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  1. #1
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    Guy fell off motorbike today right in front of me.

    Walking the dog when on a long stretch of road where i live when a motorcyclist speeds up after slowing down for a speed camera then he pops a wheelie, loses control of the bike and goes flying across the road in the process mashes up his bike, I thought this was the funniest ive seen in ages, ive always wanted to see it, ****ing showoffs deserve it, i was glad i was there

  2. #2
    joe2009 is offline Associate Member
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    did he get back on the bike or he have to have an ambulance come n get him?

  3. #3
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe2009 View Post
    did he get back on the bike or he have to have an ambulance come n get him?
    No he died on the spot

  4. #4
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    are you serious

  5. #5
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    Only j/k, actually the answer is both, he got up wiped himself down and rode off (The bike was in terrible state visually but it still rode), then a couple of minutes later an ambulance turned up and we had to tell them he'd gone

  6. #6
    joe2009 is offline Associate Member
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    for a second then i fort u was being serious bout him dieing

  7. #7
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    No not at all. i wouldnt start a thread about this and say i was laughing at the guy, no but he was cool, if i was him the thing that would be most bruised would be my

  8. #8
    joe2009 is offline Associate Member
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    well will teach him for showing off, hope he is full comped on his insurance lol

  9. #9
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    Although i don't think its smart to stunt on public streets with people around i think your comment that "I thought this was the funniest ive seen in ages" is sad.

  10. #10
    200byjune's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Although i don't think its smart to stunt on public streets with people around .
    i agree. i do it in empty parking lots. i may do an endo occasionally at a light

  11. #11
    Kratos's Avatar
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    I saw this blonde chick crash her car yesterday on the highway...drove right into the gaurd rail for no reason at all. Peices flew up and almost hit my car. She ended up straddling the rail and continued to try to drive away with the ass end of her toyota suv in the air the tires spinning back and forth. I got out to see if she needed help. She was fine, not hurt at all...that was fukin funny. Anytime someone goes down on a bike, they are seriously hurt, if you've hit pavement before you'd understand not to laugh.

  12. #12
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    Well i live on a long stretch of road and see these motorbike showoffs daily,and if you see the way they come up and down all night pulling stunts like that youd find it funny too, beleive me i wasnt the only bro their laughing , maybe its because im english not overdramatic

  13. #13
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jokers99 View Post
    Well i live on a long stretch of road and see these motorbike showoffs daily,and if you see the way they come up and down all night pulling stunts like that youd find it funny too, beleive me i wasnt the only bro their laughing , maybe its because im english not overdramatic

    "maybe its because im english not overdramatic"

    No, its because you never ridden a day in your life and just don't understand.

  14. #14
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    "maybe its because im english not overdramatic"

    No, its because you never ridden a day in your life and just don't understand.
    Maybe dsm but i laughed cant change that now

  15. #15
    peachfuzz's Avatar
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    Im glad Im not the only one who thought it was strange you laughed.

  16. #16
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    Is it a crime? Do you not think the guy pulling stunts like could of hurt someone his bike flew a good 20 - 30 yards there were other cars about , ppl inc me on the pavement, he put other peoples life in danger so yeah i laughed get over it. 200byjune has it right he does it on parking lots not on public roads, Lets say i started this thread with i seen a guy pulling a stunt on his bike showing off his bike flew 20 yards across the ground mounted the pavement seriously hurt someome but he got up and was fine, would you be so caring about him them? I think not

  17. #17
    200byjune's Avatar
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    no joker i understand where you are coming from. i would have laughed myself. i would have sprinted over and stole his wallet and then asked him if he was ok but i would have proboly been laughing. i meen whos guilty of laughing when a friend tripped and was in serious pain? riding a bicycle and falling off. i no i laugh my ****in ass off. its funny. when i was younger and got yelled at by other parents for partying i would laugh so hard when other people were getting yelled at then when it was my turn i put my serious face on, it never worked and i would laugh but still still you cant always help it.

