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Thread: Monavie, the BEST OTC drink money can buy

  1. #1
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    Monavie, the BEST OTC drink money can buy

    A couple weeks ago one of my best friends started drinking something called Mona-vie. He said he's been "feeling" much better. Has been having joint pain (due to AAS) and said it's completely gone now. He also said that now he sleeps like a baby when he never got a straight 8 hours. So what did I do? Yup, researched the $hit out of it.

    I'm a Super healthy person, a little overboard sometimes with my vitamins and lifestyle. I looked into this drink and it seems almost too good to be true. I'm wondering if anyone else has ever taken it or can add to this thread.

    It's a fortified nutrition drink composed of 19 "Super Fruits." The main ingrediant is the Acai berry. I've actually been reading more and more about this in the past couple months.

    The Acai beery has an ORAC (oxygen radical absorption capacity) value of 1026. Basically it has that many antioxidants. That's basically what this "juice" is. It's so densly concentrated with the skins and pulps of these 19 fruits that it's ridiculously compact with Antioxidants. Just to give you a comparison, Spinach has an ORAC value of 150, Broccoli 130 and carrots 50. The second closest to the Acai berry is a Wild black berry with 340. Dont even remember the last time I saw one of those around. I read that 2oz. of this juice is equivelant to 5-7 servings of Fruits and vegatables.

    I even found a few Youtube clips about it being on Opera. $hit, if Opera says it's good it has to be good, lol.

    Seems as if it's very popular out in Cali and down in Fl. Mona-vies home base is in Utah. I live in the North east and no one here has ever heard of it. I'm hoping some of you guys on the board from other section of the Nation have seen this in stores or heard of it. If not Mona-vie then at least of the Acai Berry.

    From my reseasrch, Mona-vie is the only company that has a Patent on the Berry so that's why they seem to be the best. The berry is only grown in the Amazon in Brasil and once it's picked it loses it's potency within 24-48 hours. Mona-vie flash freezes the berry immediately after it's picked and it's shipped here to the US for processing with the other 18 fruits. Once it hits the FDA approved lab in Utah it's turned into this juice.

    I started drinking it a couple weeks ago and feel phenominal. Think about how important Antioxidants are and how free radicals damage our bodies. A cigarette has about 1 million free radicals. I read that the average person takes in about 60-70,000 free radicals on a daily basis from pollution, lifestyle, and believe it or not, resistance training.

    Hopefully there are others that have or currently drink this. I'd love to get their feedback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    I dont drink it, but I started using a similar antioxidant drink called Uni-Vera and feel f'in amazing. Its like energy without caffeine. I'll check out this stuff tho, sounds good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Whats it cost and what stores carry it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    i drink it everyday 2 cases worth in da fridge right now

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Wow this is the first thread you have started since 2006....

    I haven't even read the post yet, I was just like wow Jay made a thread....LOL

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    ive heard of the drink. never got to actually find any. but im interested. ill keep my eyes open now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ive aslo heard of tunguska blast and heard from some of the older people I work with that it does help them with joint pain. I think you take a shot aday. (like liquor not a needle)

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    Its like energy without caffeine.
    Ahhhhhhhhh you hit it right on the head. I think they're going to become more and more popular. No crash and much healthier for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by DADDYDBOL View Post
    Whats it cost and what stores carry it?
    That's the thing. In my state I cant find any stores that sell it. The person that introduced me to it is a distributor and I was getting it through his website. Now that every person I gave it to wants more of it. I'm thinking about becomnig a distributor. The product almost seems to good to be true, it's nuts.

    I know in Fl, and Cali they sell it at some healthfood stores. In my state I cant really find it anywhere. The only place that carries it is a liquor store that my buddy owns. My girlfriends gynecologist actually sells it. My friends mother is an RN at a fertility clinic and they sell it there too b/c it has something to do with increasing fertility. I'm actually waiting to hear back on her of the exact reason.

