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Thread: What do you do when you find out a girl you truly fancy is in a relationship?

  1. #1
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    Jun 2008

    What do you do when you find out a girl you truly fancy is in a relationship?

    only to find out she's in a relationship. She's pretty, intelligent... just my dream girl. What should I do? There ain't many of her kind around. Should I wait, just move on or keep the frienship hoping something happens? Would it be a waste of time?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    To sum her up all in one word: Beautiful

  3. #3
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    Nov 2005
    I wouldnt let that fact deter me. So what if she is in one maybe she will want something better. Actually I would totally ignore that fact.

  4. #4
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    kill the bf

  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    me, personally. would use my charm and wits, to get her into thinking her man is cheating on her. or that hes not who she really thinks he is. take your time. dont push anything. just make sly comments here and there. then she will start to over think everything. and it will usually end the relationship. at that point. you are her shoulder to cry on and a bed to sleep in. oh yea.

    or kill the b/f. either or.

  7. #7
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    Dec 2004
    Respect her relationship and hope something comes out of it at a later time. If she's willing to leave or cheat on her current boyfriend with you who's to say that she wouldn't leave or cheat on you as well? It's better not to intice such behavior.

  8. #8
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    "Unleash Hell"
    Ever heard of KARMA... or the cliche, "what goes around will come back at you [and hunt you ass] down..."

    Well, if I were you I would keep the friendship as you have been doing but I would definitedly not concentrate on her and move on... Never, EVER, get involved with a woman while she's in a relationship. Instead like Dukk suggested -- IN PART-- I agree with him, let your CHARM show her how great of a reward as a man to her you are!

    Just visualize that you're the greatest man this chick could possibly have and do things in a subtle but altruistic way -- you know, that she can pick by your acts/behaviour-- that you're honest on your approach without a hidden agenda. If you do this, you'll start noticing how other woman like her, will start noticing how great you are. Once other grade 10 chicks start asking/noticing you, if indeed this chick's relationship is hitting rock bottom she will be forced to cut the bf off for good, and after few months (3 is my personal rule), just make your moves on her... Of course, try to be a true/loyal/honest friend to her... Not her "I'm a NICE guy" and will get the moon/sky for you if you so desire, this will push YOU away from her and instead, she will take advantage of you... Just keep it light/simple and be smart when dealing with women... specially the kind you really feel attracted to and that you like!


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI View Post
    Respect her relationship and hope something comes out of it at a later time. If she's willing to leave or cheat on her current boyfriend with you who's to say that she wouldn't leave or cheat on you as well? It's better not to intice such behavior.
    I agree!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI View Post
    Respect her relationship and hope something comes out of it at a later time. If she's willing to leave or cheat on her current boyfriend with you who's to say that she wouldn't leave or cheat on you as well? It's better not to intice such behavior.
    Agree completely. There are plenty of great single girls out there. No need to ruin someone elses relationship. I always try to put myself in the other guys position. If she is such a great girl, I'm sure her bf knows that and thats why he's dating her. Thats kind of fcked up to ruin that for him and her.

    With that said, and as Stone said, let's say she cheats on him with you or puts herself in a position to spend that amount of time with you in which she develops those type of feelings and leaves her bf (which is still cheating in my book). You will never be able to trust her. You will always question her about her other male friends and become suspicious of her motives. Also, she would not be a "great" girl then with those lack of morals.

    Stay friends, but thats it. If its meant to be, it will happen eventually.

  11. #11
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    ^^^Agree with the thoughts above. Karma is a bitch, and being a homewrecker is selfish douchebaggery. I'm a big believer in timing and faith in the fact that if it's meant to happen it will.

  12. #12
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    i say just stay friends with her and get to know her really well...don't push anything on her though cause that will just come back to bite you in the ass later on...and later on if she splits up with the guy then you have your chance...especially after you get to know her real well and show her that you are a good guy...but i do agree that you should give her little hints that you like her

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by wantmoremass View Post
    ^^^Agree with the thoughts above. Karma is a bitch, and being a homewrecker is selfish douchebaggery. I'm a big believer in timing and faith in the fact that if it's meant to happen it will.
    word. ive pulled that douchebaggery before... wont do it again though, you find a new respect(and the girl is almost never worth it)

  14. #14
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    and if you do end up hooking up with this chick while she is with that guy...and then she leaves him for will always have the thought in the back of your mind that she is doing the same thing to you

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skully44420 View Post
    i say just stay friends with her and get to know her really well...don't push anything on her though cause that will just come back to bite you in the ass later on...and later on if she splits up with the guy then you have your chance...especially after you get to know her real well and show her that you are a good guy...but i do agree that you should give her little hints that you like her
    thanks mate

  16. #16
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    This always happens to guys.

    Remember when you were 16 and just got a license to drive. You really wanted that 1982 fire bird. It was the only car for you, nothing else would do. You saw yourself driving it, picking up girls in it, going to parties in it. Basicly, that car made you the cats ass.

    You probably did not get the car, you probably ended up with a 1984 LTD like I did. We are still alive, and happy for the most part. When you think of things in absolute...there is a name for it. Obsessing. Obseessing is not always bad, but when it's a person, or people, it's bad.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by wantmoremass View Post
    ^^^Agree with the thoughts above. Karma is a bitch, and being a homewrecker is selfish douchebaggery. I'm a big believer in timing and faith in the fact that if it's meant to happen it will.

