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  1. #1
    TheArtist's Avatar
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    some software help MP3 specifically

    hey fellas i need an mp3 editing program... basically i just wanna make ringtones... me and the wifey are into them and i can't seem to find an editing program for free. anyone have one?

  2. #2
    Bojangles69's Avatar
    Bojangles69 is offline Banned
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    Be a bit more specific because I'm an idiot that knows a lot about music/sound engineering etc.

    If you want to take a mp3 tune, and convert it to a ringtone, you may want to check for free downloads on the ringtone first.

    Theres the way I'd do it, and the million other different ways it can be done. I know of one program that I'm not even mentioning because you'll install it and have no idea where to start or how to use it.
    Its not user friendly at all.

    I have all kinds of things you can use that I can give you. But I may still have to explain how to use them. MP3 editing programs usually tend to take form as DAW's, or digital audio workstations.
    They edit mp3s and allow you do everything else possible under the sun. You can literally whistle a tune into a microphone, send it to a pitch reader, open a wave form, convert to a live tune under those detected notes, or export as a midi which will be played as a ringtone. Software the does that is verrry rare.
    But yeh you can do anything else you want too. =]

    Send me a pm and maybe a bit more what you want to do. I have a million tools you can use.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 08-09-2008 at 07:32 PM.

  3. #3
    TheArtist's Avatar
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    Wow I don't need anything that sophisticated. Basically all I need to do is crop out a section of a song anywhere from 12 to 50 seconds. And its better if the file is kept as an mp3. Our phones use them for ringtones easily so its not a big deal really. Thanks a lot for the help bro!

  4. #4
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    I use CoolEdit pro... but that may a bit more than you want...

    To make a ringtone (my phone accepts straight MP3's as ringtones), I usually crop the song to 20 seconds (thats the longest my phone can ring before a call heads to the voice mailbox), I also convert it from stereo to mono (phone only has one speaker!) and normalize the audio to maximum volume.

    Cropping and converting to mono saves a lot of memory space.


  5. #5
    BadBarbie is offline Banned
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    go to trust me. upload whatever song you want, take whatever piece for how long you want, then it sends it to your phone.

  6. #6
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    Kinda same thing as badbarbie's, its called mobile17 . com You upload an mp3 and you can either pay a dollar to get it now or wait do it for free and they'll send it like half an hour later.

  7. #7
    BadBarbie is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jfew44 View Post
    Kinda same thing as badbarbie's, its called mobile17 . com You upload an mp3 and you can either pay a dollar to get it now or wait do it for free and they'll send it like half an hour later.
    phonezoo sends right away for free =)

  8. #8
    TheArtist's Avatar
    TheArtist is offline Member
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    I've tried stuff like that, but the built in editor isn't that accurate. RED, is cooleditpro FREE?

  9. #9
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    Nope. It's actually one of the better audio editors out there...

    You'll find it on torrent sites easily.


  10. #10
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Audacity is free, you can change the bass, tone, treble, add sound effects, mix songs, and edit them (cut out portions of the song and what not).

  11. #11
    TheArtist's Avatar
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    eh, if it's not free, it's not worth it.... all i need it for is ringtones, and i just want to make my own, instead of trying to find the really obscure stuff... which it seems i'm into. Thanks anyway. I think i may try audacity, do they have a website ?

  12. #12
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    a u d a c i t y . s o u r c e f o r g e . net

  13. #13
    Bojangles69's Avatar
    Bojangles69 is offline Banned
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    Yeh I already pmd him the link to audacity.

    Would def recommend for what he needs to do. Especially if you're dealing with a lot of different songs you don't want to do online editing. But if its just one or 2 it doesn't matter.

    My DAW line runs about $7000 deep so I'm always prone to recommend complete overkill. Was about to say Ableton Live or FL Studio lol.

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