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  1. #1
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
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    no longer a bouncer

    Been working security at a Bar for about 5 years now. just for some extra spending money. I have had 2 different owners since i have been working there. well it looks like the whole staffed just got screwed. Current owner tells us tonight he had sold and that they were shutting the place down tomorrow for 2 weeks. The new owner is going to get a list of names and numbers for employees if he wants to keep anyone. I am not counting on getting a call. I figured that if the new owner plans on keeping staff he would have made a point to come meet us before they shut it down.

    Kinda sucks, But i dont even like working in the bar scene. The only thing that was nice was 2 or 3 days a week with the hours of 10- 2am no interference with day job. It will be hard finding another PT job with similar hours. kinda bummed.

  2. #2
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    well at least figure out if u can get a good reference. maybe u can get a job somewhere else? otherwise talk to the owner and convince him u will be a good asset for him..

  3. #3
    Freakish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE WHO View Post
    Bouncers are such a loser job anyway everybody laughs a bouncers
    What the hell?!thats a stupid thing to say!alot of bro's work security on the side for some extra tom,no ones ever laughed at me!

  4. #4
    Freakish's Avatar
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    anyway bro mayb u get the call,goodluck

  5. #5
    Freakish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE WHO View Post
    if you make under 100,000 a year and risk your life for people you dont even freaking know your a knob!!!!b lol
    1st um risk ur life?wow mayb u go out to rough places,2ndly some peeps are still studyin so the extra cash on the side helps alot,take me:i work at a financial institute and work as a bouncer on the side while finishin my studies to become an actuary,there's nothing wrong with earnin an honest buck

  6. #6
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    i must be the biggest knob of all, i didnt make half that. for some reason, i dont think you will be here long. gl

  7. #7
    VeraDeMilo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE WHO View Post
    Bouncers are such a loser job anyway everybody laughs a bouncers
    You sound bitter. I'd be willing to bet you've got tossed around and embarrassed by a bouncer on more than one occasion. I've never heard anyone ever laugh at a bouncer.
    (accept maybe the envious club goer, who has a quarter of muscle size, gets all done up to got out with his boys, spends all his money on buying girls drinks, and goes home alone to whack off while the bouncer goes home with one of the girls he wanted.)

    Other than bartenders, no one gets laid more than a bouncer. I have a day job that I make more than a comfortable living with, but I still bounce because its honestly the easiest job to get laid. Think about it, you dont dress up, you drink for free, your in the club for free, they pay you to be there. Girls approach you because you look like you are there to work, not to pick them up. Who's really laughing at who?

  8. #8
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    You sound bitter. I'd be willing to bet you've got tossed around and embarrassed by a bouncer on more than one occasion. I've never heard anyone ever laugh at a bouncer.
    (accept maybe the envious club goer, who has a quarter of muscle size, gets all done up to got out with his boys, spends all his money on buying girls drinks, and goes home alone to whack off while the bouncer goes home with one of the girls he wanted.)

    Other than bartenders, no one gets laid more than a bouncer. I have a day job that I make more than a comfortable living with, but I still bounce because its honestly the easiest job to get laid. Think about it, you dont dress up, you drink for free, your in the club for free, they pay you to be there. Girls approach you because you look like you are there to work, not to pick them up. Who's really laughing at who?
    atta boy!! you tell em!

  9. #9
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE WHO View Post
    oh oh you spill drink of vodka me throw you out me tough those same guys will stalk your ass skinny punks with no bideps or tans are crazy enough to wait for you follow you home.
    I have no idea what this says

    my day jobs pays all my bills but working security is very easy money and is nice to have a spending or saving money.

    i feel bad for the employees like 1 of the managers and a bartender that have been there as long as i have. its there only job and they basically were told without warning also.

  10. #10
    Grant8010's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE WHO View Post
    if you make under 100,000 a year and risk your life for people you dont even freaking know your a knob!!!!b lol
    so obviously you don't have respect for police and firemen!

  11. #11
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE WHO View Post
    oh oh you spill drink of vodka me throw you out me tough those same guys will stalk your ass skinny punks with no bideps or tans are crazy enough to wait for you follow you home.
    What is this post? English please.

  12. #12
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE WHO View Post
    oh oh you spill drink of vodka me throw you out me tough those same guys will stalk your ass skinny punks with no bideps or tans are crazy enough to wait for you follow you home.

    lol I feel dumber after trying to attempt to read that.

  13. #13
    Jfew44's Avatar
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    Ignoring The Who guy, im sure you'll be able to find another bouncing job. Bars look at experience and if you have 5 years of it, Im sure you'll be able to do the same elsewhere. You may not get paid as much, which sucks, but hopefully you find something else.

  14. #14
    Lift_Heavy_NY is offline Junior Member
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    Shitty time to lose income too.

  15. #15
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    when i was a bouncer, i never got free drinks, couldnt drink on the job, the hours were shitty, the pay was crap, we were expected to work more than 8 hours without overtime or a lunch, not allowed to eat on the job, and got just as much, if not more, disrespect as respect.

