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I never even ask people what they bench or squat anymore for a few reasons:
1) everyone always adds a few lbs to whatever they really did.
2) No one ever uses the same form as the next guy. One guy might go half way down and then back up and count it. another guy might have his spotters hands on the bar the whole time. The next guy might bounce it off his chest for momentum. Some guys arc their whole body off the seat including their butt, etc.
Same with squats. some guys go half way down and count it.
3) Some guys wear benching shirts or leg wraps and leave that little bit of info out when telling the next guy their max.
In my opinion, the squat doesnt count unless you can basically place a marble on the top of your thigh and it stays still and roles in toward your body. (parallel to below parallel)
And the bench doesnt count unless you lower the bar to your chest, pause it for a one count, and go back up to complete extension.