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Thread: china shuts down drug companies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    china shuts down drug companies

    China Cracks Down on Drug Companies

    Published: June 19, 2008
    BEIJING — Chinese officials said Wednesday that licenses had been revoked for three drugmakers, including one that sent human growth hormone to the United States, and that they had punished 125 other companies, mostly pharmacies, for making, selling or distributing performance-enhancing drugs.

    The move was heralded as evidence that China was determined to live up to its promise to host a clean Olympics.

    Officials also challenged claims by the United States that China accounted for 99 percent of the illicit performance-enhancing drugs in the largest drug-enforcement action in United States history, known as Operation Raw Deal, last year. The United States had asked China to investigate 37 drug manufacturers.

    “If China’s ingredients were used to produce performance-enhancing drugs and illegally sold after being legally exported, the importing countries should bear the responsibility,” Wu Zhen, the deputy head of the State Food and Drug Administration, said at a news conference. “Most of such products were exported with company contracts, export licenses and warrants from the importing countries, and their use was clearly stated.”

    Rusty Payne, a spokesman for the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, which led Operation Raw Deal, said in a telephone interview from D.E.A. headquarters in Alexandria, Va.: “I’m not going to get in a back-and-forth. It’s too sensitive. We’re talking about China here. We didn’t indict these companies. We provided the information to China, asking them to look into it, and apparently they have.”

    Last year, the D.E.A. said the United States government had not approved the imports and was counting on China to stop the flow at the source. A D.E.A. statement had said: “D.E.A. successfully attacked the illegal steroid industry at every level of its distribution network — from the manufacturers in China who supply the raw materials, to the traffickers in the United States who market the deadly doses.”

    One of the drugmakers that China named Wednesday was GeneScience Pharmaceutical, which is based in northern China and run by an American-educated executive. Last September, a federal grand jury in Rhode Island indicted the company for illegally distributing millions of dollars in human growth hormones in the United States. The company had denied the allegation, but its American agent pleaded guilty in February to conspiracy to distribute H.G.H.

    In making its announcement Wednesday, a senior drug agency official in Beijing said the agency had revoked the GeneScience license during a nationwide crackdown begun over the past year.

    Chinese officials said that they checked cities that are participating in the Olympics, and that most areas were in compliance.

    “Inspections show Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers have basically reached the requirements for doping control,” Wu said, according to Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

    The drug agency also said one unnamed person had been given a seven-year prison sentence for illegally distributing drugs.

    The vast majority of the companies punished were retail pharmacies, the government said.

    The government did not release a full list of companies involved in making and distributing illegal drugs but said they would all be punished according to the law, and that stiffer penalties would be meted out on companies that illegally distribute performance enhancing drugs ahead of or during the Olympics, which open in Beijing on Aug. 8.

    Of the 37 company dossiers referred to China from the D.E.A. after Operation Raw Deal, Wu said that investigation by China’s Ministry of Public Security showed 13 had exported such ingredients but most of them were doing legal business, some with the permission of the D.E.A. Among the remaining 24, he said 17 were not registered and provided false information, making further investigation impossible.

    “We welcome objective coverage and international supervision on China’s antidoping work,” Wu said. “We won’t accept, we even firmly oppose, irresponsible and distorting reports.”

    Beijing is making an effort to show that it is fighting sports doping and investigating claims that China has become a major center for the manufacture and export of performance-enhancing drugs.

    In the 1980s and early 1990s, China struggled with a series of doping scandals involving some of its top athletes. But since then, China has produced some world-class athletes with only a few doping scandals. Last November, China created the China Anti-Doping Agency.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    bummer! Think this will effect the prices?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    that "deadly doses" line just gets on my nerves every time i read it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post

    . Last November, China created the China Anti-Doping Agency.
    I wonder if that will reduce the number of dopes on this planet . . .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    In The Dark
    Quote Originally Posted by Ir0n View Post
    bummer! Think this will effect the prices?

    Since last year it has already become virtually non-existent where I live.

    Oh , but a certain street stimulant is still readily available.

    Go figure.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2 View Post
    that "deadly doses" line just gets on my nerves every time i read it

    That stood out to me too.

    How about water. Too much of that can kill you! All those poor people out the taking those deadly doses of water.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    wow that was if it were only that easy to stop the columbians from producing cocaine......i just dont get it....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Bay, California
    damm that sucks. I was just going to order hgh from there too. lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Supply and demand. If there were 3 million people in the usa that wanted to purchase atom bom bs then people would find a way to get them to those people so long as they were willing to pay the mark up given the difficulties of making such transactions.

    Prices might rise but distribution will not cease. The gubament has had a 'war' on narcotics for 40 years. They have spent over a trillion dollars fighting this war. Narcotics are cheaper today than they were in the 80's.

    When is the gubament gonna start a war on vacation homes on tropical islands? If the above is any kind of measurement I should be able to pick up a sweet 5br 3 bath for 75K in 20 years.

