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  1. #41
    B.E.N.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust View Post
    here is what i can see

    george bush senior was president,republican, left the white house with the country in a recession and with the gulf war aftermath

    clinton, Democrat, 8 year term country has a surplus of money and things are relatively good

    Bush jr comes to office..... i dont think i have to explain what the last 8 years have been like

    see the trend here?

    4 more years of republican nonsense and we are all screwed.

    i am not taking on conservatives, i am not siding with liberals. not going down the pro or anti abortion debates. not going to even think of touching religion or race!!! i think we all get too caught up in these things and identify a party FOR or AGAINST these things. this is NOT what matters, these issues are trivial. bottom line is who is going to run the country better, and that is it.

    pick the best man for the job weather he is in your party or not. as we all know Biden is big on the anti steroid laws, now i thing we can all agree this is something most of us here dont like, but that is just one issue, i agree with more he has to say than against him. dont let one issue or personal bias sway your opinion. vote for the people who stand the best chance of getting this country back on its feet.
    Like I've said before, to attempt to say a President caused a recession is simply lacking the basic knowledge of economics.

    For example Bush took office on 1/2001. The date of the last recession in the US was 11/2001 - 11-2002. Based upon your logic Bush II inherited Clinton economic mess.

    I will agree that the Bipartisan junior high politics are ruining the govt, economy, and country.

  2. #42
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    Looking back at what I wrote.. it seems the last 20 or so years.. BOOM periods last about 5 years.. followed by reccession of about year n half to 2 years.

    But u have to position yourself to capitalize on these bubbles to get the most out of them.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    Doc Sust... This is how I see it

    In 1914 President Woodraw Wilson, created the Federal Reserve and the Central Bank..

    This was done, because Bankers in the United States, said the country will be better off, if Politicians did not have control of the economy.

    So today we have These Bankers.. Bernake, Paulson, and other people that are NOT ELECTED... and they get passed down from President to President.

    Greenspan was in charge for 10+ years at least maybe even 20. Bernanke is young, so he'll be in charge for another 20 years unless he gets caught up in a scandal.

    The Presidents go to these Bankers and the Bankers brief them on what is going on.. The president has no power over their decisions. These bankers raise and lower rates, and they issue currency.

    The funny thing about the Federal Reserve is that it is supposed to oversee the Banking industry.. Usually when you have agencies overseeing an Industry fore example USDA and MEAT.. the Meat companies hate and fear the USDA.. or Construction Companies Fear OSHA etc..

    but in the case of the Federal Reserve, and Banking world, they love each other.

    anyways back on track.. Point is Economy is out of the hands on the President.

    The stupid system that is in place today.. that is Based on CREDIT was created when the U.S got off the GOLD STANDARD...

    It makes the economy CYCLICAL..

    meaning it works in cycles.. BOOM PERIODS and RECESSION PERIOD.
    Its meant to create bubbles, and the govt even ecourages most bubbles like it did to the housing bubble with Fannie and Freddie Mac.

    Ok... now back to point..

    80s.. was a LOTS OF CREDIT BOOM.. Arms race with the soviets, Stock Market going up big, Housing prices exploding..

    Early 90s.. was a LACK OF CREDIT PERIOD... we over extended ourselves, deals went bad... Federal Reserve had to lower rates, pump out more cash..

    LATE 90s - INTERNET BOOM.. CREDIT BOOM PERIOD.. again lots of easy credit.. internet investments, housing prices go up etc..

    EARLY 00s.. LACK OF CREDIT PERIOD.. Internet companies failed,, lots of bad deals.. 9/11 did not help etc.. Bush introduces tax cuts to stimulate economy. print more money..

    2002 -2007 BOOM PERIOD. LOTS OF EASY CREDIT.. everyone is driving SUV's.. everyone is taking money out of their houses, cause values keep exploding etc..

    2007 - PRESENT... no access to credit.. lots of Bad deals done... lower rates, give rebates, print more money, or waste tax payer money to bail out companies..

    NEXT BOOM PERIOD.. they expect it starts in 2009.. but who know we'll see..

    history shows at some point these types of Systems tend to collapse, and than people will probably switch back to a gold standard.
    damn that was a great post, very informative. besides economy, there havebeen a lot of bad choices made in the last 8 years by the current admin that certainly did not help our situation, i could type forever because there has been a lot of bad mistakes from environmental issues, to health care, to a war with a country who didnt have nuclear arms..... the list goes on and on

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N. View Post
    Like I've said before, to attempt to say a President caused a recession is simply lacking the basic knowledge of economics.

