Guys, you have completely taken over!!! There are very few girls on the forum and it sucks. The female forum gets posted in maybe once a month. More intelligent ladies need to get on this board! I have no one to talk to about junk!!! I only have about 2 other female opinions to consider!!
I can't even really post in the guys forum, because I don't feel like getting a response like, you're a girl, you don't even know what deca dick is like! Go paint your nails.
You know how tempting it is when a guy posts something like..
What do you think about my deca cycle?
And so badly I want to be like, Hey idiot, where's your test?!? Douche bag. I can't even take that shit without growing a penis and I know that.
Why the hell would I spend an extra $100 bucks to buy PCT?? What a waste of money.
Yeah, kiss your balls, and your sex life goodbye.
I'm 20% bf, what cycle should I take to lose weight?
It's called no more cheesy poofs! You're in the wrong forum! Diet forum is down the page.
In conclusion boys. Please, Get your smart girlfriends, or in cases like Dukkitdalaw, you're fvck buddies, and get them on this forum so I can have someone to converse with who has a clit and has taken winny, primo, and anavar. PLEASE!
I'll love you forever!