    Not to mention they can not even keep them out of Maximum Security Prisons LMAO

    The players might change but the laws of economics don't. So long as there are customers willing to pay for the suppliers risk, there will be people willing to supply. That is not speculation, it's economic fact.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by KZRSOIZE View Post
    wow that was if it were only that easy to stop the columbians from producing cocaine......i just dont get it....
    As long as there is demand, there will ALWAYS be supply. Prices might rise, but as long as ppl are willing to pay, someone will provide the good/service for that payment.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post

    China Cracks Down on Drug Companies

    Published: June 19, 2008
    BEIJING — Chinese officials said Wednesday that licenses had been revoked for three drugmakers, including one that sent human growth hormone to the United States, and that they had punished 125 other companies, mostly pharmacies, for making, selling or distributing performance-enhancing drugs.

    The move was heralded as evidence that China was determined to live up to its promise to host a clean Olympics.

    Officials also challenged claims by the United States that China accounted for 99 percent of the illicit performance-enhancing drugs in the largest drug-enforcement action in United States history, known as Operation Raw Deal, last year. The United States had asked China to investigate 37 drug manufacturers.

    “If China’s ingredients were used to produce performance-enhancing drugs and illegally sold after being legally exported, the importing countries should bear the responsibility,” Wu Zhen, the deputy head of the State Food and Drug Administration, said at a news conference. “Most of such products were exported with company contracts, export licenses and warrants from the importing countries, and their use was clearly stated.”

    Rusty Payne, a spokesman for the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, which led Operation Raw Deal, said in a telephone interview from D.E.A. headquarters in Alexandria, Va.: “I’m not going to get in a back-and-forth. It’s too sensitive. We’re talking about China here. We didn’t indict these companies. We provided the information to China, asking them to look into it, and apparently they have.”

    Last year, the D.E.A. said the United States government had not approved the imports and was counting on China to stop the flow at the source. A D.E.A. statement had said: “D.E.A. successfully attacked the illegal steroid industry at every level of its distribution network — from the manufacturers in China who supply the raw materials, to the traffickers in the United States who market the deadly doses.”

    One of the drugmakers that China named Wednesday was GeneScience Pharmaceutical, which is based in northern China and run by an American-educated executive. Last September, a federal grand jury in Rhode Island indicted the company for illegally distributing millions of dollars in human growth hormones in the United States. The company had denied the allegation, but its American agent pleaded guilty in February to conspiracy to distribute H.G.H.

    In making its announcement Wednesday, a senior drug agency official in Beijing said the agency had revoked the GeneScience license during a nationwide crackdown begun over the past year.

    Chinese officials said that they checked cities that are participating in the Olympics, and that most areas were in compliance.

    “Inspections show Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers have basically reached the requirements for doping control,” Wu said, according to Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

    The drug agency also said one unnamed person had been given a seven-year prison sentence for illegally distributing drugs.

    The vast majority of the companies punished were retail pharmacies, the government said.

    The government did not release a full list of companies involved in making and distributing illegal drugs but said they would all be punished according to the law, and that stiffer penalties would be meted out on companies that illegally distribute performance enhancing drugs ahead of or during the Olympics, which open in Beijing on Aug. 8.

    Of the 37 company dossiers referred to China from the D.E.A. after Operation Raw Deal, Wu said that investigation by China’s Ministry of Public Security showed 13 had exported such ingredients but most of them were doing legal business, some with the permission of the D.E.A. Among the remaining 24, he said 17 were not registered and provided false information, making further investigation impossible.

    “We welcome objective coverage and international supervision on China’s antidoping work,” Wu said. “We won’t accept, we even firmly oppose, irresponsible and distorting reports.”

    Beijing is making an effort to show that it is fighting sports doping and investigating claims that China has become a major center for the manufacture and export of performance-enhancing drugs.

    In the 1980s and early 1990s, China struggled with a series of doping scandals involving some of its top athletes. But since then, China has produced some world-class athletes with only a few doping scandals. Last November, China created the China Anti-Doping Agency.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    they can get rid of cuban cigars and roids that have contributed to 0 deaths. but i can walk to the corner and get a quick fix whenever i want.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    crazy huh?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Back The Way you Came

    Honestly who cares about the olympics.

    Like steroids in sprinting or long distance running.

    Who wants to watch a bunch of guys who look like their anorexic race eachother????

    I think the only time i watch the olympics is hockey or basketball.

    I wish other countries would ignore us. Why are other countries trying to help our laws and police laws for us they dont even have.

    The sooner other countries start to have an anti-american attitude starting by rejecting our ever debasing and depreciating dollar the better the rest of this world is going to be. America is trying to run a police state and run/police the state along with robbing their own citizens and foreginers of their welath by supplying them with dollars that inflate, debase and lose their value. Then they try to enforce laws in other countries they dont even belong in. I have had enough, did i mention this costs us money.

    Not only is our national debt 9 trillion dollars and the debt as a whole (country, gov, citizens) 50 trillion dollars but we seem to think it is our duty to get rid of steroids out of china to have a "clean olympics."

    Rofl we are having meetings in congress about Baseball players cheating and steroids. Yet we print more money to bail banks who cheated.

