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Thread: Favorite Commercials as of right now...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Anabolic Review

    Favorite Commercials as of right now...

    I dunno which ones do it for you guys, but i find myself crackin up at some of the FedX ones while watchin golf...where the chick is on the fone and everyone is in the office listening into her convo with the boss and they all have their bags ready and wait for her to conclude the boss isnt coming in so they all take off with their bags......
    or the one where they are on the course with an offce backdrop on a conferense call with the boss, and the backdrop falls down and they take a club and start smashing the laptop haha...although the boss says...i can still hear you hahaha

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Anabolic Review
    Im also a fan of that budlight one where the dude and his girl are having their place carpeted and the guy says to the carpenter, if u have some extra lyin around, there might something in it for you (6er of bud light) and they come back and they have floor to ceiling carpeting, including the ceiling, ceiling fan, and even their dog hahaha

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