This has turned into a nightmare. xxx came over yesterday since she couldn't get me on the phone. She was beyond upset, her boss, who I actually know fairly well, called her on her vacation wanting to know why her ex boyfriends office was calling them asking where I was. She is so embarrassed because of this that she doesn't want me to contact her at all, at home or work. For close to six months now I have been trying to reconcile our differences and this has pretty much killed any hope I had of working things out. The whole deal with calling my apartments is strange enough but I could understand your motives, but xxx, my mom wouldn't have even done that. I can deal with that, it's all the rest that I have having a really tough time dealing with. My reputation in the xxx industry is pretty good, xxxs is beyond repute. I have actually been blamed in the past for making her look bad by changing companies for more money or better positions, since for the last five years everyone in our industry knew we were a couple. This will undoubtedly get back to the GMs at xxx, xxx and xxx since for the last 5 years I have kept in touch with all those guys and being that xxx, the owner, also owns xxx Inc where xxx works. It's a small circle in our industry and for the last 12 years xxx image has been perfect, except for me. This pretty much being the icing on the cake.
Basically what I am saying is that what you guys did embarrassed the hell out of xxx and I.
I guess where this is leading is if I continue working for xxx some things are going to change. First I was hired for sales, that is what I do. I took a 7k a year pay cut to drive farther, work harder and have to deal with you and Troys problems. That was fine since until we moved I was going to work out of my home at least a couple of days of the week. What happened to that? It costs me over $60 a day to get to work with gas and tolls. So that pretty much means I actually make about 38k a year.I get absolutely nothing done sitting ten feet from Troy. I come home and either talk to you or answer emails. I have never put as much time in a day towards work as I have since starting with xxx. I don't know what to say to you and Troy when you ask me things. The whole office thing is a joke, xxx how can someone who has been in charge of things get upset with people that have been there two weeks because things are so unorganized??? He was the one in charge, things are the way they are because he has been in charge. He makes it almost impossible to respect him. I have never in my life heard the f word used as much as it does in front of two young girls. I have never seen that level of disrespect for a loved one, to the point where he is proud of it, as what is directed at you. The driving, what the hell is wrong with him? Is he in high school? You asked me to bring my nephews over that weekend, I couldn't because my brother would have come and that would have been the end of Troy. Moral ethics, or lack of, is astounding. I've been around xxx and the only reason you do not give notice of a move out date is you are trying to cheat someone. xxx I am embarrassed for him, even worse is what you have to go thru. Why do you think I don't mind talking to you? Because you need to let it out some way or you would probably lose your mind. The drugs xxx, have you ever thought that could be a major factor in the trust issues? Just like pulling an all niter on coke, the extended dependence on meds develops serious paranoia. You have got to stop, even if we go our separate ways I really hope you break your dependence on everything. See I just can't feel sorry for someone addicted to pills like I can say an alcoholic. One because I kicked my own habit(and that is only because I had xxx), two because who ever says lets take some sets and sit and talk. At least an alcoholic is peer pressured into going to happy hour or having a nite cap. I have been thinking about this non stop since Friday and last night my mom and I went to Mass and that's when I decided that either things change or I'm done. I cannot afford for my reputation in the industry to be tarnished. xxx you need to learn the industry. Way too much time is spent talking about the way things should be rather than just doing them and it's a lot little things that add up. Things like lunches, I haven't had a 30 minute lunch since I was in high school. I take hour lunches, everybody takes hour lunches. Freight, xxx unless things are worked out in advance every customer pays freight, but that's not why I asked for a $100 dollar min, I asked for that because it costs us more to pay the girls to invoice that than we can make in profit, bad business. There are so many things that you can only learn by sitting at a sales desk for a couple of years. Things that are just industry standard end up creating an hour of discussion.
xxx I like you alot and because of that I did not just quit after xxx left yesterday. I think you and I can make a ton of money but things have to change. Troy has to grow up and become a leader, otherwise it will all fall on my shoulders. How can I expect better behavior from employees if the owner doesn't care?
I am still so...well pissed off over you calling xxx work that I don't know what to do. I can get over calling my apts because in that you were worried, but calling xxx office was nothing but your insecurity getting the best of you and making xxx and I look like kids. That is going to take some time to get over. I will continue to work for xxx, but Monday and Tuesday I will work from home. I really just do not want to be around Troy. If that is a problem then I can drop off the computer and phone, pick up my last check and we can go our separate ways. If I hadn't developed such a good friendship with you this would have been much easier. I hope you do not get offended by anything I have said but I feel you and I are past offending each other at this point, I do care about you and want you to be happy, hence this long @$$ email, quite possibly the longest I have ever wrote. So think about it, let me know what you want, whatever happens you can always talk to me...after I have calmed down a little bit more. Either way I will come by the office around noon tomorrow to pick up my check since 3 doctor visits, the antibiotics, ambien and that crap vyvance has cost me roughly $1,100 in the last 2 weeks, I need to get some money back in the bank.
