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Thread: Cheating question.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Question Cheating question.....

    Having a conversation with my fiance about men going to strip clubs/ adult stores, etc...

    I was telling her from my days on the road as a sales rep that men that go to strip clubs are more likely to cheat if given the opportunity...

    She feels that they would be less likely to cheat, because they are satisfying their need for something different just from looking.... Yeah right, fat chance....

    I tried telling her that she was to trusting and that men in that situation are thinking about knocking boots with the first honey that comes along...

    I've known so many married guys that get freaky when on business away from their wifes/girlfriends that I know I must be right about this one....

    So I put the question to my brothers and sisters of AR..... If I'm wrong she already she I'll have to do some extra special things tonight for her....

    Guess I win this bet either way....

    Oh yeah I can't wait to see what partyboy has to say about this one....

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    Im with you bro. Most guys at strip clubs are not content just to watch or get dances, in the back of their minds sex is always desired. I mean shit, why else would you go if you didnt want to get laid. Strippers are easy, they love to fuck. (this is not to say that every guy who goes to strip clubs gets laid....but you get the idea.)


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    You should see the "clubs" in Thailand! "I'll take number 14, 9 and 26..."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by symatech
    why else would you go if you didnt want to get laid.
    for the food?

    if a guy wants to bang someone while away on business, there are cheaper ways to hook up with someone than going to a strip club. i don't know where you're from, but where i live, you will be paying some cash for whatever stripper you decide is easy enough to fuck...not necessarily "hey here's $500, 10 tabs of E and my room me there in 10 minutes" (although that can work, too)

    You don't just walk in, have one drink, and walk out with one 5 minutes later. They make a LOT of money...where do you think it comes from?

    But back to the original comment. Maybe the question should be...has any guy ever gone to a strip club "just to look" and not with the intention of getting laid?

    buff87...anytime you put yourself in a situation to cheat, of course it's more likely to happen than if you didn't.

    I don't know anyone who goes to a Krispy Kreme just to smell the doughnuts

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by primodonna

    I don't know anyone who goes to a Krispy Kreme just to smell the doughnuts
    Primodonna takes the lead with the most witty comment....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I will tell you this...last weekend i went to a strip club in dallas called "illusions" and it was a very nice place to say the least...well, i don't think i would ever cheat on my g/f, but the thought entered my mind more than once while there and i don't normally think about that...go figure....then i went to "pandora's" dallas boys gotta know about this shithole...when i was there, the last thing on my mind was cheating...i just felt lucky to have such a great girl at that was a skanky ass shithole with fat chicks and inbread chicks dancing bottomless

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I think JJ nailed this one.

    I myself have never been to a strip club...dont see the meaning with it. I can watch nude girls online and if i want to get laid i can just go pick some girl up in a bar. I will never pay for sex with a hooker.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    .......i'd be agreeing with her and her theroy that "you can look but dont touch".. that way she kinda gives you the ok to go to clubs, strip clubs with the boys...dont tell her shes too trusting because the clamps may come down on you and the next thing you know you'll be on Dr.Phil discussing treatment for a controlling wife...

  9. #9
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    Mar 2002
    Bro she is the coolest chick ever in my book... I was just in NYC a few weeks ago with 2 other guys from work and she was telling me if we didn't go out and check out the strip clubs she was gonna put a foot in my ass....

    Mean while the other 2 guys were trying to hide everything they were doing from their wife & girlfriend....

    About the only thing she isn't cool with is me using Anabolics.... I've tried to explain to her that they are safe when used correctly, but she wants to have kids and feels that if we couldn't because of my AS use then she would be heartbroken....

    That's kind of getting into another area, but anyway I'm just type happy this morning so I thought I'd share...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I think men might have the intention of going to a strip club or the thought might cross their mind about hooking up with a stripper, but let's be honost here. The chances are that you won't hook up with one. Sure there are some that are hookers, but are you going to pay for that? It's very unlikely that there are going to bone you for free. Besides, if the stripper is boning you for free, you aren't so studly that she's doing you only. Who knows how many guys she's boned. I wouldn't want to do a skank like that. I think that the strip club is a safe place for guys to be and it's cool that your woman realizes that.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    bro's the strip club buffet's Yum!! Great for bulking purposes

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i think guys that go to strip joints are yhe type that have a low self esteem, why? well in a strip joint you can really be anyone youy want to be and the girls will believe it ,as lkong as you are tipping! and most guys that go there wont get laid theyll probably just go home and try to get some from their wife or do a hand job! i used to be a strip addict if there is such a thing and i came to know alot about the type of girls that work there and believe you me thier not in it for fun its all about the $$ yeah you mght get friendly with one but only after youve spent some major dough. besides if your thinking of cheating in my opnion you already did it you just havent gotten the right situation yet!anyway "you can look but dont tuoch" will only last for so long after awhile you will eventually need more i think......besides wouldnt you rather have your old lady dance for you! hey its free and you know you can score!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Not trying to brag or anything like that, but I have hooked up with a stripper at least half the time from almost ever Gentlemen's Club I've ever been too.... And money was not what the dancer was after

    I think the girls that dance are just looking for the same things as anyone else... Someone real, funny and interesting and interested in them at the same time... I still am friends with a few girls that dance...

    Since getting engage I have stopped going to strip clubs for that reason.... Don't really need the temptation, unless I go with my fiance...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by Juice Junkie
    In my opinion a married or commited man who sees no problem in disrespecting his wife by going to a strip club has no sense of values and therefore is more likely to cheat.
    True, but in the real world, ideology doesn't always hold.

