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Thread: Is PS3 worth the money?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Is PS3 worth the money?

    I'm thinking about buying a PS3, mostly for the blue-ray player, but are there enough good games to justify shelling out that kind of dough? They are not cheap and I've only been working full-time for just over 3 months since I finished school so I want the most bang for my buck. I've always enjoyed the Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid and Gran Tursimo games, but I don't want to get a system for just a few exclusive franchises... I already have a 360.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Well if you want it mostly for the blue ray player perhaps you wanna stick to your xbox and buy a brplayer. Although PS kicks ass. Its not like you have tons of games that slay but the ones available are good for all tastes.
    COD, PES, GT, Assasins Creed...all of those.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Seems like more or less all good games on ps3 will be released on the 360 aswell while the 360 has some very nice exclusives like gears of war and mass effect.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    last time i checked a ps3 was cheaper then blue ray players, if that still the case you might as well since u get more bang for your buck

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Yah, way cheaper and as good or better quality that a blue ray player.
    Metal gear solid guns of the patriots is an awesome game.
    I'm more into RPGs myself tho. But they are coming out with Final Fantasy XIII Exclusively on PS3.
    I play mine less than I thought I would but just cuz I finished one game and haven't found another that I wanted to buy yet. But more are coming out all the time.

  6. #6
    Microsoft just announced a price drop. Although Sony had one not too long ago for the ps3, I can believe a drop in price by the end of the year for the ps3. Better to wait, lots of good games on the 360 to tie you over for now.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rugger02 View Post
    Yah, way cheaper and as good or better quality that a blue ray player.
    Metal gear solid guns of the patriots is an awesome game.
    I'm more into RPGs myself tho. But they are coming out with Final Fantasy XIII Exclusively on PS3.
    I play mine less than I thought I would but just cuz I finished one game and haven't found another that I wanted to buy yet. But more are coming out all the time.

    final fantasy 13 is announced for release the SAME time as the ps3 version.

    the only reason to own a ps3 is little big planet, and mgs4 and upcoming 5.

    other than that.... nadda.

  8. #8
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    i have a ps3 and a 360 and think the 360 game selection is better but the ps3 graphics are pretty sick but they are both fun anyway

  9. #9
    just go find some welfare bum. dats where the cash at. sorry but thats the way it goes down

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ayomacs View Post
    just go find some welfare bum. Dats where the cash at. Sorry but thats the way it goes down
    ....... Ok ....

  11. #11
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    If it's mostly for the Blue Ray player then obviously go with the PS3.

  12. #12
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    Do u have a high def tv.... id get that before the ps3... then wait for the price drop of the ps3... cause u already have a 360 so that covers most of ur games....

  13. #13
    im gonna get it just for fun

  14. #14
    im not fking kidding here. i save my hard earned money for my daughter and ill take anything from a crack whore to save myself the heartache

  15. #15
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    yo momas house
    since were on the topic, do you think metal gear 4 will be available for pc or xbox? i hope it comes out for pc

  16. #16
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    I do have a HD TV, I bought it after I got my 360 because I wanted to get the most out of the XBOX. I've been waiting out the blue ray/hd dvd battle and since blue ray has come out on top, I want to go with that. Playstation has always had great RPGs and racing games so I've been thinking I could get the blue ray as well as some good games to get the most of my money

  17. #17
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    I'm thinking about buying a PS3, mostly for the blue-ray player, but are there enough good games to justify shelling out that kind of dough? They are not cheap and I've only been working full-time for just over 3 months since I finished school so I want the most bang for my buck. I've always enjoyed the Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid and Gran Tursimo games, but I don't want to get a system for just a few exclusive franchises... I already have a 360.
    It's an excellent blu-ray player even if you never use it for games. Get one.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  18. #18
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    Socom confrontation ....If its anything like socom one and 2 ... it would be worth it... i still have my ps2 just so i can play socom 2 on it since ps3 won't read some maps on it...

  19. #19
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Read this:

    "We're really confident that consumers are making choices driven by value," she says, "and we know PS3 offers that value across the board, with the built-in Blu-ray player the broadest and deepest software lineup in the industry, with LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, Motorstorm [Pacific Rift]... we're quite confident our holiday sales will be good."

    Sony has stressed several times that they've no plans to reduce PS3 prices this year, and Pachter doesn't expect to see a reduction until early next year. "I think Sony is going to roll the dice on its game lineup... and hope that HDTV sales drive more PS3-as-Blu-ray-player sales," he says.

    "The migration to an all-digital broadcast standard in the U.S. in February should cause a lot of consumers to look at HDTVs, and most people will consider a BDP along with an HDTV purchase, so I think that Sony is counting on some traction there."
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  20. #20
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    makes sense to buy one for the blu ray player since the ps3 is cheaper than a standalone player. i still like the xbox for games better

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    if you have a good tv, yes. otherwise just get a ps2 because you wont really notice a diff with an old shit tv

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