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Thread: (NEW VIDEO) Ron Paul on The Fed price fixing

  1. #1
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    (NEW VIDEO) Ron Paul on The Fed price fixing

    Ron Paul again articulates that the Fed is a criminal organization that does more harm to the economy than it does good. Laissez-faire...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    New Jersey
    people are too brainwashed to think that the news media tells the truth... they refuse to realize news is a business and it an entertainment business not education business... ron paulk would be bad for business wich is why h is ignored in the main stream and non internet people dont even know who he is... he was the only person i ever wanted to vote for... the rest are puppets... they are party first america second... ron paul is america first party second...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Ron Paul again articulates that the Fed is a criminal organization...
    He didn't say that at all.

    I watch this guy all the time when Bernake is talking in front of the Senate. He suggested that cycles/bubbles of the economy are caused by the fed and if the fed didn't exist they wouldn't happen.

    I guess he skipped economics class when they talked about the tulip bulb crisis in Holland.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    He didn't say that at all.

    I watch this guy all the time when Bernake is talking in front of the Senate. He suggested that cycles/bubbles of the economy are caused by the fed and if the fed didn't exist they wouldn't happen.

    I guess he skipped economics class when they talked about the tulip bulb crisis in Holland.
    your kidding me right? the fed is a criminal orginization... if they aren't how do you explain them arresting you and confiscating your property for not paying a tax that by law you dont have to pay? it's unapportioned.. besides that, none of the federal income tax goes to run the goverment... ABSOLUTELY 0% of the federal income tax goes to run our goverment... the fed is a private bank not a goverment establishment so how do they have athority to arrest you and take your stuff? they are organized crime at it's finest... there is no law stating you need to pay federal income tax, and even in their own handbook, it says it's completely voluntery...

    you should educate yourself on the corruption thats right in front of you... th only reason they get away with it is so many people think our goverment is above such deciet... like sheep to the slaughter..

  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post


    damn college flashbacks huh? lol

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    He didn't say that at all.

    I watch this guy all the time when Bernake is talking in front of the Senate. He suggested that cycles/bubbles of the economy are caused by the fed and if the fed didn't exist they wouldn't happen.

    I guess he skipped economics class when they talked about the tulip bulb crisis in Holland.
    And you are for a central banking system my friend.

    You think that printing money at free will is a good thing.

    I think there is something wrong when you have artificially low interest rates for years.

    Central banking always fails.

    FIrst the economy flunks and then the currency,

    the last few months i have read a ton on austrian economics and ron pauls book and they warn exactly about what is happening today.

    I suppose you are one of these guys that think the feds rate cut is going to help to i guess. Its time to get ****in real our economy is 70 % consumer spending and the dollar keeps losing value. Our economy is shit we have hada negative trade deficit for to long and there is no savings. An economy is not based on spending.

    You just wait till others deny our currency.

    Thats why were going to Iran BTW. they stated clearly that they are going to sell Oil in euros next year.

    Money must posses value, paper helds no value. Again and again the same people will cry wolf till it all falls down.

    There is a reason why the constitution says we shall only coin gold and silver as legal tender.

    Money posses value and keeps it, dollars lose value.

    We avoided a collapse in 2000 cause they pumped more dollars in. They are going o delay this one again and pump more dolars in. Just like Nazi germany this will work until the dollar is worthless.

  8. #8
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    go to and educate yourself.

  9. #9
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    im surprised ron paul hasnt completely worn out his washington welcome... hes either completely crazy or totally ahead of his time.

  10. #10
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    come lets get real they dont even give us the M3 anymore.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmg View Post
    im surprised ron paul hasnt completely worn out his washington welcome... hes either completely crazy or totally ahead of his time.
    he speaks the truth. i hope they dont can him.

    i am so glad i learned about this guy and started studying austrian economics.

  12. #12
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    The Fed doesn't have authority under the Constitution to print money for the country. They are essentially sanctioned counterfitters by Congress. Congress also passes laws (influenced by the Fed) which ban competing currencies, because of course the Fed doesn't want anyone to challenge its monopoly on extorting 350 million people in the US. Central banking is a Socialist/Communist ideal, it is not compatible with a free society and capitalism.

  13. #13
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    Isn't he the guy who believes in UFOs?

  14. #14
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    Ack, this is what I do for a living, I can't waste my free time doing work stuff....

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    The Fed doesn't have authority under the Constitution to print money for the country. They are essentially sanctioned counterfitters by Congress. Congress also passes laws (influenced by the Fed) which ban competing currencies, because of course the Fed doesn't want anyone to challenge its monopoly on extorting 350 million people in the US. Central banking is a Socialist/Communist ideal, it is not compatible with a free society and capitalism.
    are you kidding me they actually are passing more laws to deny other currency competition.?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    are you kidding me they actually are passing more laws to deny other currency competition.?
    Just to make the dollar king...but that's backfiring as look at how far the dollar slid in past 2 years.

  17. #17
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    Central Bank = Communist Manifesto

    Of course take my word for it, I mean by all means don't go and do any research. Why do that when the media tells you what you need to hear right? haha
    ***No source checks!!!***

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Ron Paul again articulates that the Fed is a criminal organization that does more harm to the economy than it does good. Laissez-faire...

    If that doesn't make you have goosebumps, I don't know what will.
    ***No source checks!!!***

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