Ok so its kinda a long story, but I appreciate any advice or insight anyone has to offer....
So I went on vacation with my best friend and his fiance a couple months ago, and she brought along a couple of her friends. Well one of her friends had just broken up with her boyfriend, and we really hit it off and had we all had a great time together. A few weeks later the four of us (my friend, his fiance and her other friend) went to visit this girl where she lives. We had another great weekend, and we spent a lot of time one on one talking and getting to know each other. When I finally worked up the courage to make a move, I basically got shut down. A couple days later she contacted me and basically she said she was sorry about what happened but she is in a relationship and wouldnt ever break that "trust". I didnt know it at the time, but it turns out she had gotten back together with her ex between the times we had hung out.
Since then, we have hung out a few more times and again we have always had a lot of fun and she was so sweet about everything that it wasnt awkward at all. She has an amazing personality, is really smart, has a great job, and is probably the most beautiful girl Ive ever met in my life. I haven't had a girlfriend in almost 4 years, I'm very picky and I never seek out or force a relationship. This girl is special. She's been dating this guy for a few years and that was the second time they have broken up. I only know about him what I hear from other people, but it's obvious that she deserves much better than what he offers.
My problem is that I just dont know what to do. I completely respect the fact that she is in a relationship, and I would never do anything to try and ruin a
"good" thing. I'm definitely not trying to "trick" her or steal her away from someone else, but I just really think that if I feel this strongly about something, I cant just sit around and let it pass without at least doing something about it. I've never dealt with a girl who was involved, so it tough for me to think about what it is exactly that I should do. She obviously knows Im interested, but I don't know if she is aware of exactly how strongly I feel about her. I also know that she has feelings for me as well. I dont know if I should throw my heart out there and let her know exactly how I feel, or just stay out of it and not try and cause any problems. The last thing I want to do is make things difficult for her, but it's a difficult situation for me and Im totally confused as to what, if anything, to do. Would it be out of line for me to let my feelings known? Should I pursue it even though shes involved? Should I leave it alone and let it run its course? I just dont know....