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Thread: What's necessary to become a freak.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    What's necessary to become a freak.

    Even though I try to give 100% effort every training, plan my diet to gain or get lean the best I can, sleep like a baby every night and juice my ass off. I still question myself what does it takes to become a freak.

    Of course there's genetics, but I believe that everyone can develop an incredible physique. I dont have problems developing my body, but also never satisfied, but what it is that I might be going to crazy, with juicing. I don't really want to discuss that..but what's youre thoughts about getting a freak physique, how far do you have to go with steroids..without looking at health risks.

    I ask this because I heard to much stories about athlete's that are on with extreme high doses, lots of compounds and for years straight.
    It's something thats not really clear.

    I would like to discuss this.

  2. #2
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    Apr 2008
    I think mostly how far can you take it without juicing your ass off. Look at Ronnie, obviously he was in as a pro but then all of a sudden in one year he became a unbeatable freak. I talked to a guy who is nearly a pro (you see him in every mag) and he thinks that happened due to him going to 3-4 drugs to 7-8 drugs.

  3. #3
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    its everything,,food intake, amount of gear, abilitly to gain, bone structure, and telling yourself your never going too crazy.... there are a bunch of other factors as well..... you'll never hear the full truth of what a pro or an amatur is really using and for how long some stay on, youll get responses, but i highly doubt anyone will tell you the real truth. Expriementing with highdoses for prolonged times mixed with exotic componds is't too hardcore for the big names in the game

  4. #4
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    not just steroids but high doses of HGH and other peptides as well play a pretty big role im sure

  5. #5
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    F O O D and lots of weight lifting

  6. #6
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    Yeah, experiencing with drug intake is clear, because everyone has different thoughts about the juice.

    I also think its lots of food, extreme lifting, rest...and with that package juice up to the max and time will do the rest.

    Cowboy_chris, the sentence "telling youreself your never going too crazy". I know an dude that lived by that motto, he's a monster...but hasn't been on stage once.

    Bodybuilding has lot's of different directions, it's up to yourself to experiment and choose one.

  7. #7
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    sure genetics has a huge part to play but often i guys who tell me they cant get big when u examine there diets they lack big time and the same is true for guys that always stay small and cut but can never gain muscle is they never eat enough.

    I find the biggest thing people lack is consistency. To many people are on/off with their diets and training is probally the biggest killer of all.

    I think consistancy and consitant effort in diet and training is why most people dont reach their goals.

    btw how big are you? not as a smart ass but some guys who have trained for 20 years and are huge wont keep gaining muscle like they just started working out thats just the nature of it.

  8. #8
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    I wouldnt call myself that big, im 207lbs with 9/10% @ 5'6.

    I'm not that old en experienced, now 21 and training for 4 years (1 year on the juice), i've gained a lot the last year, it really changed my physique a lot, and i've always wanted to become a freak.
    Now i'm just trying to make the package work as close to 100% for maximum gains.

    I've met a few people who have a great looking physique, and they all had the same thing in kind: train and eat like animals, and had the testosteron level of a silverback gorilla.

  9. #9
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    the honest truth is you have to juice big

  10. #10
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    in the end it all really comes down to one thing: DEDICATION, how bad do you want it, what will you do to get it? and finally, what sacrifices are you willing to make to get there, because there will be sacrifices. Are you ready to sacrifice your life to being the biggest you can be? are you ready to dedicate every waking moment to being better at the expense of all else? answer those questions and you're on your way to knowing what it takes

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    in the end it all really comes down to one thing: DEDICATION, how bad do you want it, what will you do to get it? and finally, what sacrifices are you willing to make to get there, because there will be sacrifices. Are you ready to sacrifice your life to being the biggest you can be? are you ready to dedicate every waking moment to being better at the expense of all else? answer those questions and you're on your way to knowing what it takes
    Yeah that's the base, I question myself the same everyday.

    Well..I don't have words for anymore.

  12. #12
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    B-Mike, I think it's important to remember that there IS more to life than bodybuilding...HAHAHA WHO AM I KIDDING!?

    Bodybuilding has changed my life, and I've stayed natural cause I'm only 18, but bro, if you find you're eating big (including 1.5-2g protein per lb of bw), training with Dorian-like intensity, and sleeping like a baby (although babies wake up every 2 hours ), and you're STILL not growing, then all that's left to do is take steroids, and if that plateaus, take higher dose/stack them.

    But, is it really worth it bro? Remember, being healthy and looking good, and being unhealthy and looking like a freak are two VERY different things...At the end of the day, it's up to you. Good luck bro

  13. #13
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    u wanna be as big as two men, u gotta eat like two men

  14. #14
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    Yeah it's a sacrifice no doubt, well I'm just brainstorming. The gains are going great, but as a bodybuilder im never satisfied right.

    This all reminds me of the animalpak mindset.

    I'm curious if there are beasts out here that do these freaky things.

  15. #15
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  16. #16
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    cell-tech bro. Thats what jay and ronnie take.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    in the end it all really comes down to one thing: DEDICATION, how bad do you want it, what will you do to get it? and finally, what sacrifices are you willing to make to get there, because there will be sacrifices. Are you ready to sacrifice your life to being the biggest you can be? are you ready to dedicate every waking moment to being better at the expense of all else? answer those questions and you're on your way to knowing what it takes
    ^^^^^100% agreed

    Can't add much more to that, it sounds cliche, but in the end, Dedication is what it comes down to.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Dedication, a lot of money to spend on peptides/gh/aas, thousands of hours in the gym

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