    If you to the website you get on an autoship. What you do is register a credit card and they'll send you whatever you want on a monthly basis and you can change it whenever you want. I just signed up on a 1 case autoship (4 bottles) for $130. From what my buddy says, UPS just drops off the case once a month at the same time so you're never out. Pretty dam smart on their part.

    PM me and I'll set you up with the site. A single bottle costs $45 and will last anywhere from 6-12 days depending no how much you want to take. 4 bottles costs $130. My buddy owns a liquor store and buys 12 cases at time for $20/ bottle. He's selling a ton at the store b/c believe it or not there's a ton of people that buy red wine just for the health/antioxidant benefits. Red wine has no where as close as many antioxidants as Monavie so he said many people are switching over. Others are just buying it along with whatever they get in the store for health purposes.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    I was just like wow Jay made a thread....LOL
    LOL, I check in every day. It has been a while since I started a thread though huh?

    I havent been this impressed with something in a while so had to post about it. Personal feedback is the best feedback.

  10. #10
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    Canada - No source checks
    PM sent. i wonder if they ship to canada?

  11. #11
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    I just checked and they ship to Canada. I know, I was surprised too, lol.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Think this stuff is any good?

    Super Health Promoting Berry Blend (supplies 100 mg of anthocyanins and 3800 ORAC) 1700mg:
    Grape skin extract, acai fruit extract, green tea leaf extract, raspberry extract, lycium (goji) berry extract, bilberry fruit extract, blueberry fruit extract, elderberry fruit extract, pomegranate fruit extract, cherry extract, blackberry extract, cranberry extract

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAYHOVA View Post
    I just checked and they ship to Canada. I know, I was surprised too, lol.
    they're in a helluva lot of countries now actually.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTmuscle View Post
    Think this stuff is any good?
    No,that is from extract,only 40% of the nutrients remain.Now The freeze drying process retains all the nutritional properties of acai through reducing the pulp into a fine powder at very low temperatures. Unlike extracts, freeze dried acai completely captures the unique synergy of nutritional benefits found in acai and is completely pure with no carrying agents.

  15. #15
    Here's an interesting news segment I found on mona-vie....

  16. #16
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    That actually looks pretty good SVT.

    Ever since the Acai berry has been labeled as the Super Fruit of the world more and more companies have been adding it to their blends. I even saw a Tropicana commercail with acai berry.

    The thing with Monavie is that they're the only company in the world that has a patent on the actual freeze drying process of the berry. I've read that the berry loses most of it's value with 48 hours of being picked. Monavie flash freezes the berry and turns it into a powder immediatley after it's picked.

    Have you tried it? Did you like it?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    No,that is from extract,only 40% of the nutrients remain.Now The freeze drying process retains all the nutritional properties of acai through reducing the pulp into a fine powder at very low temperatures.
    You beat me to it Goose!!! Thanks for the feedback my friend. Completely spot on with your info as always..

  18. #18
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    My father in law sells Monavie, he gave me a bottle to try. I didn't notice a huge difference when i started drinking it, but once i ran out, the difference was very apparent. The aches and pains came back, less energy. I think the stuff helps your libido too. I highly recommend it.

  19. #19
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    M L M ?

  20. #20
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    I just want to give props up to my old buddy jay,if it was not him,I would of not known about acai.....It is just insane.

    Thanks jay,,,,

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    awwwwww lets see SVT tell me again how mona vie is a crap scam in this thread??????? told you it was good you moron.

  22. #22
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    My gym sells it, I'll be there tomorrow and find out the price. I was just talking to a friend at the gym the other day about it and wondering if its any good? $45/bottle
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 07-12-2008 at 01:01 PM.

  23. #23
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    Isn't it a network marketing thing also? I'll have to get me a bottle manyana, sounds like some good stuff!

  24. #24
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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    awwwwww lets see SVT tell me again how mona vie is a crap scam in this thread??????? told you it was good you moron.
    And have you been making the thousands as promised to you?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTmuscle View Post
    And have you been making the thousands as promised to you?
    umm that wasn't "promised" to me you fruit.....and i've been doing nothing with it so no, too busy with school and contest prep and such.

