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08-30-2008, 06:05 PM #1
Stiff Jail term for "Natural male enhancement" founder!
Enzyte was a stiff! If you bought any you got the shaft!
So much for smilin' Bob!
Fraudulent Male Enhancement Drug Gets Company Founder 25 Yrs.
Posted By Dan Slater On August 27, 2008 @ 3:43 pm In Criminal Law | 72 Comments
In Cincinnati, the marketing of a male sexual enhancement product called Enzyte, which reportedly used ads featuring “Smiling Bob,” a happy man with an exaggerated smile (pictured), has led to a whopping jail sentence for the founder of Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals.
Today, U.S. District Judge S. Arthur Spiegel sentenced Steve Warshak to 25 years in prison after he was convicted in February on 93 counts of conspiracy, fraud and money laundering. (WorldCom’s Bernie Ebbers got 25 years, while Enron’s Jeff Skilling got 24 years and four months.) Here’s the AP story.
Federal prosecutors accused the company of bilking customers out of $100 million through a series of deceptive ads, manipulated credit card transactions and refusal to accept returns or cancel orders. Judge Spiegel ordered the company, along with other defendants, to forfeit more than $500 million — a figure based on how much Warshak and the company took in.
“This is a case about greed,” Spiegel reportedly said as he reviewed the case. “Steven Warshak preyed on perceived sexual inadequacies of customers.” Spiegel said one aspect of the fraud relied on the reluctance of customers to come forward, which would mean admitting they ordered the sexual enhancement pills.
“I do feel deep remorse and would like to apologize to any customer who ever had a bad experience with my company,” Warshak said. “I apologize to all the great people, the employees of Berkeley — they’ve given their heart and soul. I let them down.”
Spiegel said the company, which will likely be hit with the majority of the forfeiture, will be allowed to remain in business. Spiegel denied Warshak’s request to remain free on bond pending appeal, but gave him 30 days to wrap up personal business and report to prison.
As for Warshak’s mother, Harriet Warshak, Spiegel sentenced her to two years in prison for conspiracy and other charges. The judge is allowing her to remain free pending appeal, acknowledging that she’s 75, has cancer and likely will never be incarcerated because of the time it takes appeals to work through the courts.
08-30-2008, 06:14 PM #2
You get less time for violent crimes...Our country is as ass backwards as can be...Stealing money without assaulting anyone does not warrant a jail sentence which is effectively a life term.
08-30-2008, 06:26 PM #3
Wait, does this mean smiling bob is no more?
That dude was my hero.. he was always so happy.
08-30-2008, 06:28 PM #4
I guess the harsh sentence was probably because U.S. District Judge S. Arthur Spiegel tried Enzyte and still is small.
08-30-2008, 07:04 PM #5
I'd actually never heard of Enzyte before this. Now that I have, they should have marketed that stuff here in Japan. They could've made a fortune!
Last edited by CSAR; 08-30-2008 at 07:29 PM.
08-30-2008, 07:24 PM #6
that might give him 25 years but i bet he is out within 10 for good behavior or some other mumbojumbo
08-30-2008, 07:44 PM #7
Casar ... Enzyte had the corniest commercials full of bad high schooler inuendos...
Check out:
08-30-2008, 07:47 PM #8
And dudes ACTUALLY bought this shit?
A fool and his money are soon parted...
08-30-2008, 07:51 PM #9
You have to admit the commercials are funny
(in a high school locker room kinda way)
Godfather, are you saying a five hundred million dollars fraud doesn't deserve such a hard sentence?Hell for once a SCAMMER selling BUNK pills got what he deserves!
RedLast edited by Red Ketchup; 08-30-2008 at 08:01 PM.
08-30-2008, 07:58 PM #10
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08-30-2008, 08:39 PM #11
Wow that's crazy. He'll be out just like Martha Stewart.
08-30-2008, 09:02 PM #12
08-30-2008, 09:35 PM #13
Exactly what I'm saying...If he pays the reparation, I see nothing wrong with a short jail term of a year or two. No one was bankrupted because of Enzyte, no one lost their house because they spent all their money on Enzyte, no one was killed, or otherwise injured. The only thing damaged was perhaps a little pride, and maybe some dissapointment.
