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  1. #81
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Nice find jsinur, thanks.

    From my findings and what that article stated (you actually noted the same). Pomegranites have a wide variety of different antioxidants but the Acai berry has the most per gram. The ORAC value on them is of no comparison but you're right about Pom having a large variety. That's why Monavie added 18 other fruits, not just the Acai berry. That why Monavie has both the largest variety and the largest concentration.

    If it was the Acai berry .vs. the Pomegranate then you can say that Pom has the largest variety. But if comparing Monavie and its 19 fruits to just Pom, there is no comparison whatsoever.

    You're right about price and not everyone will agree on just one thing. There will always be variety and debate. I like to try everything and after reesearching what Monavie has to offer and how it makes me feel. I'm convinced that it's what I've been looling for. Don't get me wrong, If something new comes out that's hyped up I'll be the first in line to try it. As for now, this is my ticket.

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwaynewade View Post
    i'd rather get a 6 month supply of HGH than cycle berries

    I just started drinking 4oz/day so it was costing me $80 a month. I signed up as a distributor, signed a couple other people now drink it for free. There's both a wholesale and retail option. Also the option to drink it for free, the choice is yours.

    I'm not trying to get rich off the stuff but if I can continue to drink it for free I'm all in.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAYHOVA View Post
    Nice find jsinur, thanks.

    From my findings and what that article stated (you actually noted the same). Pomegranites have a wide variety of different antioxidants but the Acai berry has the most per gram. The ORAC value on them is of no comparison but you're right about Pom having a large variety. That's why Monavie added 18 other fruits, not just the Acai berry. That why Monavie has both the largest variety and the largest concentration.

    If it was the Acai berry .vs. the Pomegranate then you can say that Pom has the largest variety. But if comparing Monavie and its 19 fruits to just Pom, there is no comparison whatsoever.

    You're right about price and not everyone will agree on just one thing. There will always be variety and debate. I like to try everything and after reesearching what Monavie has to offer and how it makes me feel. I'm convinced that it's what I've been looling for. Don't get me wrong, If something new comes out that's hyped up I'll be the first in line to try it. As for now, this is my ticket.
    oh, dont get me wrong, i'm not bashing the monavie juice.... never had it to judge it, i am just comparing berries... if i come across it, i will no doubt give it a fair try... I liked your PEPSI CHALLENGE analogy... lol

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsinur7 View Post
    I liked your PEPSI CHALLENGE analogy... lol
    LOL, I'm with you all the way Jsinur.

    When I was younger I worked in a couple supplement stores. I was the very first one to try anything new that came in. Even when I would find things that worked I'd still give other things a shot. You never really know until you try.

    Thanks for the feedback buddy, I really appreciate it.

  5. #85
    KZRSOIZE is offline Associate Member
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    Another multi level scheme, quasipyramid product. There are many other drinks out there which are cheaper and may be even better. Stuffs pretty expensive.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZRSOIZE View Post
    Another multi level scheme, quasipyramid product.
    I already went over this earlier in the thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by KZRSOIZE View Post
    There are many other drinks out there which are cheaper and may be even better.
    Cheaper yes, tons of them just like with anything else. In your opinion which do you think might be better and cheaper?

  7. #87
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    i was in a health store talking about all the stuff i bought...then this customer
    shows me this thing on the shelf acai berry..he said he doesn't know what it is..
    but people in brazil are going crazy over this stuff ..they use it all the time.

    That was a year ago..looks like he was on to something...hey the truth is the truth
    it is the best anti-oxidant...the only problem would be is getting it fresh and making
    sure it has not lost it's nutrition during processing or shipping.

  8. #88
    lex57's Avatar
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    i think it is a mlm because just today i got an invitation in the mail from a friend to come to a monavie party. it says, "come to this informational juice tasting to learn more about the awesome health and risk free financial opportunities monavie offers, so you can decide for yourself if you want to become of the monavie team." definitely mlm but who cares i thought about doing mlm at one time but it wasnt for me. it works for some but maybe not others.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    the only problem would be is getting it fresh and making sure it has not lost it's nutrition during processing or shipping.
    You're SPOT ON in this remark Deen!! Throughout this thread and other online information people are listing other drinks as being just as good but the fact of the matter is that Monavie is the best b/c of what you listed Deen.

    Are there other products that are good? Cheaper? Of course, just like with anything else. I've researched my balls off and Monavie is the only company out there that holds a patent on the flash freezing process. That's why it holds all of its nutritional content.

    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    it works for some but maybe not others.
    It's definitely a MLM company, no sevret in that. You're right about it working for some and not for others Lex. There are pros and cons to MLM. The big downside of it is that people push the business end waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. It sucks b/c the prodcut is so good and it takes away from its value. I hate when people try to sell me things and I always think there's something to it.

    Definitely pros and cons to it. Pros are that theres an ability to make a ton of money. Cons is that by always trying to push it, it takes away from its nutritional value. To each is own on this one..

  10. #90
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    What are ya'll thoughts on Sambazon Acai Juice? Has your ***** 3-6-9's in it. Also, says 120 berries per bottle...