  27. #27
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    if you want the most antioxidants out there and energy forgetthe mixed stuff and just drink straight pomegranate juice... nothing comes close

  28. #28
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    good product but way way too expensive. here in so cal it is in the mouths of every single flippin housewive at the gym, store, etc who sits at home and spends ther husbands money on a 40 dollar bottle of antioxidants. (but how can you put a price on health i know i know) If one more A-hole approaches me about joining this "multi level marketing" sh*t i will break the bottle over their head! im may be dumb but im not stupid. its quite insulting actually.

  29. #29
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    I deal with a lot of this in so cal too... I know a lot of you will disagree but isnt this basically a multi leveling marketing / pyramid scam?

    If the product is so good then why is there a bigger reward in recruiting other potential distributors rather than selling a so called miracle product?

    I know one guy who has stickers plastered all over his car advertising this stuff...He always starts the conversation off saying how the human body is like a car and develops rust over time bla bla...then, when he has your attention, he talks about money, and he tells you how he knows an uneducated carpenter who is making millions now through mona vie...i asked him if his name was jesus.

    If you really believe in the miracle effects of the acai berry then there are cheaper versions out there which wont try to recruit you.

    But seriously though, Ive tried a bottle of mona vie... 2 miracle shot glasses a day of a blend of 19 super juices didnt do shit for me...
    Last edited by kihop; 06-27-2008 at 02:52 AM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rugger02 View Post
    The aches and pains came back, less energy. I think the stuff helps your libido too. I highly recommend it.
    My buddy that introduced me to it gave a bottle to his aunt (that I'm friends with). She said the very same thing about the body aches a pain. Definitely good to hear.

    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    My gym sells it, I'll be there tomorrow and find out the price.
    Let us know what the gym is charging.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    awwwwww lets see SVT tell me again how mona vie is a crap scam in this thread???????
    Not sure what SVT said but I can see why he and some others would think it's a scam. SVT is a cool dude, there's jsut so much more to the company that people dont know so they are quick to scream scam. I'm the epitomy of someone like that, let me reassure you. If it makes anyone sleep better at night, the FTC just put a stamp on Mona-vie labeling it as a legit company. I actually just got wind of this today when I ran some of comments you guys have left on this thread by my buddy. The Federal Trade Committe stamped Mona-vie as a legit company which is huge for them. I think they're getting so popular that more are talking.

    When my buddy introduced me to the product I researched and tried it. He didnt mention a dam thing about the business end. I could care less about the marketing end of it so didnt ask questions. My main reason for this thread was for feedback and the questions you guys have raised have helped out tremendously. If you have ANY questions or concerns bring them up. Post them here for everyone to see and we'll see if we can clear them up.

    MLM is not like a pyramid sceme. In MLM you can surpass the people above you, that's what makes the difference. Its sad with a product like this b/c these are the 2 main responses I'm getting:

    A. This product is almost too good to be true, tastes great and makes me feel better overall. Body aches are gone and joints feel 10X better.

    B. This is a pyramid sceme and you're going to get scammed.

    What's even worse is that a lot of the people that love the product think it's a scam. They'll purchase the product but dont want to get involved with the Bizz itself, which is fine. Has nothing to do with being a hypocrite. You can love the product and hate the company. Either way you can get something out of it.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsinur7 View Post
    if you want the most antioxidants out there and energy forgetthe mixed stuff and just drink straight pomegranate juice... nothing comes close
    That's actually incorrect. To be honest with you, Pomegranates dont even come close to having the amount antioxidants as the Acai Berry. They are Phenominal with TONS of health benefits. One of the other 19 fruits in Monavie is actually Pomagranate so they definitely werent overlooked. Remember, it HAS TO BE THE FLASH FROZEN form of the Acai berry. Pomegranates have been up and coming and are very healthy. They just dont compare to the Acai berry in any way.

