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Thread: What are your top 5 pet peeves in the gym?

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaWRZ0R! View Post
    i really only have one pet peeve in the gym... which is similar to talkers. its when you are sitting there waiting for the machine respectfully and another guy comes and starts talking to him. 20 minutes pass by and i check again and that guy still has like 2 sets left which is really ignorant cause i start to get stiff and cold on that certain muscle group and it also ruins the cycle of training i had planned for that day
    oh man i hate this. or when your doing a super set and some guy thinks he owns the machine. i just need to do a set and move on again.

    i dont know why people cant get along, spot eachother, and share machines.

    The worst are the guys who take a machine then sit there like they own it or sit there talking to their buddy for like 20 mins and then they still arent done.....

    Lol for the stupid little kid problem. If you go to a big gym with alot of "bigger guys" well mine is good for this alot of guys know what they are doing alot of the stupid kids dont come cause they feel embarrassed cause everyone is way bigger then them.

    Find a time when alot of the bigger guys workout and go then alot less kids go they try to avoid this time i have seen it! Most are jealous and dont want to work out beside guys that are way bigger.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaWRZ0R! View Post
    i really only have one pet peeve in the gym... which is similar to talkers. its when you are sitting there waiting for the machine respectfully and another guy comes and starts talking to him. 20 minutes pass by and i check again and that guy still has like 2 sets left which is really ignorant cause i start to get stiff and cold on that certain muscle group and it also ruins the cycle of training i had planned for that day
    I never weight for a machine, I just say "Can I work in with you?"

    They always say "I was just finishing up."

  3. #43
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    I never weight for a machine, I just say "Can I work in with you?"

    They always say "I was just finishing up."
    yeah i asked them a few times and it ends up they are work out partners? MY A**
    and i wanna flip out on them and just throw someone

  4. #44
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    CURLING IN THE CAGE / SQUAT RACK… WTF is wrong with people when they are curling in the cage?!?!?! Are you that F—kin lazy to pick up a curl bar off the ground or god forbid you would have to bend over a little to pick it up off the curl rack. No it has to be right at hand level when were done curling because we don’t want to expend any other energy on anything but our precious biceps…

  5. #45
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    I guess it could be worse with some A$$HOLE talking on his cell phone and curling in the squat rack…

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaWRZ0R! View Post
    i really only have one pet peeve in the gym... which is similar to talkers. its when you are sitting there waiting for the machine respectfully and another guy comes and starts talking to him. 20 minutes pass by and i check again and that guy still has like 2 sets left which is really ignorant cause i start to get stiff and cold on that certain muscle group and it also ruins the cycle of training i had planned for that day
    At my gym that machine is always the machine flyes.
    I don't know what everyone finds so attractive about it? Men of ALL ages, shapes, and sizes make sure they do a few sets on that machine everytime they work out. WHY GOD DAMMIT, WHY!?

  7. #47
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    well in college I workout in my college gym.....and everyone is happy to help each other out with spots. thats one good thing about the college gym, it might be full of noobs and bicep posse's, but no one hesitates to help each other out

    at home, my gym is a nice kind of expensive club kind of place.....again, everyone seems happy to help each other out as well.....Their really are no idiots at that place either.

    ps- its unsafe lifting without a spot imo in many instances such as chest pressing.

  8. #48
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    unloading plates and not stacked weights bother me along with the others listed. my most hated thing is, well its not just at the gym though, is people leaving there trash unpoliced. you know the ones, they bring in there cups and power bars and leave the wrapper and the empty cup lying around.

  9. #49
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    Top 5, lets see....

    in no particular order:

    People that dont put away plates or dumbells after use (this includes leaving plates on bars after use).

    People who take their ****ing mobile/cell phones into the gym.

    People that sit NEXT TO ME, waiting for me to finish on a machine or weight. This is the one I probably hate the worst. It's rude, I mean for christ sakes is there really NOTHING ELSE this **** could be doing instead while I finish my exercise?

    Groups that stand around talking in a certain area you want to use. Wouldn't be so bad if not for the fact they've been there for about 30 minutes and your only consolation is that they'll need to go and get some water soon, which in itself is ironic.

