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Thread: Crazy tendon injury

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Crazy tendon injury

    Wonder if you guys had any advice for me since a doctors appointment will take 2 weeks. I have obviously stopped using my arm, much less working out on it.

    I did Back and Biceps Thursday with no problem. Didnt have any problems. Woke up Friday with a soreness/tightness in my armpit. When I put my arm over my head, I could feel a tight pain in my armpit, bicep, and up to my forearm. I tried strecthing it throught the day.

    I woke up this morning to this: it looks like I took a pink highlighter and drew from my armpit to my wrist. Everywhere there is a line, it is pink, hot, and painfull. It v's off on my armpit and goes around behind my arm, and down the TOP of my wrist, so its on the top and bottom of my forearm.

    Kind of interesting to see where all it goes in my arm. You can see where it loopty loops around my elbow region. Sucks to probably not workout for a while. I was just coming off of a calf tear that was slowing me down.

    I realize there is an injury forum, but This one is hard to explain and people dont go there.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    damn bro sorry to hear about your injury...does sound crazy though...unfortunately i don't know shit about injuries...kinda hard to imagine what it looks like look like your veins?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Could you post some pics? Might help...

    I really don't know, but kinda sounds like an infection or blood poisoning of some sort... with the red streaky lines and all

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Yeah, pics would help. My camera is broken.

    Picture this. Its like the skin is pink, its not 3d or veiny. Just pink and hot.

    The first line is like 3/4" thick. It starts at my left armpit, goes inside bicep, bends around a little at elbow and goes to bottom of wrist.

    The second line Branches off near the armpit, goes to the back of my arm, then down the op of my forearm to the top of my wrist. The lines get skinny after the elbow.

    Funny you said bloodpoisoning, cuz thats what my friend who just looked at it said.

    Thanks for helping guys.

  5. #5
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxbigsexyxlx View Post
    could you post some pics? Might help...

    I really don't know, but kinda sounds like an infection or blood poisoning of some sort... With the red streaky lines and all
    Bro you need to get your ass to the doctor!!!! I MEAN NOW!!!!

  6. #6
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    between the flaps
    Sounds like phlebitis, infection involving the veins. Is usually originating at the farthest point, in this case the wrist, and spreading up the arm.

    You should not wait to see a doctor for that, just because some nurse or receptionist flunky can't triage appropriately. Get thee to a healer!

  7. #7
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    i'm gonna have to agree with them when they say go to the doctor..if it is blood poisoning thats no good

  8. #8
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    I will asap, but I really dont think it is blood poisoning. Dont you have to get shot with a rusty civil war musket ball for that to happen?

    I think I just blew out the spring in my arm, and now its unwinding like a slinky.

    Redness is not as bad this morning. You can still see the big streak from armpit to elbow. Still hurts like a mother****er from armpit to tricep to bicep to both sides of forarms.

    Hurts to extend elbow, raise arm, or make a fist. Ill let everyone know.

  9. #9
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    between the flaps
    there is no valid medical condition known as "blood poisoning". the last time that term was used with any validity was, yes, back in the civil war.
    there can be septicemia or bacteremia, but this will cause fever, shaking chills and sweats, and you will be horizontal if that's the case.

    you can get phlebitis or a lymphangitis causing a red streak from any infection.

    if you are a robot then you maybe broke your "spring". however, there is no human supportive structure which goes from your shoulder to your wrist. no tendon, ligament or muscle tear is going to cause a red streak going from shoulder/arm pit to wrist.

    everyone's a comedian and everyone's a doctor.... ;-P

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnaX View Post
    Bro you need to get your ass to the doctor!!!! I MEAN NOW!!!!
    agreed, if it is has red lines, its hot to the toutch, and hurts. go to the doc now, either er or urgent care. i dont say that lightly, because i played a half season with broken hand and finished boot camp with sprained ankle. i would go to the doc with those symptoms.

  11. #11
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    OK, so I went to a doctor, but I dont know how eventful the trip was.

