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Thread: my truck got launched off the lift at shop.

  1. #1

    my truck got launched off the lift at shop.

    so today i got some brake work done on the dodge had em do an oil change while it was there. so they got this new 16 year old kid working there as the shop bit*h he changes the oil goes to start the truck up and let it run for a sec, now mind you my trucks a 5-speed he didnt notice the truck was in first and popped the clutch out and jumped it right off the front of the lift into their alignment machine destroyed the alignment machine and beat my front bumper up pretty good. also apparently the alignment machine costs about 40k lol

    kid went into shock and didnt say a word. i just happined to be there when this all happined and saw the whole thing i went into shock for a sec then just started laughing i also took a few pics to remember this by.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    Oh My God...I would have been pissed

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    Oh My God...I would have been pissed
    you know at first i kinda got heated real quick but then my brother started laughing and i relized it was kinda funny and started laughing as well. it was an accident and i relize that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    holy shit. thats crazy. man. i bet the kid feels like a pile of nothing

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    You know that kid is shitting his pants... Well look on the bright side... hat place is going to be blowing you to try and make up for

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Well that would be grounds to kick some ass.

    I would make them pay out there ass.

  7. #7
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    P.S that shop is a shit hole. Look how dirty it is. I would not bring my shit there in the first place.

  8. #8
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    I brought my truck to the dealer once for some work. They were finished and started backing it out and hit another one of there service guys with my truck, Put a dent in my truck and he was off to the hospital. I saw the whole thing. I didnt really freak was more worried about the guy at the time

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Damn man! Sorry to see that! At least you are handling it well. Yeah, that dude is shitting his pants.

  10. #10
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    hopefully he doesn't get fired for making a mistake. Good thing ur kept ur kool. lol

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by firmechicano831 View Post
    hopefully he doesn't get fired for making a mistake. Good thing ur kept ur kool. lol
    no my buddys owns the shop and said he was gonna fake fire him to teach him a lesson.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    P.S that shop is a shit hole. Look how dirty it is. I would not bring my shit there in the first place.
    its a shop not an expensive steak house. and its not dirty you freak its actually very neat. you only see one pic with anything laying around and thats the crap they were pulling off the hood of my truck after the accident.
    Last edited by THEGOLDPRO; 06-24-2008 at 11:27 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEGOLDPRO View Post
    its a shop not an expensive steak house. and its not dirty you freak its actually very neat. you only see one pic with anything laying around and thats the crap they were pulling off the hood of my truck after the accident.
    Chillax....Gixxer works at a dealership shop which is a lot more high end than the place you're at...I'm sure he wasn't trying to insult you...

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    omg thats crazy.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Chillax....Gixxer works at a dealership shop which is a lot more high end than the place you're at...I'm sure he wasn't trying to insult you...
    hes not insulting me but to make a dumb blanket statement like oh look how dirty its a sh1t hole is just plain dumb. i have been going to this shop for 10+years and am great friends with the owner he has never steered me wrong and has always hooked me up. thats why i didnt get mad when this happined as i know it was an honest mistake and i know the shops gonna take care of me.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEGOLDPRO View Post
    hes not insulting me but to make a dumb blanket statement like oh look how dirty its a sh1t hole is just plain dumb. i have been going to this shop for 10+years and am great friends with the owner he has never steered me wrong and has always hooked me up. thats why i didnt get mad when this happined as i know it was an honest mistake and i know the shops gonna take care of me.
    I would fire the guy just for how dirty under his tool box is.

    For real bro that shop is not clean. The alignment is dirty as hell also as well as the floor.

    The floor in today shops are nice clean and painted. Machines are clean and up to date as well. That hunter rack is like 8 years old. It my have been 40k when he got it. Now a days as a used machine that one is so out dated it would be hard to even sell for any thing other then scrap.

    I was not trying to insult you at all. Just those kind of places hire losers that a place like mine wouldn't. I don't find it funny that you truck went flying of the rack. The kid could have killed someone if they were standing in fount of it. Not only that but also fvcking up a customers truck i think not.

