Wonder if you guys had any advice for me since a doctors appointment will take 2 weeks. I have obviously stopped using my arm, much less working out on it.
I did Back and Biceps Thursday with no problem. Didnt have any problems. Woke up Friday with a soreness/tightness in my armpit. When I put my arm over my head, I could feel a tight pain in my armpit, bicep, and up to my forearm. I tried strecthing it throught the day.
I woke up this morning to this: it looks like I took a pink highlighter and drew from my armpit to my wrist. Everywhere there is a line, it is pink, hot, and painfull. It v's off on my armpit and goes around behind my arm, and down the TOP of my wrist, so its on the top and bottom of my forearm.
Kind of interesting to see where all it goes in my arm. You can see where it loopty loops around my elbow region. Sucks to probably not workout for a while. I was just coming off of a calf tear that was slowing me down.
I realize there is an injury forum, but This one is hard to explain and people dont go there.