  18. #18
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    what's funny about this she's my cousin's mate

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glow2004 View Post
    what's funny about this she's my cousin's mate
    right... yes thats hilarious

  20. #20
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    cousin & I going away 2mo should Tell her about it ?
    Last edited by Glow2004; 07-30-2008 at 01:24 PM.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Glow2004 View Post
    what's funny about this she's my cousin's mate

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    shes my cousin's best friend

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Glow2004 View Post
    shes my cousin's best friend
    oh ok, I read that wrong. I thought you said "what makes this funny, she's my cousin, mate." my eyes placed a comma in there after cousin. Ok, I am no longer creeped out.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by wantmoremass View Post
    ^^^Agree with the thoughts above. Karma is a bitch, and being a homewrecker is selfish douchebaggery. I'm a big believer in timing and faith in the fact that if it's meant to happen it will.
    Agreed totally!! meantime **** her mom!! LMAO

  25. #25
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  26. #26
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    Be friends with her. If a situation arises where the guy cheat on her, well than u have ur opening.

  27. #27
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    I got in this same situation a coupla years back with some Italian girl. She knew I liked her and I know she liked me, she came over to mine enough. Damn we were getting close at one point, I even put a post up on here for someone fluent in Italian to translate a message I was gonna put in a christmas present for her. Anyways, I send the present to her with the note...and nothing. No thanks, no anything. Then I heard she's all lovey dovey with her bloke again. Recently I hear they are getting a place together and I 100% guarantee he knows nothing about her coming over to mine.

    Morale of the story, IF anything develops between the two of you, make sure she is 100% single, and doesnt come on to you or any shit like that JUST cause she's going through a bad patch with her fella or they've had a row.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glow2004 View Post
    only to find out she's in a relationship. She's pretty, intelligent... just my dream girl. What should I do? There ain't many of her kind around. Should I wait, just move on or keep the frienship hoping something happens? Would it be a waste of time?
    I would move on to the next one, but this works:

    Become somewhat friends w/her friends. Get accepted by her girlfriends and you can work a lot of angles. You'd know when to pounce when things go sour in the relationship of the girl you want. You can kind of hint to her friends you think the girl is hot. Chances are her friends don't like the guy she's with and chicks can talk other chicks out of relationships.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huckster View Post
    I would move on to the next one, but this works:

    Become somewhat friends w/her friends. Get accepted by her girlfriends and you can work a lot of angles. You'd know when to pounce when things go sour in the relationship of the girl you want. You can kind of hint to her friends you think the girl is hot. Chances are her friends don't like the guy she's with and chicks can talk other chicks out of relationships.
    Ahh yes the foundation of any healthy relationship.... but what do i know i havent had a "healthy" in yearrs

  30. #30
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    I think that any girl is fair game to pursue up until shes is legally married

  31. #31
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    A woman likes a direct man. I would tell her that you think she is a great girl and very sexy. It’s a shame she has a man, but you wouldn’t want to interfere. Then keep loose contact with her. This accomplishes 3 things. One she knows you’re interested and makes your intentions clear. Two you’re a stand up guy your respect her and her relationship so she know she can trust you because you don’t expect her to be deceitful in her current relationship so you probably would not do that to her. Keeping your distance stops you from moving into the friend zone. So she will continue to think of you as the what if guy?

    Plus, if you cause issues between her and her man then if you do get a shot you will never trust her.

    then again, you could get her drunk and put it in her butt.
    Last edited by wilson9d; 07-30-2008 at 06:38 PM.

  32. #32
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    kick the boyfriend in the balls so hard that he won't be able to have children.

    that should do it

  33. #33
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    Respect her relationship, if she wants to be with you, then she will. Otherwise it's not meant to be. But don't attempt to ruin a relationship for selfish reasons.

  34. #34
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    thanks for info lads

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by wilson9d;410***9
    A woman likes a direct man. I would tell her that you think she is a great girl and very sexy. It’s a shame she has a man, but you wouldn’t want to interfere. Then keep loose contact with her. This accomplishes 3 things. One she knows you’re interested and makes your intentions clear. Two you’re a stand up guy your respect her and her relationship so she know she can trust you because you don’t expect her to be deceitful in her current relationship so you probably would not do that to her. Keeping your distance stops you from moving into the friend zone. So she will continue to think of you as the what if guy?

    Plus, if you cause issues between her and her man then if you do get a shot you will never trust her.

    then again, you could get her drunk and put it in her butt.
    best piece of advice yet in my opinion

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I got in this same situation a coupla years back with some Italian girl. She knew I liked her and I know she liked me, she came over to mine enough. Damn we were getting close at one point, I even put a post up on here for someone fluent in Italian to translate a message I was gonna put in a christmas present for her. Anyways, I send the present to her with the note...and nothing. No thanks, no anything. Then I heard she's all lovey dovey with her bloke again. Recently I hear they are getting a place together and I 100% guarantee he knows nothing about her coming over to mine.

    Morale of the story, IF anything develops between the two of you, make sure she is 100% single, and doesnt come on to you or any shit like that JUST cause she's going through a bad patch with her fella or they've had a row.
    I've been in the exact same position as you Flagg, and I completely agree.

    Alot of times girls like to "play" other guys to make themselves feel better due to their own insecurity. Sometimes having a boyfriend isn't enough assurance that a girl is loved, sometimes they want more, and the "more" (i.e. you in this case) generally gets shat on at the end. And you definitely don't wanna be that guy.
    Last edited by GT2; 07-31-2008 at 07:22 AM.

  37. #37
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    Where's TJ?

    Ask the man, he'll know what to do.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny_Rotten View Post
    Where's TJ?

    Ask the man, he'll know what to do.
    He's already given his .02

  39. #39
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    keep her as friends, if she wants you she will come to u.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    Respect her relationship, if she wants to be with you, then she will. Otherwise it's not meant to be. But don't attempt to ruin a relationship for selfish reasons.


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