--- On Sat, 6/28/08, xxx <xxx> wrote:
From: xxx <xxx>
Subject: Re: hey
To: xxx
Date: Saturday, June 28, 2008, 10:36 AM
Yes, I did. Just out of the blue, someone I consistently talk to everyday even on the weekends, doesn't call me for 2 days? I know this is not typical of you, thus the worry. Everyone knew this was not your typical behavior and let our minds go to the extreme dark side of what could have happened. Be happy it was just the maintenance people. If I hadn't got a phone call when I did, letting me know you were just fine, you would have been answering the door for the Sugar-Land Police. I had no emergency contact numbers on file, I did what I thought was best. And, yes, we did call xxx work as a last resort to try and locate you. Understand I had left you several messages, Melissa left you messages, Troy left you messages, we all sent you e-mails for 2 days. No Reply. Now you know, I'm a thorough investigator. I even know the last time you logged onto your computer and the last time you sent an e-mail before I remembered I had your password. Hope to see you at the office. Have a birthday party at 4p that I have to go to. Will be there for 12p. Why didn't you send an e-mail sooner than Friday afternoon?
----- Original Message ----
From: xxx <xxx>
To: xxx <xxx>
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 7:42:44 AM
Subject: Re: hey
So that is why when I went to get the mail and came back there were two people standing in my living they almost got shot and would have if they wouldn't have had their maintenance uniforms has been in New Braunfels all week with Alerie and her would you know she wasn't at work? Please don't tell me you called her...she is barely starting to talk to me again and last week before she left she actually said maybe we could have dinner sometime next week for my bday...I was a little embarrassed with the apt people coming in since there is a stainless trash can by the door full of vomit...and I'm used to it but as my mom said I need to get some fresh air in I'm sure they didn't get a great impression of my second month here...they said they were here to replace the air filter but I took it from them and told them to get I need to apologize to the leasing office since I was pretty rude to the maintenance people...well I am going over to my moms in a bit and will call you...I reassembled the phone and its still not comes on but when you push a button it gives a different its still wet and crossing circuits
Yes I know I need to stay in contact but I had no idea you guys would stop everything because you didn't hear from me for one day...I am really sorry...and you know that's not typical of me and if I would have had any idea I would have gone to a payphone or something just to get in touch with you...but you never have to worry about me...
--- On Fri, 6/27/08, xxx <xxx> wrote:
From: xxx <xxx>
Subject: Re: hey
To: xxx
Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 8:30 PM
DD, I guess I over reacted a bit? I did not get this e-mail until now! I thought you just disregarded xxx. You know my trust issues. I'm sorry for getting so angry. I just could not believe you hadn't at least called me and let me know you were ok. We all thought something horrible had happened to you, it was so out off your character. I had horrible thoughts of you falling and hitting your head, lying on the floor very injured or dead. The whole office stopped working and concentrated on making sure you were ok. After 4.5 hrs., I get a call from the manager of your apartment complex, telling me you were out and about and just fine. I was so furious, thus the phone call. I felt very betrayed by you because of your lack of consideration. There were so many things going on that needed your attention, it left us in a lurch. And no-one could reach you. Guess who rose to the challenge? Yep, Norman By the way, don't you have insurance on that phone? DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! Or I really will fire you! Melissa and I will be in the office tomorrow afternoon, if you're feeling beter, come by so we can straighten this mess out. I am so relieved you sent me this e-mail. This week was very productive. You are going to be pleasantly surprised. Troy has started cooperating and I've been working very closely with the girls. Norman has a friend in every field. He's getting some really good quotes. I know getting sick was not your fault, but not contacting me or anyone else was not right. The position you are in, demands more from you and of you. Well, no one can say they have avoided xxx's wrath. You need to call me ASAP on Saturday. I'm really happy you are not dead! Funny, xxx was out of the office today, too. Isn't your birthday on the 30th? I better not find out differently,Now bring me that vicodin!
----- Original Message ----
From: xxx <xxx>
To: xxx <xxx>
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 3:36:25 PM
Subject: hey
xxx I have a small problem...I took your advice about the vikes night before last but they caused a slight problem...I was actually hoping to have fixed it but its now Friday afternoon and I'm sure you have tried to call me...I took 2 vikes and as usual an hour later I was throwing up...the phone was laying next to me on the bed and when I leaned over the edge to...well...throw up in the trash the phone fell in...yes I know...its I have taken this phone entirely apart...used half a box of clorox wipes sanitizing it...but after a day and a half its still not working...I even left it taken apart under a light bulb hoping to dry it out...if its gone I will replace either way if its not working by morning I will just go by a Sprint store and switch service back over to my old phone or buy a new one if they have one of these...please don't tell Troy until I find out if I can replace this one in the morning...anyway I feel better...I've been stressing over this phone since yesterday
I filled the Ambien ** because I couldn't get to sleep...they charged me $146!!! Wow I had no idea it was so high...thats like $5 a day so I guess to sleep thats not too bad
I am feeling a ton better...finally eating whole meals and not taking one or two bites...well I am going to take a vike and an ambien so I can get up early...if the phones not working in the morning I will go by my moms and call you...please don't tell Troy until I find out if it can be fixed...if not I would much rather break the news with a replacement in hand...
Talk to you later...