    I think all round gym etiquete, which isn't expressed enough and probably encompases everything ive said and everything anyone else has said.

  10. #50
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    Even though this thread has been done before I love them. its a great way for us to bitch about all the jerkoff's in the gym.
    I hate little dudes in wife beaters walking around with their I.L.S. Put your f***ing arms down you sissy!!!! LOL

  11. #51
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    one of the gym trainers with his new client acting like he's hot **** trying to take over machines before people are done, I cant wait till they pull that **** on me little MF!!!

  12. #52
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    I HATE people doing dumbell flies that clank the weights so loud every rep at the peak that it sounds like church bells. Nothing takes me out of the zone more than that.

  13. #53
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Top 5, lets see....

    in no particular order:

    People that dont put away plates or dumbells after use (this includes leaving plates on bars after use).

    People who take their ****ing mobile/cell phones into the gym.

    People that sit NEXT TO ME, waiting for me to finish on a machine or weight. This is the one I probably hate the worst. It's rude, I mean for christ sakes is there really NOTHING ELSE this **** could be doing instead while I finish my exercise?

    Groups that stand around talking in a certain area you want to use. Wouldn't be so bad if not for the fact they've been there for about 30 minutes and your only consolation is that they'll need to go and get some water soon, which in itself is ironic.

    I think all round gym etiquete, which isn't expressed enough and probably encompases everything ive said and everything anyone else has said.

    "People that sit NEXT TO ME, waiting for me to finish on a machine or weight. This is the one I probably hate the worst. It's rude, I mean for christ sakes is there really NOTHING ELSE this **** could be doing instead while I finish my exercise?"

    no, because I dont believe in the "Jo weider confusion principals". I must do the same exercises on the same equipment as last time so I can beat what I got last time and ensure that I am making progress, not wasting my time.

  14. #54
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    my pet peeve... ppl that bitch about ppl in the gym. just ignore them.

  15. #55
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    People who load the leg press up and are so proud of the weight they used that they leave it all on there. Some guys think that they earned the right not to put weights away. I don't care if you used all that weight, then you are strong enough to put that **** away!

  16. #56
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    Dumbbell racks that look like this:


    I swear, Monday night at my gym is the worst time to go because of all this stuff. One, it's packed. It's like everyone comes in to try and burn off calories they got from partying over the weekend and you don't see 'em again until the next week. Two, every single guy is doing chest and bis. Of course, 80% of those people do ONLY chest and bis, even if they happen to come in another day of the week. Three, over half of them will load up a bar with weight, do a couple of sets and leave the bar fully loaded or take the weights off and just sit them near the bench. I swear, there were so many 45's lying on the floor last night just asking to be tripped over.

    That's why I like lifting between 12-4 in the afternoon. The serious bodybuilders are there and none of the "gym-bunnies". Stuff gets back in its place, benches stay clean and everyone's just a lot more polite in general.

    Edit: Oh, and one more thing, but this is just because I work with the personal trainers. I'm sure you've seen a few of these guys around your gym. I've seen close to two dozen of these guys already. They pick a machine and they start doing "something". You can look at them and see they have absolutely no idea what in the hell they are doing. Add on top of that they're using a really really light weight, usually 10-20 lbs and are just going through a motion. No muscles working, just moving the machine around. They would get better results walking around the building than doing what they were. So, the trainers come up to them, nicely and offer to take them through a workout, no strings attached. And these guys are usually too proud to say ok. Or the really fat guys that come in, do cardio and the ab machines, and when you try to explain the necessity of weight training and nutrition to them if they really wanna lose weight, they brush you off.

    I mean really, no one knows everything. I'll be one of the first people to admit when I don't know something and ask for it. I can't afford to hurt myself in the gym, be down for a few weeks and not be able to hit the iron. Hell, I know pro bodybuilders that ask for help with stuff. Why in the hell do these guys think they know it all and don't need any help? Especially when you look at them and see how great of a shape they are in with their knowledge....
    Last edited by xythan_shadow; 06-24-2008 at 01:06 PM.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmg View Post
    curling in the power/ squat rack is the greatest offense one can ever make... and the lighter the weight one does the curls with... the greater the offense actually is
    this and the talkers...

