of vitamins from food. just pick up you basic b complex 10, zinc, magnesium, and vit c. i dont think aminos are needed either. ive heard good things on mega dosing bcaas. when my shoulder is better ill do that. and let ppl no my results after a month of mega dosing

  4. #4
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    test e

  5. #5
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    In the Gym, if i could
    amino acids in the protein powder

    amplify 02
    lipo flame
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  6. #6
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    One supplement I have found that I can truly tell makes a difference in my workouts is NaNo Vapor, by muscletech. It's a pre-workout drink. It's got everything to prep your body before the gym. There are many forms of arginine for all your NO2 puposes, creatines to increase your ATP, leucine and isoleucines for protein systhesis. Plus it's got caffeine to get you goin before you get to the gym. Helps on those days you are tired and don't feel like going. There are a ton of ingredients, many are in different forms such as, malates, etyl esters, hlc's and so on. I believe this is to get everything into your cell from different absorption transports pathways as they say.

    Muscletechs post workout drink is good too. Anabolic Halo. I haven't been using that for as long. A lot of the key ingredients are the same as Nano. The difference is the amount of ingredients are more towards recovery, suchs as the leucine and isoleucine. Like I said, each as a sh!t load of ingredients.

    Pre and post workout supplementing, I believe, are the most important ones. Along with these drinks, I always have a protein shake that also has an extra 5 grams of glutamine for recovery. Also, I have always suggested that anyones supplement base should have some kind of NO2(arginine), creatine, and protein.

    I would also say a multi vitamin/mineral is important. Diet can cover a lot of your vitamins but if you are very active especially as an athlete, I would suggesting finding a good vitamin/mineral. Zinc, magnesium, and chromium and key ones that are important to stay anabolic, keep test levels up, and maximize recovery in between workouts.

    These are my opinions. And sorry, I like to talk a lot.

  7. #7
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    ive been a gnc employee for about a year now. you would not believe the stupid shit i have to put up with. hardly anyone that comes into the store knows shit about training and diet. people come in every day while drinking an orange julius or something and ask "what can i take to loose weight without changing my diet or exercising?" WTF!? Sad but i hear it nearly every day. the primary ingredients in most of the fat burners we have is caffeine, yohimbine , and hoodia all of which you could find in raw form to be cheaper and more effective. most of the protein powders we have are pretty good but way overpriced. the vitamins are good quality stuff but also way overpriced. and corporate wants us to be very deceiving towards customers and push products that are shit. i could bitch about gnc all day if i had time. what you got to look for is expiring products. we have to mark them down quite a bit as they get closer to their expiration date. really busy gnc's wont have much expiring product but if you find one in a not busy area i would check it out. you can get stuff up to 75% off.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by SNRose07 View Post
    One supplement I have found that I can truly tell makes a difference in my workouts is NaNo Vapor, by muscletech. It's a pre-workout drink. It's got everything to prep your body before the gym. There are many forms of arginine for all your NO2 puposes, creatines to increase your ATP, leucine and isoleucines for protein systhesis. Plus it's got caffeine to get you goin before you get to the gym. Helps on those days you are tired and don't feel like going. There are a ton of ingredients, many are in different forms such as, malates, etyl esters, hlc's and so on. I believe this is to get everything into your cell from different absorption transports pathways as they say.

    Muscletechs post workout drink is good too. Anabolic Halo. I haven't been using that for as long. A lot of the key ingredients are the same as Nano. The difference is the amount of ingredients are more towards recovery, suchs as the leucine and isoleucine. Like I said, each as a sh!t load of ingredients.
    nano vapor is good stuff but superpump 250 and trac no extreme are pretty much identical. muscletech goes way overboard with their labels. of the 10 pages worth or ingrediants probably less than a fourth actually do anything. try buying bulk arginine and creatine online and you will save a lot of money and it works better than anything we sell at gnc.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by oneshot View Post
    ive been a gnc employee for about a year now. you would not believe the stupid shit i have to put up with. hardly anyone that comes into the store knows shit about training and diet. people come in every day while drinking an orange julius or something and ask "what can i take to loose weight without changing my diet or exercising?" WTF!? Sad but i hear it nearly every day. the primary ingredients in most of the fat burners we have is caffeine, yohimbine , and hoodia all of which you could find in raw form to be cheaper and more effective. most of the protein powders we have are pretty good but way overpriced. the vitamins are good quality stuff but also way overpriced. and corporate wants us to be very deceiving towards customers and push products that are shit. i could bitch about gnc all day if i had time. what you got to look for is expiring products. we have to mark them down quite a bit as they get closer to their expiration date. really busy gnc's wont have much expiring product but if you find one in a not busy area i would check it out. you can get stuff up to 75% off.

    how do i get stuff 75% off

  10. #10
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    All you need is a quality multivitamin (incase you don't get all your daily requirements from food), and a quality protein shake (i use ON 100% Whey, it works very well for me).

