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Thread: Need help

  1. #1
    firmechicano831's Avatar
    firmechicano831 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Need help

    So my girl friend won't talk to me at all now. We both have myspace and she read a comment I wrote to one of my guy friends sisters saying that she was beautiful. She thinks I was cheating with her or considers it cheating. What do you guys think? I have never talked to her on the phone or would never put my self in that situation when I have someone I love already. I was just giving her a simple compliment, besides I would never date any of my guy friends sisters.

    I think I'm really screwed now.

  2. #2
    kman's Avatar
    kman is offline Anabolic Member
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    No offense bro, but it sounds like your girl is a bit insecure.. All you did was say she was beautiful, how could that even be considered cheating? Many girls would get mad at such a thing, and thank god I don't have one of them but I just don't she how that could ruin a relationship!!!!!

  3. #3
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Cheating? Obviously not. But that was in incredibly poor taste. I'm sure you wouldnt like it if she was all flirtin with some dude.

  4. #4
    firmechicano831's Avatar
    firmechicano831 is offline Anabolic Member
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    true, but giving someone a compliment isn't flirting. I give compliments to men and women all the time at the office.

  5. #5
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Oh really? So would you tell a dude hes beautiful? Didnt think so.

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    It's just myspace. She needs to chill.

    Don't tell anyone, but i get some good stuff from Chicago via myspace.

  7. #7
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    AAHHHHH, the all too familiar "myspace" conflict. Man, that myspace shit is hell on relationships. I have an account, but I rarely check it. If I become single again, which I think I soon will, I will probably be all over myspace again.

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