every year, I get all hyped up over madden. the last 3 of them have blown giant monkey balls......There is a ton of hype this year, a ton
ea is talking that this is the largest advance in graphics ever in one year for madden. I have seen some videos for madden 09 on youtube, if you want you can just go there and type in madden 09. game play looks night and day better than last year. looks real good. and this year, beginning of animations are not the end of the play. there was some talk about the game "backbreaker" which is using real world physics. I can say just by the looks of things, madden is alot closer to this than last year at the least.
check out these screen shots. they are looking pretty freakin bad ass
ps. you can create players
check out this dudes tricep
thats one hell of an arm
big dog lookin jacked
running back looks like maybe is running some winny (a hardening agent)