    Acai Antioxidant Study
    In a major study on fruit and vegetable antioxidant content published in the June 9 2004 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Acai berries won easily in terms of the amount of antioxidant per pound. Antioxidants are disease fighting compounds that scientists believe help repair and/or prevent the stress of oxidation, a process that occurs naturally during normal cell function.


    Superfruit- 1 gram ORAC Value
    Acai Berry 3,800
    Pomegranate 105
    Goji Berry 253

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    in so cal it is in the mouths of every single flippin housewive at the gym, store, etc who sits at home and spends ther husbands money on a 40 dollar bottle of antioxidants.
    I hear it's huge in Fl and Cali, thanks for the feedback PF. From what I can see, it's $40-$45/bottle retail. Half of that wholesale, the choice is really yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by kihop View Post
    He always starts the conversation off saying how the human body is like a car and develops rust over time bla bla...then, when he has your attention, he talks about money, and he tells you how he knows an uneducated carpenter who is making millions now through mona vie...
    See that would really piss me off Kihop. He's obviously just coming out trying to sell you something. What section of the nation do you live in? South, West coast, East coast?

    I ask b/c no one in the Tri state area of the North East has ever heard of it. Seems like out West and down South people are trying so dam hard to sell it. That's where it gets to me.

  34. #34
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    Royce Gracie did an interview a few weeks ago and talked about Mona-vie....

    I think I am going to order some this weekend....

    Thanks for the heads up Jay....

    I'll report back here after I try it....

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    What do you guys think of goji juice.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    M L M ?
    The one I use is. Makes me nice little supplemental income as well I might ad

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    What do you guys think of goji juice.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAYHOVA View Post
    Not sure what SVT said but I can see why he and some others would think it's a scam. SVT is a cool dude, there's jsut so much more to the company that people dont know so they are quick to scream scam. I'm the epitomy of someone like that, let me reassure you. If it makes anyone sleep better at night, the FTC just put a stamp on Mona-vie labeling it as a legit company. I actually just got wind of this today when I ran some of comments you guys have left on this thread by my buddy. The Federal Trade Committe stamped Mona-vie as a legit company which is huge for them. I think they're getting so popular that more are talking.

    When my buddy introduced me to the product I researched and tried it. He didnt mention a dam thing about the business end. I could care less about the marketing end of it so didnt ask questions. My main reason for this thread was for feedback and the questions you guys have raised have helped out tremendously. If you have ANY questions or concerns bring them up. Post them here for everyone to see and we'll see if we can clear them up.

    MLM is not like a pyramid sceme. In MLM you can surpass the people above you, that's what makes the difference. Its sad with a product like this b/c these are the 2 main responses I'm getting:

    A. This product is almost too good to be true, tastes great and makes me feel better overall. Body aches are gone and joints feel 10X better.

    B. This is a pyramid sceme and you're going to get scammed.

    What's even worse is that a lot of the people that love the product think it's a scam. They'll purchase the product but dont want to get involved with the Bizz itself, which is fine. Has nothing to do with being a hypocrite. You can love the product and hate the company. Either way you can get something out of it.
    See Ruhl initally tried to get me to buy into the Monavie MLM that's why i posted what I did haha. 99% MLM's are scams, unless you dedicate your entire life to that company you won't make a dollar

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Never heard of the drink

    But have heard great great things about acai berries.

    I have also heard many great things about goji berries.

    Question about the drink: It has 18 other fruits, how much acai berries are actually in the drink?

    Combine goji berries with acai berries and your pretty much indestructible

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTmuscle View Post
    See Ruhl initally tried to get me to buy into the Monavie MLM that's why i posted what I did haha. 99% MLM's are scams, unless you dedicate your entire life to that company you won't make a dollar
    This is very true, you definatley only get out what you put in. Luckily me and my boss have a nice little system in place where i reel im in and he closes them. Also, it helps if the product is legit. If I didnt believe in the stuff I take I wouldnt have anything to do with it. I ragged on my boss for months about doing MLM, then I saw how much f'in money he was making so I sold my soul and got in on it. W/E, it is what it is. Its def not for everyone, but its also def not a scam if you do it right.

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