    For example Bush took office on 1/2001. The date of the last recession in the US was 11/2001 - 11-2002. Based upon your logic Bush II inherited Clinton economic mess.

    I will agree that the Bipartisan junior high politics are ruining the govt, economy, and country.
    dont get me wrong, i am not putting blame at all on one man, it took a lot of people and outside circumstances to create this. but to say that it has nothing to do with the current regime in power? i really cant agree. you dont think the war helped put us in the hole? how many billions lost?

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust View Post
    damn that was a great post, very informative. besides economy, there havebeen a lot of bad choices made in the last 8 years by the current admin that certainly did not help our situation, i could type forever because there has been a lot of bad mistakes from environmental issues, to health care, to a war with a country who didnt have nuclear arms..... the list goes on and on
    O yeah! Spot on.. not going to argue against any of those..

    but they did do tax cuts.. got to give them credit there...
    Just big spending blunders for sure.

    Obama is scary with his taxation though.. raising capital gains tax as someone mentioned will take the small investor even more out of the game.

    A lot of families rely on stocks to pay for their kids education like 20 years down.. etc..

    but of course Obama would rather have a gov't held bond pay for college education.. and take it out of your paycheck to fund it. like social security, than private investments...

    but the REPUBLICANS are no better... there are some fears that the take over of Freddie and Fannie Mac.. could lead to NATIONALIZATION of the whole Real estate loan industry.. with the FED RESERVE CENTRAL BANK BANKERS IN CHARGE OF IT ALL OFCOURSE!

    which if true, would be quite the conspiracy..

    since the government led the way for the failure, with the subsidizing and easy credit access, and promises of a bailout when it all comes crashing down since the bill was written in the early 1990s...

    That bill led to the explosion of and BOOM in housing prices.. If u google Ron Paul Freddie mac 2003 it will pop when Ron Paul tried to put a stop to it, cause he saw the crash coming..

    anyways I'm just babbling now..

    It don't matter who is in the office.. these 2 characters are one and the same.. pick the one thats easier on your eyes and ears i guess lol
    Last edited by Pooks; 09-14-2008 at 09:07 PM.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    O yeah! Spot on.. not going to argue against any of those..

    but the REPUBLICANS are no better... there are some fears that the take over of Freddie and Fannie Mac.. could lead to NATIONALIZATION of the whole Real estate loan industry.. with the FED RESERVE CENTRAL BANK BANKERS IN CHARGE OF IT ALL OFCOURSE!

    which if true, would be quite the conspiracy..
    that is one scary thought!!! talk about the gov having way too much power

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust View Post
    that is one scary thought!!! talk about the gov having way too much power
    LOL exactly...

    it consolidates their power...

    it means more government employees, which means more people rely on the government for a paycheck..

    It ensures the "STATISTS"... which are dictators usually.. Hitler, Stalin, FDR some would argue.. etc... but pretty much 90%+ politicians are, or are molded to be statists over time.

    Statist is the complete opposite of Liberitarians,, Ron Paul, the founding fathers etc...

    the bigger the government, the harder it is for a Liberitarian who wants small government to come into office.... cause in a lot of minds it will cost them their jobs..

    I live in Massachusetts...

    This election we are going to have the option to vote on Eliminating STATE INCOME TAX... people fought hard n got a lot of signatures to bring this issue on to the ballot...

    so what happen...

    our governor Deval Patrick.. Starts hiring and expanding the state government. Even though we are in a huge deficit..

    It was on the news the other night.. STATE JOBS SWELL!!! that was the headline..

    now the vote is coming up.. he has just bought himself more votes to ensure the state income tax remains..

    INCOME TAX was unconstitutional until 1914.. when the fed reserve was created, and they ammended the constitution..

    whoa.. I need to stopp.. I took caffeine cause I need to write a paper! LOL.. But I'm not writing it..

  8. #48
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    Our country is filled with morons and we elect even dumber morons.

    I can think of 100 people I know and have worked with that have MORE leadership experience, better morals, superior intelligence, and eloquent speaking skills that would make the current candidates look like really bad.

    Unfortunately, they have no desire to mix in with the political half-breed that suck from the american tit at every possible opportunity.

    It's pathetic to think that this country doesn't have a VIABLE ALTERNATIVE to the current Democrat / Republican debacle.

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