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by xythan_shadow View Post
    Or the really fat guys that come in, do cardio and the ab machines, and when you try to explain the necessity of weight training and nutrition to them if they really wanna lose weight, they brush you off.
    Definitely pisses me off... But not just strangers at the gym, but the people you are friends with that WANT to lose weight and COMPLAIN every day about it. Then when you offer advice and tell them you can help them lose weight, they blow you off like you have no idea what you are talking about.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Definitely pisses me off... But not just strangers at the gym, but the people you are friends with that WANT to lose weight and COMPLAIN every day about it. Then when you offer advice and tell them you can help them lose weight, they blow you off like you have no idea what you are talking about.
    It's even worse when you are working with the training staff at the gym and you tell them you can get them a discount on a membership AND training to start with, cause we all know that first couple of steps is the hardest and they keep going, "I'll come soon as things settle down man." I keep thinking things will never settle down unless you make 'em.

  20. #60
    Heres something I experienced today... that should really be added...

    SINGERS - people who ****in sing so obnoxiously loud it kills your concentration.

  21. #61
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    1) People who talk on the cell phones for 15 mins b/w sets
    2) People who throw 3x the weight they should be lifting on the machine.
    a) I saw a guy on the decline hammer strength machine. He had 3 - 45s and a 35 on each side and the weights were lifting him.
    3) People who grunt like no one else is in the gym
    4) People who come to socialize with other people in the gym.
    5) People who don't put the weights back or clean of the benches with their sweat.

  22. #62
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    i ****ing HATE #4 the advice guy...this is the dumb **** that doesnt take no for a answer and if u suggest him something he would not listen...this is the guy that keeps saying "you know i used to be ripped , i used to be this & that & i can do it in 2 weeks.....well instead of running ur fkn mouth do it already & dont ask me for advice if u gona counter it with your stupid google facts..& he talks about how he knows this & this person so the advice he gives you has to be right because he supposely got his info from some "old time pro bodybuilder".. I just argued with a guy like this, this is why im all heated up right now.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Definitely pisses me off... But not just strangers at the gym, but the people you are friends with that WANT to lose weight and COMPLAIN every day about it. Then when you offer advice and tell them you can help them lose weight, they blow you off like you have no idea what you are talking about.
    Then they tell you that you have good genetics.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Then they tell you that you have good genetics.
    haha exactly.

    I just noticed the same thing its always monday they all come to do chest and bicep.

    At my gym thursday - sunday even at peak times no one ever shows up.

    All of the above people you always tend to hate never show up on leg or back day.

  25. #65
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    My lifting buddy and I have a game we play. I suggest you guys do it too.

    Here it is:

    Not counting the 'professional lifters' in your gym (i.e. bodybuilders, trainers, etc), see how many people do at least one exercise for legs. Then count how many do a full workout including squats and leg presses. Our record for a whole week was 11 people.

    Granted, I'm there 13 hours a day, so I get to count a lot more people than you guys might.

  26. #66
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    i was doing giant sets which included a dumbbell movement... this chick was doin like trunk twists with a fvcking broom stick... you know what i mean. after each set she would lay the stick long ways down the dumbbell rack... on top the dumbbells... can you picture this? so, you had to move her damn stick to get at like 5 or 6 pairs of dumbbells which were underneath... are you following me here?

    the first set i picked her stick up and just set up against the wall like a fvcking normal person would... she did her set and put the damn stick back on top of the dumbbells... the second time i grabbed her stick and throw it like a javelin into the far corner of the gym where they shoved the shit machines that no one uses and then real calmly i looked at her and said... that doesnt belong here.

    probably coulda got kicked out for that, but the desk guys were my doods.

  27. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by bmg View Post
    i was doing giant sets which included a dumbbell movement... this chick was doin like trunk twists with a fvcking broom stick... you know what i mean. after each set she would lay the stick long ways down the dumbbell rack... on top the dumbbells... can you picture this? so, you had to move her damn stick to get at like 5 or 6 pairs of dumbbells which were underneath... are you following me here?

    the first set i picked her stick up and just set up against the wall like a fvcking normal person would... she did her set and put the damn stick back on top of the dumbbells... the second time i grabbed her stick and throw it like a javelin into the far corner of the gym where they shoved the shit machines that no one uses and then real calmly i looked at her and said... that doesnt belong here.

    probably coulda got kicked out for that, but the desk guys were my doods.
    lmfao haha... at least you didnt beat her with it. People like that need a really intimidating wake up call. Some people really do not realize that there are other people on this earth besides them.

