I was out last night with my boys at a club looking for some skirt.
We hooked up with a couple of babes and i started talking to this girl Presilla.
At first i got this wierd feeling about her, she had very big hands but she said she was rasied in a farm so i stopped thinking about it.
Anyway we talked for a couple of hours and after i finish my 12th beer and she her 11th cosmo i ask if she would like to follow me home. She says yes.
Back at my place i put on some soft music and we start playing around on my sofa. Touching her neck softly with my lips. Then i feel it! It´s pointing right at my tigh! I rush of the sofa screaming "WTF IS THAT!?"
She remains calm and lifts up her skirt and shows me the mace bottle she has strapped to her tigh. "Just in case" she says.
Im still abit shooked up so she lifts her panties aside and shows me she´s all women!
Then she asks if i dont want to continue what we started?
"Offcourse" i say and return to her neck sucking on her adams apple. Boy was she a wild one!![]()
I think ill call her tonight and ask wasup.
Later boys and girls!