    However, if you're looking for an extra "kick", nitric oxide (pre-workout drinks like you mentioned) and creatine will provide that for you.

    The rest of the supplements are IMO not needed. Glutamine is said to be good, but I've been using it for 4 or so months and I haven't noticed a difference from when I didn't take it. As long as you get enough carbs and protein in your diet, glutamine is not necessary. I also supplement with Vitamin C, taking in 3 grams a day for overall health and well-being. I can say that it definitely stops me from getting sick.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    Ya sorry i didnt make it clear but do most of you guys use a multi vitamin or minerals or anything.
    i use now brand mulit, and fish oils, taurine and thats it. they are organic. oh and black powder no2

  12. #12
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    ya i hate it when you dont even notice the difference.

    with diet and gear or any fat burner such as clen you notice the difference.

    When i change my calories you notice.

    When i take these stupid supplements no difference.

    Does anyone know about this horse syrup. Some other guy says he buys it is a sick deal it has vitamins, minerals, and an assortment of amino acids.

    So do most guys here even take an amino acid supplement or a BCAA's?

  13. #13
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    I use creatine, vitamin c, betacarotene, fish oil, flaxseed oil, protein shake and also use animal pak when on the go or work out day's. The only fat burner i use is CARDIO.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post

    Does anyone know about this horse syrup. Some other guy says he buys it is a sick deal it has vitamins, minerals, and an assortment of amino acidssupplement or
    ....its 747 and it works well, you can get it over the counter at most vet supply stores. about 15 bucks a gallon.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by oneshot View Post
    ive been a gnc employee for about a year now. you would not believe the stupid shit i have to put up with. hardly anyone that comes into the store knows shit about training and diet. people come in every day while drinking an orange julius or something and ask "what can i take to loose weight without changing my diet or exercising?" WTF!? Sad but i hear it nearly every day. the primary ingredients in most of the fat burners we have is caffeine, yohimbine , and hoodia all of which you could find in raw form to be cheaper and more effective. most of the protein powders we have are pretty good but way overpriced. the vitamins are good quality stuff but also way overpriced. and corporate wants us to be very deceiving towards customers and push products that are shit. i could bitch about gnc all day if i had time. what you got to look for is expiring products. we have to mark them down quite a bit as they get closer to their expiration date. really busy gnc's wont have much expiring product but if you find one in a not busy area i would check it out. you can get stuff up to 75% off.
    What the name of the supplement that does that I need that

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    Does anyone know about this horse syrup. Some other guy says he buys it is a sick deal it has vitamins, minerals, and an assortment of amino acids.
    Liquid 747 - It's Great For Lactating Mares Breeding Stallions Working Horses And Horses In Training.

    What?! This is a new one on me? I think we need a new thread to discuss this! go first and let us know your results.

  17. #17
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    I love how they always seem to have over weight people working behind the counter. GNC is always great for a chuckle... The only other supplement I take other than my shakes are these Creatine pills. They amp me up before a workout but thats it

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post

    So do most guys here even take an amino acid supplement or a BCAA's?

    most good protein powders will have leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which are your BCAA's, and all are important for protein synthesis. Optimum Nutrition Whey gold standard is a quality protein with about 5 grams of glutamine and BCAA's per serving.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by 200byjune View Post
    i dont think a multi is needed when you have a clean diet. you get plenty of vitamins from food. just pick up you basic b complex 10, zinc, magnesium, and vit c. i dont think aminos are needed either. ive heard good things on mega dosing bcaas. when my shoulder is better ill do that. and let ppl no my results after a month of mega dosing
    that's actually not true in our food supply anymore, the nutrients just aren't in the food anymore because the soil that they're grown in is so depleted

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N. View Post
    Liquid 747 - It's Great For Lactating Mares Breeding Stallions Working Horses And Horses In Training.
    don't forget........guaranteed to put a hundred pounds on your horse in 6 weeks or your money back.....lots of bros use it here, including bang for buck
    what you think about gamma 500?

  21. #21
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    yo guys ill post soem links up man these horse supplements are unreal.

    Careful on the dosages guys u can OD on vitamin A and D.

    The prices are unreal.

    I found some that have all the essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals plus some extra things go aid with digestion! DEAL!.

  22. #22
    Let me know...I'm interested in seeing these.