  18. #18
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    200 byjune i always wondered who the kid behind me was lauging everytime my parents were yelling at me, you made it worse for me, the more you laughed the louder they yelled. Thanks your a real bro

  19. #19
    3v1lj03's Avatar
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    I don't like the show offs either. I dumped my bike once turning a corner at intersection that the city street crew had just put sand down and I did not realize it. While I was sitting on the ground I noticed I guy sitting in his car in the other lane laughing his butt off. After I removed the smile from his face picked up the bike and rode off I began to feel the pain as the adrenalin wore off. It was not long after I got home I found I had a dislocated right shoulder. The next day I could not move so even though the showoff rode off I am sure he is feeling it. I hope learns to be careful but some never do.

  20. #20
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    I dont like speeders or showoffs too many accidents and deaths, a few years ago in exactly the same place the guy flew off his bike a young girl was run over and killed by a speeding car, guess what day it was.. Christmas. Every year i see the family placing flowers in that same spot. Vehicles whether it car,van or motorcycles dont kill. People do

  21. #21
    200byjune's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jokers99 View Post
    200 byjune i always wondered who the kid behind me was lauging everytime my parents were yelling at me, you made it worse for me, the more you laughed the louder they yelled. Thanks your a real bro
    sorry about that

  22. #22
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    There has been many of deaths on this stretch of road even though their are speed cameras, a huge sign readin 'THERE WERE 43 ACCIDENTS HERE IN 2007' Ive been in an accident myself when i was younger nothing serious just a bump from behind in my mothers car, i laughed that day too it was only a...... police car.

  23. #23
    200byjune's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jokers99 View Post
    I dont like speeders or showoffs too many accidents and deaths, a few years ago in exactly the same place the guy flew off his bike a young girl was run over and killed by a speeding car, guess what day it was.. Christmas. Every year i see the family placing flowers in that same spot. Vehicles whether it car,van or motorcycles dont kill. People do
    ya my cousin died christmas eve at 11:59 in a car accident. if he were wearing his seatbelt they say he would of walked away without a scratch. but he broke his neck and thats that. nothing to do with motorcycles but EVERYONE SHOULD WEAR THERE SEATBELTS AT ALL TIMES.

  24. #24
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 200byjune View Post
    ya my cousin died christmas eve at 11:59 in a car accident. if he were wearing his seatbelt they say he would of walked away without a scratch. but he broke his neck and thats that. nothing to do with motorcycles but EVERYONE SHOULD WEAR THERE SEATBELTS AT ALL TIMES.
    Sorry to hear that.

  25. #25
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    ah man dont be it happens all the time..

  26. #26
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    I see those dudes speeding by me on the parkway like its friggn tokyo drift or something.

    And EVERYTIME I cross my fingers and say "come on god, just this one time.. plzzzz?"
    So consider it a gift from god that I'm still waiting for.

    I did have the luxury though of seeing a young female in a tinted jetta fly off the road into a ditch. But I was with my brother and he insisted we pull over and go help.
    Bad things can happen on cars & bikes.
    But for some of the people who were licensed to operate them and shouldn't have, its hard to have sympathy.

    And this no way applies to the cousin comment. Death is the end all, but a few broken bones can smarten someone up real quick.

  27. #27
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    He probably started crying after he got on his bike.

  28. #28
    warchild's Avatar
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    ive always agreed with wearing seat belts but i never wear a helmet on my chopper...

  29. #29
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    I can understand when your on a missle with wheels that you might get a little tempted to push the throttle, so I'm glad thats a habit I never developed because I know I'd kill myself.

  30. #30
    warchild's Avatar
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    when i had cbr i always wore one, but i dont know

  31. #31
    CeeLo's Avatar
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    I was that guy not once, but twice. I like to pull mine up all the time. I did it the first time right in front of my friends house in a housing addition and the bike did a 1201. Front over back. I felt embarrassed as crap.

    Then the next summer, going right down a busy highway from the light. Popped her up and was riding it good and then at about 70 mph, she went over backwards again and it was dejavu. People came running from nowhere and one lady was crying hysterically and all I wanted was to get back to my bike.

    College campus police pulled up and helped me push my bike onto the campus and then gave me a ride to my apartment near by.

  32. #32
    zimmy's Avatar
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    asshat...i'm glad he wrecked...another "accident" that an insurance company is gonna have to pay on. Kids and there crotch rockets.

  33. #33
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    Bump so you can read this and connect my other thread incase you couldnt find this

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