Money can always be replaced or repayed. Human life cannot. So I do not see the equivalency of some people recieving 15-25 year sentences for taking a human life, and then a man who scammed some people out of their money and then repays it, gets the same jail term. Those are draconian sentences. I'm sure that by him losing his entire fortune and being bankrupt, and maybe 2-3 years in prison, would surely be enough of a lesson to him. After such time he could return to society as he is obviously not a real danger to someone as much as say a murderer or repeat offender who commits assaults.
08-30-2008, 09:55 PM #14
08-30-2008, 09:55 PM #15
08-30-2008, 09:55 PM #16
My response to this thread are best said in the words of Joe Rogan:
"Now that I cleared that up, I would like to say that I personally am all for stupid people getting taken advantage of for the amusement of others.
I’m for stupid people being taken advantage of, period. I don’t believe in protecting dumb people. That’s what evo-lution(i guess you cant say it in one word for whatever reason) is all about, the strong minds should dominate, and weak minds should be taken advantage of. Like for instance, I don’t condone fraud, and I certainly think that most cases of fraud should be prosecuted, but I think in some cases of extreme retardation we should, and do, let it slide. I believe fraud should be acceptable in cases where it’s so obvious that only a complete, and total asshole could get suckered in by it. Like for instance:
Big dick pills.
It should be totally legal to sell big dick pills, because if you’re ****ing dumb enough to believe that a pill can make your dick grow, you deserve whatever you’ve got coming. Don’t you think that maybe you would have heard about that before? Like on the news or something? Wouldn’t you think the new york times would run a story on the big dick pills first? No, I think they generally announce astounding medical breakthroughs that would be worth TRILLIONS of dollars world wide, as commercials during the Howard Stern radio show. That’s how they get the word out. It’s very effective.
I think if you’re ripping off naive old ladies with a mortgage scam, you should go to ****ing jail, but think they should let the makers of the "Hollywood 24 hour miracle diet" slide. And if someone ever hears that commercial, and asks you if that stuff works, you should encourage them to invest their life’s savings in it. Tech stocks are down, but big dick pills are on the rise!
Protect the helpless, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with feasting on the complete, and total idiots, and that’s exactly what most reality shows do."
08-30-2008, 10:21 PM #17
wrong bro. because it ended up in federal court,, federal prison terms are not like state prison. in fed you serve 85-90% of your sentence.
there is no federal parole as of 1989 i believe.
and i also feel that the fed system is all ****KED UP with the sentences they hand out for stupid shit,,, while rapist, child molesters and murderers get much lighter prison terms.
08-30-2008, 10:25 PM #18
Enzyte is supposed to be boner pills... and my guess is that they probably screwed so many people out of so much money because they rode the coat tails of Viagra... heck their bunk product is even made to look similar...
With so many real boner pill commercials on TV, from Viagra to Cialis I am guessing that Enzyte found a target that wasn't hard to milk.
08-30-2008, 10:34 PM #19
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So...does this mean I get my money back?
08-30-2008, 11:25 PM #20
08-30-2008, 11:49 PM #21
08-30-2008, 11:53 PM #22
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I agree with GodFather, 25 years is a bit stiff.....LOL
Maybe he should repay and settle but now he is still stealing from society. I personally do not want my tax dollars paying for him to be in jail when all he did was sale some shitty pills to little dicked idiots.
08-31-2008, 12:58 AM #24
Wait was Enzyte marketed as a penis enlargment product?
I always thought it was for erectile dysfunction like cialis or something.
08-31-2008, 03:11 AM #25
your the only person breaking a law here. impersinating a federal officer is a felony offense punishable by jail time. lets get real here little boy, we all know your some kid joking around . there is not a single person on this board that actually belives your sorry ass is a federal officer so lets cut the crap and get you ass to bed before your mommy finds out your still on her computer. dont you have anything better to do?
08-31-2008, 09:59 AM #26
he deserves 50 years for the annoyance of those commercials. I get off work at 11 and watch a little tv before bed. It's literally every other commercial. Stupid enzyte. That and maxoderm.
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