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Thread: US immigration wont let me in the country for a vacation!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK

    US immigration wont let me in the country for a vacation!

    long story short: I applied for a US visa in order to enter the country for 7 days to have a holiday/vacation in vegas with my girlfriend and her family. Yesterday morning i went to the US embassy in London for my interview, and after sitting around for several hours for the second phase of the interview, i was told that as i had been convicted of an assault in the last 5 years, i could not enter the country.

    Seriously, i have not read or heard of that anywhere else, and surely they could have told me that over the phone or online before i spent in excess of £300 in arranging everything.

    Anyone able to shed some light on this? Im assuming this was just office speak for "no sir we do not want you in our country, even for a week."

    I assumed they would judge on circumstance, the fact that it was whilst working as a doorman, not like id gone out and caused trouble, and that i have no other problems with the law, and have never been in jail.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I know that Canada at least used to deny entry to US Citizens who had drunk driving convictions. Have not discussed this recently with anyone to know if it is still true but it was 10yrs ago or so. I think you could apply for an exemption after many years but I knew people who took a bus tour from RI up to canada to party in Montreal and had to get off the bus at the border and stay in the states when they ran their names lol

    It does suck bigtime that you are out that cash, with the Canada think I think you can check over the phone or online for free to see if you will be denied entry or not.

    p.s. Government are crooks in general, here is another example.
    Last edited by 40plusnewbie; 07-31-2008 at 04:55 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Presumably you're a UK citizen, so why do you even need to apply for a visa for a short tourism visit?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I'm sorry but we don't need any more drunkards that go out on the piss and beat people up here.

    Thank you for your application but it has been DENIED!

    Now seriously, just do like the Mexicans and god knows what else do, come here illegally. Just float on over the borders wide open man.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    between the flaps
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Now seriously, just do like the Mexicans and god knows what else do, come here illegally. Just float on over the borders wide open man.
    LOL...what I was gonna say. thousands are walking over every year. I don't think they are concerned about getting their visas.

    but don't take it personally; the INS **** around with americans too. I brought my wife from overseas and we had to wait years and finally have a congressman send a couple of letters before she was able to get them to send her residency card. No she does not automatically become a citizen....

    write up a letter and try for an exception or whatever. it's the most disorganized and bureaucratic american organization...which may eventually work in your favor.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    You don't need a visa for vacationing?

    Yeah, it's still true for Canada not allowing US citizens with a DUI. My friend got one and half his family lives there that he can't visit!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    anywhere my son lives
    we should be letting anyone in our country for 7 days with a stronger currency than ours!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40plusnewbie View Post
    I know that Canada at least used to deny entry to US Citizens who had drunk driving convictions. Have not discussed this recently with anyone to know if it is still true but it was 10yrs ago or so. I think you could apply for an exemption after many years but I knew people who took a bus tour from RI up to canada to party in Montreal and had to get off the bus at the border and stay in the states when they ran their names lol

    It does suck bigtime that you are out that cash, with the Canada think I think you can check over the phone or online for free to see if you will be denied entry or not.

    p.s. Government are crooks in general, here is another example.
    it's true. any convictions on record, neither country (usa or can) will allow you in, if you have ANY criminal record (unless it's pardoned).

    a friend of mine had a rainbow flag sticker on his car rear window. they denied him entry. which is perfectly legal. they can deny "undesireables".

    see it here all the time in niagara. people turned back at the boarder trying to go into the usa..

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    murilloninja: i was working as a doorman lol, so wasnt drunk, and dont drink, do drugs (apart from the bodybuilding variety lol).

    I personally would not have applied for a visa just for a vacation, but my girlfriends dad (who is a pretty damn smart and worldy guy) brought it up so thought i better had incase on the off chance i get busted going through customs.

    Sad thing is i have always dreamed of wrestling for the WWE and living in the states, which now looks totally out of the question.

    I have been told to appeal the decision, due to several circumstances and just to see what happens.

    The first thing i thought when i got charged with this assault was how it would affect my chances of moving to the USA, so its not like im really suprised, just thought a holiday, where i am going to spend a good amount of cash, wouldnt be an issue

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    it's true. any convictions on record, neither country (usa or can) will allow you in, if you have ANY criminal record (unless it's pardoned).
    You are right that US Border guards won't allow in Canadian citizens with *any* criminal records, but what a lot of folks don't know is that they also won't allow in many categories of pardonned records.


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup View Post
    You are right that US Border guards won't allow in Canadian citizens with *any* criminal records, but what a lot of folks don't know is that they also won't allow in many categories of pardonned records.

    More useless government waste of my hard earned money that is stolen from me to pay for this crap. The 'honest' criminals show up to show their papers to these border patrol people only to be sent back.... while the dishonest and really dangerous one's just take the back roads to cross the usa canada border. Hurray, the government is keeping me safe!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704 View Post
    long story short: I applied for a US visa in order to enter the country for 7 days to have a holiday/vacation in vegas with my girlfriend and her family. Yesterday morning i went to the US embassy in London for my interview, and after sitting around for several hours for the second phase of the interview, i was told that as i had been convicted of an assault in the last 5 years, i could not enter the country.

    Seriously, i have not read or heard of that anywhere else, and surely they could have told me that over the phone or online before i spent in excess of £300 in arranging everything.

    Anyone able to shed some light on this? Im assuming this was just office speak for "no sir we do not want you in our country, even for a week."

    I assumed they would judge on circumstance, the fact that it was whilst working as a doorman, not like id gone out and caused trouble, and that i have no other problems with the law, and have never been in jail.
    Its good to see that they are keeping you hardened blood thirsty criminals out of our lovely, crime free, nonjudgmental country.....

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Its good to see that they are keeping you hardened blood thirsty criminals out of our lovely, crime free, nonjudgmental country.....
    lol someone said to me "well its not like they havent got any criminals in the country anyway". I laughed and said that thats why they dont want anymore of us

  14. #14
    Change your name to Bin Laden....

  15. #15
    I know its no use now, what you should have done is gone neway - if there was an issue the worst is that you would have had to fly back, but now your on their radar.. sorry dude..

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by jassdhali View Post
    I know its no use now, what you should have done is gone neway - if there was an issue the worst is that you would have had to fly back, but now your on their radar.. sorry dude..
    yep i know that, and if my girls dad hadnt brought it up, i wouldnt have bothered, but decided it best to do all by the book so i didnt make them look bad in the airport lol

  17. #17
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    I just think you are a victim of your own honesty :-(.I just tick the box when i fill in the immigration forms on plane and i would imagine so do 90% of people with minor criminal records.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You need to dress like an illegal immigrant, and just come over from mexico.
    I think they give you $50 when you come over.

    Our country caters to illegals from mexico, over it's US citizens

    LA Times is a prime example

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    between the flaps
    Quote Originally Posted by SnaX View Post
    You need to dress like an illegal immigrant, and just come over from mexico.
    I think they give you $50 when you come over.

    Our country caters to illegals from mexico, over it's US citizens

    LA Times is a prime example

    you think they give em FIFTY BUCKS ?!!!!!


    if only.....they give 'em schooling, healthcare, welfare, jobs...

    and for the record, I love Mexican people; I also like immigrants--the legal kind.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by adamw1 View Post
    I just think you are a victim of your own honesty :-(.I just tick the box when i fill in the immigration forms on plane and i would imagine so do 90% of people with minor criminal records.
    i fvcking knew it was that simple, and honesty gets you nowhere!

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