    Congress is having meetings about steroids and trying to police the MLB and the olympics while our dollar has lost 50 % of its value in less than 8 years.

    Something isnt right.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post

    Honestly who cares about the olympics.

    Like steroids in sprinting or long distance running.

    Who wants to watch a bunch of guys who look like their anorexic race eachother????

    I think the only time i watch the olympics is hockey or basketball.

    I wish other countries would ignore us. Why are other countries trying to help our laws and police laws for us they dont even have.
    Because we lean our political muscle on their asses. We have military bases all over the friggin world and no other coutries hardly have any bases all over the world.

    Our gov't is trying to run the world, it's that simple. I agree 100% with everything you said.

    Hell, our gov't arrested some dudes that ran online gambling sites that operated in foreign countries completely legally when the owners happened to get on connecting plane flights that touched down on US soil. Then they set up a bribary scheme to let them go for a fine of millions and millions of dollars.

    Our gov't thinks it has the right to police the whole world. I'm not sure how they exercise influence in individual cases/countries but think it's a big crock. Then again I think 99% of the crap they do here to their own citizens is a big crock so I shouldn't be surpised.

    40year trillion dollar drug war and cocaine and heroin are cheaper today than in the 80's. Also both still readily available on the streets AND in EVERY MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON in the country. LMAO Talk about throwing money down the rathole, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of families ruined due to ppl going to jail, ppl being murdered, cops included as well as innocent bystanders...all because of the WAR on drugs.

    Once prohibition ended the killing stopped.

    Drop the price of drugs through legalization and ppl will not be mugging old ladies to get money for a fix any more than ppl mug old ladies to get their daily nicotine fix or daily vodka fix. If those products cost $75/day b/c they were made illegal you would see a crapload of burgeries, etc b/c then ppl couldn't get by with their daily habits.

    The drug war is a big joke. Asset forfeiture laws were sold to americans in the early 70's by telling them "we need special laws that allow us to confiscate the property of int'l drug cartel leaders and mafia leaders b/c they are so rich they are too hard to fight with our current laws". Fast forward to today. Asset forfeiture is used ROUTINELY against EVERYDAY AMERICAN CITIZENS b/c they have a little baggie of weed in their pocket driving in a car... sorry we are confiscating your car. Same thing to people's houses if their kid is dealing out of it whether or not the parents know. They take the house first and you have to fight to get it back.

    Or the selling in a school zone law. When that was proposed I remember seeing tv commercials about some sinister looking character selling crack/smack through a school yard fence to a 6th grader and thinking "yeah, that sounds like a good idea to have a specail law to prevent this" Fast forward to today. Anyone selling any illegal drugs within a school zone (and schools are everywhere it's hard to be OUTSIDE of a school zone lol) is charged with that crime. Doesn't matter if it's one 40yo man selling something to his 40yo friend in their apartment, even if both believe that anyone giving or selling drugs to kids should get the death penalty. They are still charged with that crime.

    If our gov't pulls all this crap on us, maybe we shouldn't be surprised they pull it on others in other parts of the world. I'm a friggin prisoner in my own country and I'm supposed to feel proud I"m an american? If the founding fathers were alive today they would organize another revolt.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Thanks United States!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2005


    my price for test e has a little more than doubled

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Why do the US government (the only country to EVER use a nuclear weapon on civilians) now think they are the moral policemen of the world?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Bay, California
    I just have to say that damm, Nightwolf. I like the pic in ur avatar bro.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Between mrs.misery's legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Ir0n View Post
    bummer! Think this will effect the prices?
    alot more than it already has.......****...shit...

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I"m glad I don't use GH. I read here or somewhere else that China is basically shutting down GH production of jintropin. No one in china will be able to self inject and only dr's will be able to administer the drug. No exports.

    The advice I read (it was an article or something quoted I"m pretty sure) was to pick 'em up while they are out there b/c the fakes r gonna start rollin out pretty damn soon....

    R govt in the us sucks ass bigtime

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by firmechicano831 View Post
    I just have to say that damm, Nightwolf. I like the pic in ur avatar bro.
    Thanks bro

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Ir0n View Post
    bummer! Think this will effect the prices?
    offcourse it will, and not only that. It can also make some private
    sources shut down.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    this sux, my source got busted like 2 mnths ago and he was my last supplier around. fvck op raw deal!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jchopper1 View Post
    this sux, my source got busted like 2 mnths ago and he was my last supplier around. fvck op raw deal!
    First the government robs us (they call it a tax, but if you don't pay you go to jail or get shot) to pay stormtroopers to poke into our own private business, then they arrest us for engaging in voluntary business transactions between adults and for making decisions as adults what types of substances we choose to put in our own bodies.

    First you get robbed, then you get raped.

    Gee, I'm supposed to feel all warm and fuzzy b/c I'm an american and some other people in other parts of the world get f'ed over worse than me? No thanks. Getting f'ed over sucks, the matter of degree is mere squabbling over details.

    The Libertarian Party is the only party that truely represents what we all have in common here.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

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