  11. #91
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    Also Bossa Nova Acai Juice.

    Supposedly Bossa Nova has the highest antioxidants per grams of sugar as compared to other brands. This is not including Mona-vie.

    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 07-19-2008 at 03:27 PM.

  12. #92
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    ^^^^^^^^^^^Says "Wild harvested acai juice." That's what worries me. Have to worry about how many antioxidants are really in it by the time you drink it.

    Did it give a number as to how many per ounce or so?

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAYHOVA View Post
    ^^^^^^^^^^^Says "Wild harvested acai juice." That's what worries me. Have to worry about how many antioxidants are really in it by the time you drink it.

    Did it give a number as to how many per ounce or so?

    Ya know, I don't know. And I don't have the bottle anymore.

  14. #94
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    The first one I drank, says 120 berries per bottle....

    then again, its not flash frozen or anything, so......

  15. #95
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    My sister sells it and she got it for my mother. My mom is diabetic and has first level bone cancer so she is in constant pain and most of the time needs to stay in bed because she is always using pain killers for the bone pain. Also she has major time bloating problems. She started taking Monavie and for the first month weeks it really didnt do nothing to her... but after that she started getting full energy her bone cancer pain had drastically reduced and even for sugar levels had gone down drastaclly to the point that she didnt have to inject herself and just would the her insulin pills. Her bloating was gone and she had even lost a few pounds after taking it.

    My sister had been telling me to take it for energy and weight loss but I really never wanted to get it, but sounds like its a really good product. I will get me a months worth this week. $130 bucks its not bad at all.

  16. #96
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    i drank a whole bottle yesterday

    the glory of having parents that are high in rank lol

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    i drank a whole bottle yesterday

    the glory of having parents that are high in rank lol

    WTF a whole bottle you are not suppose to drink that much lol..... damn you must of been boucning off the walls

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by mex83 View Post
    WTF a whole bottle you are not suppose to drink that much lol..... damn you must of been boucning off the walls
    it's sooooo good though i can't resist.....and momma told me when i had my pitting edema from my post contest binge a couple weeks ago to drink a bottle a day and i'm having trouble cutting back after that...

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    it's sooooo good though i can't resist.....and momma told me when i had my pitting edema from my post contest binge a couple weeks ago to drink a bottle a day and i'm having trouble cutting back after that...
    You are hookeed like a pothead lol....

    I called my sister up and told her I was gonna get a months worth from her this friday. She gave me the whole I told you so scene.... blah blah blah. then I told her look you gnna get yours and im gonna get mines so there we both happy ok bye. lol

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by mex83 View Post
    My sister sells it and she got it for my mother. My mom is diabetic and has first level bone cancer so she is in constant pain and most of the time needs to stay in bed because she is always using pain killers for the bone pain. Also she has major time bloating problems. She started taking Monavie and for the first month weeks it really didnt do nothing to her... but after that she started getting full energy her bone cancer pain had drastically reduced and even for sugar levels had gone down drastaclly to the point that she didnt have to inject herself and just would the her insulin pills. Her bloating was gone and she had even lost a few pounds after taking it.

    My sister had been telling me to take it for energy and weight loss but I really never wanted to get it, but sounds like its a really good product. I will get me a months worth this week. $130 bucks its not bad at all.
    Wow, that's awesome to hear. I wish her the best.

    Yea, $130 isnt all that bad if health is in the top 5 most important things in your life. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAYHOVA View Post
    Wow, that's awesome to hear. I wish her the best.

    Yea, $130 isnt all that bad if health is in the top 5 most important things in your life. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
    Yeah I will get my health and she will get your commision from the sale so there we will both get ours.

    I really want it for energy and for weight loss lol.... I need a shyt load of energy.

  22. #102
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    What do you think of Miracle Reds Jay?

  23. #103
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    Hey Nark, how have you been my long but not lost friend?

    What exaclty is Miracle Reds?

  24. #104
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  25. #105
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    Im curious about acai berry as well, sorta. my gf tried selling this, and i laughed after i heard the marketing pitch. i seriously hate buzz products. omg its a berry and easy to drink with all these super benefits. serious it sells itself.

    i think you will all look back on this hype and feel stupid for wasting money when you can easily drink a few glasses of green tea and a can of v8?

    an even bigger question is, would it have the same hype for quality alone if it didnt have some wannabe salesman looking for easy scratch by pushing the product.

  26. #106
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    My colleague just started selling Mona Vie (sp?) in Japan. I thought he was giving me a bottle of wine (that's what it looks like). There's an active version and a regular version, which I haven't researched the difference yet, but man this stuff tastes great! The first time I had it, I said, "Holy shit, this stuff tastes like a Hostess blueberry pie!"

    Good stuff definitely. Gonna hit it up and see if works for my aching knees and back.

  27. #107
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAYHOVA View Post
    A couple weeks ago one of my best friends started drinking something called Mona-vie. He said he's been "feeling" much better. Has been having joint pain (due to AAS) and said it's completely gone now. He also said that now he sleeps like a baby when he never got a straight 8 hours. So what did I do? Yup, researched the $hit out of it.

