I've met this girl today and she wants to date me. I want your views on this.
Here's the story. I'll try tu go right to the point as much as i can...
So as some may know today is my first day of total freedom. No job, studies or anything in my horizont. So obviously i decided to celebrate it. Lonewolf style obviously. I went to have a good lunch. And then went to this small park to enjoy my bigass icecream and my book on a park.
I'm there chilling and this pig-alike dog approaches me. Has no chain or anything (its not a dog park). I wait and shout "Is this someone's dog?!"
Out of nowhere this cute black chick appears. All super happy and smilie...
she: "its mine! was she bothering?"
me: not at all. I just though the dog was lost.
she: naaah I was over there.
me: (out of curiosity) how's it called?
she: Runa
me: no. I meant the race. I call them pig dogs.
she: hahahaha shut up dork! Its called french bulldog...(all happy and laughing) your funny (I wasn't trying to be funny i do call em pig dogs)
me: oh. Ok. I see...
she: what about you... (all smiling...she touches my ironcross)
so here i think ok. now she freaks out etc etc. I say nothing.
she:I see...I see....so, whats your name?
me: X
she: I'm Y (we hi n kiss cheack each other)...so, you work near here?
me: nope (its true)
she: so you study?
me: neither (its true).
she: what the hell do you do in life, dude?! (surprised)
me: today i was supossed to start figuring it out
she: ahahhaha (laughs and bumps my arm) you're funny! (once again i was just being honest).
From there a nice conversation starts on. I don't feel bored to death as in most of my social interaction. That's a big deal for me. We enter deep conversation. I explain her my nature when it comes to issues involving feelings, my believes in general (political, social, etc). She doesn't freak out, so I freak out. Eventually she says:
Hey, i'm enjoying this time with you. You're fun. You're nice (all touchy and grabby).
me: You say that because you barely know me. If you really got to know me you wouldn't...
she: I really want to get to know you! (smiling)
me: why would you wanna do that. have you payed attention to what i told you?.
she: (freaks me even more starting a newage speech) Yes. I don't care what you say or what you think. I see through you and you a nice guy and fun to be with. period (smiles again).
me: oh...(im blank)
she: look here's my phone. xxx xxx xxx (i write it on my cell) call me X! really do it! I want to hang out with you. Its a date! (super happy). I realy got to got now. But call or text me when ever you want! its a date! (she kisses goodbye me)
Dammit!. A date! I struggle at dates. This time i was lucky and i didn't get bored it was actually interesting to know her, she was a happy person, upbeat and all. She says she doesn't care about my condition.
Should i date here? There are a lot of facts that say that the relation won't work. But on the other hand. She gets me and undestands me. She is even supportive. I don't see another reason that genuine iterest. so what now??