    So now it is not red and hot. Where it was red, is now yellow/green/brown bruising, so we can assume its not an infection.

    This was not my Doctor, I had a sub. An old Asian guy who wasnt very articulate, and who didnt seem amused by my visit.

    The Doctor x-rayed me, which I told him was a waste of time. He told me it was "probably something with my tendons and probably not an infection". He gave me Cipro just in case it was an infection.

    I didnt think to ask if I should ice it, but I assume it cant hurt.

    I asked if I should put my arm in a sling and he said "no because you are going to want to move your arm, but if it feels better to keep it stable, put it in a sling" (?!?!@?!@?).

    Basicly I got some wishy-wash answer like I always get at the doctor.

    A friend of the family who is an ER doctor told my dad over the phone that it could be Deep Vein Thrombosis (blood clot), or Flavitis. Common with weight lifters.

    I basicly didnt get anywhere.

    The pain is still the same top and bottom, still hurts to strecth.


    When you feel around in my arm you can trace the "hoses" that are still swolen a little where I described before.

    Still; strange to wake up with what will be a giant full arm bruise a week later.

    I guess now would be a good time to stop huffing modeling glue and smoking Lucky Strikes (no filters) since my head is gonna explode off of my neck. jk
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Diary of a Mad-man; 08-07-2008 at 10:14 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    between the flaps
    by flavitis, you mean phlebitis.
    those "hoses" essentially indicate that. you should probably see a real doctor (lol). there is not much in the literature regarding upper extremity DVTs (deep vein thromboses, = deep vein clots); they are less common; the DVTs in the legs which are very common and often lead to complications such as pulmonary embolism (piece breaks off and travels downstream where is lodges in your lung) and/or death get huge amounts of research.

    therefore the treatment is not standardized. if large veins are involved you may need to be treated with coumadin. yes, it's a pain but i'd recommend making an appointment with a doctor of internal medicine and get good final recommendations.

    or you can come up north and i'll check ya out fer free! LOL

  13. #13
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    lol at my spelling. Flavitis? Like you are allergic to flava flave?

    Yeah I was thinking I would have to make another appointment. Thanks for your help.

    Piss on the grumpy Korean doctor

    Gee, I have red inflamed tendons in my armpit and forearm, maybe my shoulder, which has 100% mobility and strength, is broken. Lets take an xray.

    I can do 50 push ups right now with no pain, but if you grabbed around my forearm, or biscep, or armpit, that would hurt. Trips to the doctor piss me off. The more I try to communicate, the less they seem to understand.

    anywho, thanks again

  14. #14
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    Results of MRI

    Well, its been about 8-10 weeks since I was complaining about my arm and its almost healed. I was a little scared at the time, thanks for your replies.

    After an MRI I was told I have a torn/strained (he said tears and strains are the same thing at the minimal level) Rotator Cuff, Medial Triceps Brachii, and Pronator Teres (Fore Arm). Please dont EVEN bother checking that spelling b/c it is all a guess.

    Everything has gone away but the tightness in my forearm and top of hand.

    10 weeks with no gym after cycle =

    Oh well, now I know. I needed peace of mind at least.
    Last edited by Diary of a Mad-man; 09-16-2008 at 10:26 AM.

  15. #15
    You aren't listening at all to these guys are you? the reason you can do 50 pushups with no pain but touching it hurts is because IT IS NOT A TENDON PROBLEM, IT IS PROBABLY A VEIN PROBLEM!! Veins don't hurt when you workout, but if you push on one that is inflamed it will be very painful.

    We just had an elderly lady with a DVT in her upper right arm. We Careflighted her out to IU med center immediately.

    CVT Upper extremity doppler exam will rule out if it's a DVT or not. I would definitely recommend it. It's like an ultrasound of your veins. Painless and does not harm the body like a CT scan or Xray.

  16. #16
    nice pic

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyco2020 View Post
    nice pic

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