    People by nature desire what they can't have. I think having a sense of values is the power to supress those desires without regret.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by rampage76
    People by nature desire what they can't have. I think having a sense of values is the power to supress those desires without regret.
    Very profound!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    A cheater will cheat,,, he/she doesn't need a strip club to "trigger" the notion. My job sometimes includes taking customers to the "pole ballet".
    My girl has no problem with it because she trust me.

  17. #17
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    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by ripped4fsu
    A cheater will cheat,,, he/she doesn't need a strip club to "trigger" the notion. My job sometimes includes taking customers to the "pole ballet".
    My girl has no problem with it because she trust me.
    Wait a sec... you and your crazy job! What developments have occured in your love life in the past few days !!!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Personally, I think if a guy is gonna cheat, he's gonna cheat- strip club or no. I wouldnt think twice about maguila going to a strip club. He knows what hes got at home. I dont know why guys go to strip clubs. But, I know why I go.!!

  19. #19
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    Jan 2002

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by ripped4fsu

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Indiana. My phallus is bigger than Nathan's!
    well ive gone to strip clubs not to cheat. in fact i went to not even look. they had the cheapest pool around. in an era of 1$ pool, 50 cents is hard to beat of course the perks of playing pool there were obvious. i havent gone to one in a long time, but not that I wouldnt. last time was in NO. i took some people out (they werent from Louisiana) and showed them a good time. of course i tried to get a friend drunk and buy a lapdance from a genuine female impersonator.

    i know im a bastard!

  22. #22
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    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by palme
    I think JJ nailed this one.

    I myself have never been to a strip club...dont see the meaning with it. I can watch nude girls online and if i want to get laid i can just go pick some girl up in a bar. I will never pay for sex with a hooker.

    who said anything about paying for sex with a hooker?

  23. #23
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    Originally posted by Big Rush

    who said anything about paying for sex with a hooker?
    Primo did...$500
    + my E way am i sharing them!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by rampage76

    True, but in the real world, ideology doesn't always hold.

    People by nature desire what they can't have. I think having a sense of values is the power to supress those desires without regret.
    i agree 100%

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    It is a lot easier to get laid going to a regular club/bar. You never have to pay except for a few drinks. However, I did date a stripper one time for about 2 months and strippers do like guys with killer bodies. If you play your cards right and act decent you can get it for free.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by magi's wife
    I dont know why guys go to strip clubs. But, I know why I go.!!
    ahhhh...I agree with this....only..I'm not kidding...
    I can apprectiate a hot woman just as easily as any man...Plus, they are really fun to hang out with when we go.

  27. #27
    Big Rush wrote:
    I will tell you this...last weekend i went to a strip club in dallas called "illusions" and it was a very nice place to say the least...well, i don't think i would ever cheat on my g/f, but the thought entered my mind more than once while there and i don't normally think about that...go figure....then i went to "pandora's" dallas boys gotta know about this shithole...when i was there, the last thing on my mind was cheating...i just felt lucky to have such a great girl at that was a skanky ass shithole with fat chicks and inbread chicks dancing bottomless [/B]

    Damn, I love those 2 joints.......nabbed a dancer and a bottle of Mescal for 6 bucks one time at Pandoras, and now I am wondering why it burns when I pee......

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by Babyweight

    ahhhh...I agree with this....only..I'm not kidding...
    I can apprectiate a hot woman just as easily as any man...Plus, they are really fun to hang out with when we go.
    I agree with you 100% babyweight.

  29. #29
    Originally posted by primodonna
    I don't know anyone who goes to a Krispy Kreme just to smell the doughnuts
    I can tell you that I have been to the Krispy Kreme factory just to SMELL DONUTS.

    Butttttttt...........I have never gone to a strip club with the sole intention of hiring a secretary.

  30. #30
    Originally posted by shorty2big
    I think men might have the intention of going to a strip club or the thought might cross their mind about hooking up with a stripper, but let's be honost here. The chances are that you won't hook up with one. Sure there are some that are hookers, but are you going to pay for that? It's very unlikely that there are going to bone you for free. Besides, if the stripper is boning you for free, you aren't so studly that she's doing you only. Who knows how many guys she's boned. I wouldn't want to do a skank like that. I think that the strip club is a safe place for guys to be and it's cool that your woman realizes that.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by palme

    Primo did...$500
    + my E way am i sharing them!
    Actually i wasn't talking about hookers. I was talking about the strippers. I have friends who dance, so i speak the truth when i say if you pump them with enough stuff (money, drugs or a combination of the two) they are yours. Not all are like that, of course, but i wouldn't call them "hookers"

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by primodonna

    Actually i wasn't talking about hookers. I was talking about the strippers. I have friends who dance, so i speak the truth when i say if you pump them with enough stuff (money, drugs or a combination of the two) they are yours. Not all are like that, of course, but i wouldn't call them "hookers"

    If a girl takes money for sex, shes a whore in my eyes. Dont care if shes a stripper or a dentist. And i would never pay for it, dont care who it is.

  33. #33
    Originally posted by palme

    If a girl takes money for sex, shes a whore in my eyes. Dont care if shes a stripper or a dentist. And i would never pay for it, dont care who it is.
    ahhhh come on, respect goes along way. What if I was to say that any guy who takes steriods is a fucking pin dick, would that be true.

    In my opinion you should respect people because they are people not because you have issues with the way they live thier lives.

    I would treat a "whore" the same as I would treat you palme with respect, regardless.

    the word whore is very disrespectful, they are prostitutes.

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