  17. #17
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    This is what repair shop should look like. Also this is not a new shop at all.

    This is a 40k Rack. also note look how clean the floor is and around that car.

  18. #18
    your compairing apples or oranges you work at a dealership they are usually very clean this is a local shop which pulls in a sh1tload of work and really doesnt have time to clean it every 3 minuts and make it sparkle.

  19. #19
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    I would have flipped...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEGOLDPRO View Post
    your compairing apples or oranges you work at a dealership they are usually very clean this is a local shop which pulls in a sh1tload of work and really doesnt have time to clean it every 3 minuts and make it sparkle.
    That is an excuse. I have worked in quit a for shops. From dealers to high performance to 2 bay gas stations. None of them looked like that or have to. Its because the employees are lazy and don't clean up.

  21. #21
    whatever im not gonna sit here and critique how dirty a shop is as i dont really care. all i know if they do great work and have always been good to me aside from this kid launching my truck off the rack its been a good 10 years.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEGOLDPRO View Post
    you know at first i kinda got heated real quick but then my brother started laughing and i relized it was kinda funny and started laughing as well. it was an accident and i relize that.
    good attitude man, you sound like a classy guy. props to you.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEGOLDPRO View Post
    whatever im not gonna sit here and critique how dirty a shop is as i dont really care. all i know if they do great work and have always been good to me aside from this kid launching my truck off the rack its been a good 10 years.
    That is ok as long as they make good on fixing the truck.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    good attitude man, you sound like a classy guy. props to you.
    yeah i mean had this been a guy at saya jiffy lube rather then my buddys shop i might have lost my temper but i held it together lol

  25. #25
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    I agree with Gix. I dont care how much work you do you should always have time to clean the place. I hate going to the dealer because they are so expensive but then i hate going anywhere else where they have 16 year olds that don't know @#$@ working on my car. I just bought a new car so i take my free oil changes to the dealer but after that i'll start doing them myself.

  26. #26
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    I do have to agree with gsxxr, those machines look like they were from the caveman era. What matters the most is that they do a good job and you trust the guy.

  27. #27
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    good job on keeping your cool. did they pay for the damages?

  28. #28
    i gotta drop it off next week so they can take care of it.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEGOLDPRO View Post
    i gotta drop it off next week so they can take care of it.
    If they are going to bring it to there body, just make sure you look into the place.

    The last thing you need is a half ass repair.

  30. #30
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    im source cheks
    my parents own a bodyshop, and i can tell you it looks that dirty...they also do very good work and come highly recommended. presentation isint everything when you're gettin your car worked on. my parents shop has been around for decades, shit is gonna stain and look dirty when you're doin a dirty job day in, day out, year in, year out. im not saying a bodyshop has to be dirty, but i am saying dirt on the floor of a bodyshop typically means theres alot of work getting done their.
    anyway, man that is ****in hilarious. i would have been pissed for probably 20 seconds, then laughed it off too. that kid is feelin it tho, bigtime.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by thetank View Post
    my parents own a bodyshop, and i can tell you it looks that dirty...they also do very good work and come highly recommended. presentation isint everything when you're gettin your car worked on. my parents shop has been around for decades, shit is gonna stain and look dirty when you're doin a dirty job day in, day out, year in, year out. im not saying a bodyshop has to be dirty, but i am saying dirt on the floor of a bodyshop typically means theres alot of work getting done their.
    anyway, man that is ****in hilarious. i would have been pissed for probably 20 seconds, then laughed it off too. that kid is feelin it tho, bigtime.
    Body shops are different then repair shops. you have a lot of dust and paint spilling all the time.

    Look at your paint room. I bet that is clean as shit. If not you would have dirt in the paint and get a shit paint job.

    Lets say i was woking on that lift. I'm going to do a rear axle seal lets say. I have the rear apart and the old seal out. I have the new seal all greased up and ready to install. But u have to put it down. The dirt from the lift sticks to the seal grease and i install it. A little rock or spec of glass puts a small rip in the seal. Customer leves all happy till he comes back nest week with an axle leak and there rear brake shoes are now soaked in oil as well.

    Not good.

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