  28. #68
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    What about half reps?

  29. #69
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    My worst peeve is having to work out near someone who smells like they use human feces as deoderant. I'll admit that after a hard session i'm not exactly spring-time fresh but c'mon, you gotta know there's something wrong if everywhere you go you leave a wake of gagging and gasping people behind...

  30. #70
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    Seriously, what is with that whole Monday thing? Where the same slobs turn up on monday and ONLY do biceps and chest??? AND if they do happen to come in on say something like thursday, again, they ONLY DO chest and biceps??

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Seriously, what is with that whole Monday thing? Where the same slobs turn up on monday and ONLY do biceps and chest??? AND if they do happen to come in on say something like thursday, again, they ONLY DO chest and biceps??
    My buddies and I basically came to the conclusion that they come on monday to burn off the calories they got from drinking all weekend. And obviously, doing chest and bis will do that for them, plus they'll get huge! Who needs full body workouts or a sensible diet?

  32. #72
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    thats the problem with gyms.sportsclubs today, its becoming a social thing

  33. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Rugger02 View Post
    My worst peeve is having to work out near someone who smells like they use human feces as deoderant. I'll admit that after a hard session i'm not exactly spring-time fresh but c'mon, you gotta know there's something wrong if everywhere you go you leave a wake of gagging and gasping people behind...
    Yes!!! And for that reason alone, i shower before I go to the gym. As weird as it sounds, i get a better workout psychologically when i go in fresh and clean. Plus i just feel more comfortable.

    And nothing worse then asking for a spot on the bench and regretting it. Had a dude spot me and had the funk all up in his shorts.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaWRZ0R! View Post
    i really only have one pet peeve in the gym... which is similar to talkers. its when you are sitting there waiting for the machine respectfully and another guy comes and starts talking to him. 20 minutes pass by and i check again and that guy still has like 2 sets left which is really ignorant cause i start to get stiff and cold on that certain muscle group and it also ruins the cycle of training i had planned for that day
    +1. One time I saw two guys tie up a machine for an entire hour. Some dude asked if he could work in and was refused. wtf?

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Yes!!! And for that reason alone, i shower before I go to the gym. As weird as it sounds, i get a better workout psychologically when i go in fresh and clean. Plus i just feel more comfortable.

    And nothing worse then asking for a spot on the bench and regretting it. Had a dude spot me and had the funk all up in his shorts.
    OMG, you just brought back some painful memories... Inhale on the way down and fight for consciousness while you press because you got a nose-full of ripe nut steam

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tatudlifter View Post
    I know he was young when he took that wasn't he. Looks like they are going to re-instate him to the ifbb....
    what'd he do?

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    My biggest is having the same topics started every three weeks...

    thread hijack

  38. #78
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    Kinda number 5 and number 1 put together...
    There were these two guys that were pretty big and they hung all over the squat rack for an hour...just pissed me off...I thought about asking them were to get some juice though lol

  39. #79
    This one right here, floors me everytime i hear it... and its ****in funny and frustrating equally...

    "If i took the same amount of steroids bodybuilders like ROnnie Coleman take, Id be just as big"

    I was told this in a small argument at the gym the other night. I was told that Bodybuilding is a skill free sport, that anyone can go to the gym everyday and get big. That its the least athletic sport known to competitive sports. I looked at him and i said "You are ignorant."

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    This one right here, floors me everytime i hear it... and its ****in funny and frustrating equally...

    "If i took the same amount of steroids bodybuilders like ROnnie Coleman take, Id be just as big"

    I was told this in a small argument at the gym the other night. I was told that Bodybuilding is a skill free sport, that anyone can go to the gym everyday and get big. That its the least athletic sport known to competitive sports. I looked at him and i said "You are ignorant."
    Wow yah. Ignorant is even being a little lenient.

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