  16. #16
    ChiTownTommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    when i was a bouncer, i never got free drinks, couldnt drink on the job, the hours were shitty, the pay was crap, we were expected to work more than 8 hours without overtime or a lunch, not allowed to eat on the job, and got just as much, if not more, disrespect as respect.
    you worked at a uptiht bar then or a big city bar

  17. #17
    VeraDeMilo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    when i was a bouncer, i never got free drinks, couldnt drink on the job, the hours were shitty, the pay was crap, we were expected to work more than 8 hours without overtime or a lunch, not allowed to eat on the job, and got just as much, if not more, disrespect as respect.
    Damn. Where did you bounce during the day and for 8 hours? We get $120 a night (Cash, off the books), work 10-1 weekdays or 10-2 weekends. They let us drink free as long as we arent falling down by the end of the night. And if we get there 20 min before our shit starts we get free dinner.

  18. #18
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    when i was a bouncer, i never got free drinks, couldnt drink on the job, the hours were shitty, the pay was crap, we were expected to work more than 8 hours without overtime or a lunch, not allowed to eat on the job, and got just as much, if not more, disrespect as respect.
    that does suck.. they didnt want us drinking either while working but that didnt bother me. im not big into drinking.

    The thing that sucks is that i dont know if i will try to work at another bar. All the other bars are run by really "clicky" "trendy" whatever you want to call them. i cant stand them or all the 21yr old promoters who swear they are local celebrities. I am not a fake person and i do not pretend to like any of them when they are around.

    I guess there is positive news. One of the managers who i know pretty well has a meeting setup with the new owner tomorrow. I can count on him getting me back there. that is if they come to an agreement with each other first.

  19. #19
    warchild's Avatar
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    ban that idiot, the who

  20. #20
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    we got standard minimum wage with no tips, and no share of the barbacks bartenders tips. The bar i worked at was fvcking chock full of clique-y wannabe preppy idiots who used mommy and daddy's money to drink. Lots of wannabes, and lots of "people who know people" The manager was a penny pinching over theatrical anal prick, and most of the dudes who worked there were way too serious about their job for 6.50/hour. And bouncers were basically at the bottom of the food chain, being the most expendable and having the highest turnover rate. It was in a college town, as i am a student.
    Last edited by tadpoleboyy; 08-14-2008 at 09:21 PM.

  21. #21
    VeraDeMilo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anaBROLIC View Post
    All the other bars are run by really "clicky" "trendy" whatever you want to call them. i cant stand them or all the 21yr old promoters who swear they are local celebrities. I am not a fake person and i do not pretend to like any of them when they are around.
    Sounds like New Haven, lol

  22. #22
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE WHO View Post
    I gonna wak me bideps an me twideps tamarroooooow!

  23. #23
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    Sounds like New Haven, lol

  24. #24
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    Damn. Where did you bounce during the day and for 8 hours? We get $120 a night (Cash, off the books), work 10-1 weekdays or 10-2 weekends. They let us drink free as long as we arent falling down by the end of the night. And if we get there 20 min before our shit starts we get free dinner.
    I agree. I got between $100-$120 a night cash. Then i would make a bunch of tips if i was working vip or the door. We werent supposed to drink either. I think they all say that. But we all did and nobody cared. In my partying days. I had to get carried out and went to sleep in my truck while i was supposed to be working.

  25. #25
    number twelve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE WHO View Post
    oh oh you spill drink of vodka me throw you out me tough those same guys will stalk your ass skinny punks with no bideps or tans are crazy enough to wait for you follow you home.
    working security fits into my schedule perfectly, im a full time student so working 2-3 days a week at night works out great for me.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE WHO View Post
    oh oh you spill drink of vodka me throw you out me tough those same guys will stalk your ass skinny punks with no bideps or tans are crazy enough to wait for you follow you home.
    enough with the insults or your not going to be here much longer
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  27. #27
    Big's Avatar
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    Guys, "THE WHO" is probably just some previously banned member/attention whore who is here just to disrupt the board, just ignore him, either he will be banned or his mommy will make him shut off the pc and go to bed, either way he won't be here much longer.

  28. #28
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE WHO View Post
    oh oh you spill drink of vodka me throw you out me tough those same guys will stalk your ass skinny punks with no bideps or tans are crazy enough to wait for you follow you home.
    I this 'wigger" talk for "I am a fvcktard" ?

  29. #29
    one8nine's Avatar
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    i got punched by a bouncer once it sucked

  30. #30
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Feel for you man. I was a bouncer on the weekends at a local "show bar", and it was the easiest money i ever made. Plus the scenery couldn't be beat. There's high turnover in those joints so maybe you have a fighting chance. Good luck.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    i got punched by a bouncer once it sucked
    Looking back, did you deserve it or were you just in the wrong place at the wrong time?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Looking back, did you deserve it or were you just in the wrong place at the wrong time?
    oh i deserved it
    it still sucked though ha ha

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