  23. #23
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    Yup i pm'ed " wascaptain" about those horse vitamin. Will be pickin it up soon. We should make a thread for the horse vitamin and have people are gonna try it out post results or opinions or it.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by gst528i View Post
    Yup i pm'ed " wascaptain" about those horse vitamin. Will be pickin it up soon. We should make a thread for the horse vitamin and have people are gonna try it out post results or opinions or it.
    Do that. Learn something new everday...

  25. #25
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    something not many are in the know about is beta alanine......which is just a huge shocker to me, because it's effects are feelable. I get mine from

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N. View Post
    Do that. Learn something new everday...
    will be making a thread unless some does already, right after i search if anyone has old thread about this. Feel a sense of sarcasm coming from you lol.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    something not many are in the know about is beta alanine......which is just a huge shocker to me, because it's effects are feelable.
    I have a buddy who swears by it.

    Improves his mood, as well as allows him to crank out a couple reps.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    test e
    I concur.

  29. #29
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    Using veterinary compounds isn't anything new.. This is still right?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    Using veterinary compounds isn't anything new
    No...but they're effective.

  31. #31
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    Did someone delete the supplement forum? lol

    Best supplements I've ever taken were nordiol 19 and diol 4, pheraplex, & superdrol. But technically most people wouldn't consider them supplements.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    Hey i dont go much but you walk into GNC and there is so much crap that is a waste of money.

    I had a guy trying to tell me how good this fat burner is that uses raseberry extracts wtf and like 2-4x the price of clen come on.

    It seems to me these are your basic supplements. Lets not forget DIET is huge diet is #1 but if there is any supplements that are worth it and not some rip off in a fancy looking bottle i want to get them.

    1. Protein powder.
    2. BCAA's
    3. Amino Acids

    It seems this is all i need. Their fat burners are junk IMO.

    To much protein powder isnt any good either i usually go with 1 or 2 a day 1 after my workout.

    Whats your take on supplements.

    Lastly on vitamins and minerals i heard someone else here saying he has a syrup or something for horses that has a bunch of vitamins and minerals. Where can you buy something like this.

    Hm... what do i use?

    Year round?

    Fish Oil
    Chromium Picolinate
    (right now i'm using Bromelain also.. Sometimes I use soy protein)

    Pre-contest I add:

    Injectible (veterinary) B-12
    (and maybe a multi-vitamin)


  33. #33
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    The basics:
    1) Whey
    2) Multi-vitamin
    3) Creatine
    4) Fish oil

    5) Casein
    6) GlycerGrow

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    No...but they're effective.

    Still.. there're some quality control issues IMO.

    Though I use some Vet. stuff... The other day when pets were getting poisoned tru contaminated dog food, that put the fear of God in me to be quite honest.


  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    I have a buddy who swears by it.

    Improves his mood, as well as allows him to crank out a couple reps.
    as allows him to crank out a couple reps


  36. #36
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    take beta alanine....this is what I think it does for me personally

    lets say I do a set of 7 on the incline bench press. I get 7 and die at the bottom of my 8th attempt. With BA, the weight is not going to feel any lighter. in fact, I will feel just as drained at rep 7 as I would without BA. but on BA, no matter how much I think I am done, rep 8 comes out of NOWHERE. slowly and surely at the pace of a slug, with my teeth gritting and spit flying out, it goes up on my own. and I will die half way up on rep 9. Thats really the best way I can explain beta alanine. I think it also helps with recovery between sets. and perhaps gives the muscles a little bit of volume as well without any water retention. In fact, most guys i have talked to online about it,, dont feel they retain water either.

    tis really great stuff

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    as allows him to crank out a couple reps

    Yep, he raves over the stuff.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    Yep, he raves over the stuff.
    lol, me too, and so do these guys

    your buddy or anyone else might appreciate this thread.

  39. #39
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    Hold up guys,

    These horse vitamins are a good deal BUT TAKE IT EASY ON THE DOSE.

    Their doseage has 100 000 IU of Vitamin A or more in some of these !!!!!!!

    Thats what i wanted to ask about the ration and how much to take.

    Thats a dangerous dose of vitamin A. remember these vitamin requirements are for 600 pound animals.

    we need a proper ratio for this stuff that is correct for human's.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    Hold up guys,

    These horse vitamins are a good deal BUT TAKE IT EASY ON THE DOSE.

    Their doseage has 100 000 IU of Vitamin A or more in some of these !!!!!!!

    Thats what i wanted to ask about the ration and how much to take.

    Thats a dangerous dose of vitamin A. remember these vitamin requirements are for 600 pound animals.

    we need a proper ratio for this stuff that is correct for human's.
    i put a table spoon or so of 747 in my morning shake along with a table spoon of gamma 500

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