    I'm a Super healthy person, a little overboard sometimes with my vitamins and lifestyle. I looked into this drink and it seems almost too good to be true. I'm wondering if anyone else has ever taken it or can add to this thread.

    It's a fortified nutrition drink composed of 19 "Super Fruits." The main ingrediant is the Acai berry. I've actually been reading more and more about this in the past couple months.

    The Acai beery has an ORAC (oxygen radical absorption capacity) value of 1026. Basically it has that many antioxidants. That's basically what this "juice" is. It's so densly concentrated with the skins and pulps of these 19 fruits that it's ridiculously compact with Antioxidants. Just to give you a comparison, Spinach has an ORAC value of 150, Broccoli 130 and carrots 50. The second closest to the Acai berry is a Wild black berry with 340. Dont even remember the last time I saw one of those around. I read that 2oz. of this juice is equivelant to 5-7 servings of Fruits and vegatables.

    I even found a few Youtube clips about it being on Opera. $hit, if Opera says it's good it has to be good, lol.

    Seems as if it's very popular out in Cali and down in Fl. Mona-vies home base is in Utah. I live in the North east and no one here has ever heard of it. I'm hoping some of you guys on the board from other section of the Nation have seen this in stores or heard of it. If not Mona-vie then at least of the Acai Berry.

    From my reseasrch, Mona-vie is the only company that has a Patent on the Berry so that's why they seem to be the best. The berry is only grown in the Amazon in Brasil and once it's picked it loses it's potency within 24-48 hours. Mona-vie flash freezes the berry immediately after it's picked and it's shipped here to the US for processing with the other 18 fruits. Once it hits the FDA approved lab in Utah it's turned into this juice.

    I started drinking it a couple weeks ago and feel phenominal. Think about how important Antioxidants are and how free radicals damage our bodies. A cigarette has about 1 million free radicals. I read that the average person takes in about 60-70,000 free radicals on a daily basis from pollution, lifestyle, and believe it or not, resistance training.

    Hopefully there are others that have or currently drink this. I'd love to get their feedback.
    My buddy used my ebay account this summer to sell them. He listed them at a crazy price and I thought he was a complete idiot. He got an incredible amount of money for them. I was in complete shock

  28. #108
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    I have posted about Açaí for years on here, glad to see people finally listen. It is awesome.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR View Post
    My colleague just started selling Mona Vie (sp?) in Japan. I thought he was giving me a bottle of wine (that's what it looks like). There's an active version and a regular version, which I haven't researched the difference yet, but man this stuff tastes great! The first time I had it, I said, "Holy shit, this stuff tastes like a Hostess blueberry pie!"

    Good stuff definitely. Gonna hit it up and see if works for my aching knees and back.
    I believe the difference is active has glucosamine and other 'joint' helpers

  30. #110
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    there is some good information on here.

  31. #111
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    Not to poo-poo this thread but I distribute for a MLM health drink that puts Monavie to shame. Nothing wrong with Monavie, but in the end its really just juice and nothing more. And there is nothing wrong with juice and certainly nothing wrong with acai-berry, but in the end, its just juice. There are better products out there, just my 2 cents......And even if you do just want to break it down from a anit-oxidant point of view our main product has an ORAC score of 4512.
    Last edited by abbot138; 10-20-2008 at 12:15 PM.

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    Not to poo-poo this thread but I distribute for a MLM health drink that puts Monavie to shame. Nothing wrong with Monavie, but in the end its really just juice and nothing more. And there is nothing wrong with juice and certainly nothing wrong with acai-berry, but in the end, its just juice. There are better products out there, just my 2 cents......And even if you do just want to break it down from a anit-oxidant point of view our main product has an ORAC score of 4512.
    Abbot, can you PM me the name of the product that you distribute. (If you don't feel like posting it in the forum for any reason)

  33. #113
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    Its Univera. Wasnt sure what the rules were with stuff like this, although I guess since this thread has become something of an infomerical for Monavie it doesnt really matter, lol..........Legite company, over 160 patents (which is another advantage over Monavie, you cant duplicate it and put it on shelves), second largets botanical library in the world (over 200,000 plant fractions), grow about 50% of the world's Aloe plants. They have a lot of products. I have met personally with the Chief Scientific Officer, Stephen Cherniske, he is an extremely intelligent guy, real big into DHEA.

  34. #114
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    it sounds like a french name, mon avie
    im woundering if its a french or european company that owns it.

  35. #115
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    Bump...can anybody share their experience with Monavie? Also, i gotta imagine there are knock offs now for cheaper. Anybody know of alternatives or even the fruit itself? I wouldn't mind consuming it in it's rawest form.

  36. #116
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    Last edited by BlackDiamond; 01-04-2010 at 01:03 AM.

  37. #117
    Powell01 is offline New Member
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    Consuming monavie is best. I think monaVie is a healthy juice with overly nutritious ingredients. It's suitable for all ages as well.

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