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  1. #1
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
    moregunsthanroses is offline Associate Member
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    Bad or good luck stories

    Let's hear them

    Almost 2 months ago at the dentist I got 2 fillings.. Afterwards I noticed swelling in my face and irritation on that side. Not extremely severe swelling but still covering the whole area that was frozen

    I recieved local anesthetic Articaine, which has the possible adverse side effect of necrosis., while it may be that it's possible it's just edema..

    So yea it can affect your jaw , give slight edema.. The real wack thing is that it's permanent and there's no treatment. I've been feeling pain in my jaw like the lack of bloodblow is making it wear away. Maybe I need some GH for it to grow back, get more bloodflow , something like IGF1 even not for muscle just for my body to repair. I don't want to feel facially irritated the rest of my life it's quite distracting.

    "In contrast to apoptosis, cleanup of cell debris by phagocytes of the immune system is generally more difficult, as the disorderly death generally does not send cell signals which tell nearby phagocytes to engulf the dying cell. This lack of signaling makes it harder for the immune system to locate and recycle dead cells which have died through necrosis than if the cell had undergone apoptosis"

    It was only after the dental work that I had extreme muscle, joint, aches, peripheral neuropathy, sorethroat, trouble sleeping, sweating during the night and other symptoms. From what I quoted it sounds like this reaction could veryw ell make someones immune system turn on its self trying to clear out those cells.

    Before the work I did notice a swollen lymph node(not tender), fatigue, malaise, a bit of skin irritation that was improving. But only after did I get intense neuropathy, pain in my neck lymph node etc..

    Now I'm fatigued, really weak achey legs, in facial irritation wether it be my jaw, tender lymph node, or just prickly tingeling sensations, joint weakness and pain but not as bad. I've noticed a loss of pigement in my face and neck.

    The manufacturer may very well be liable as well as the dentist. I'd rather feel and look like my old self then sue but you gotta do what u gotta do.

    I was worried about an allergy to some of my old fillings I talked to them about it as well.

    Now I'm stressing why didn't I cancel It's pretty pointless but still. I wouldn't care so much about the looks if I had a wife already and was pretty old I'm only 22 And worried about my appearance before this. Plus the physical irritation doesn't help.

    I was reading that some people who catch HIV in the acute phase also develop an autoimmune disease now that would be some horrible luck.
    Last edited by moregunsthanroses; 09-06-2008 at 09:03 AM.

  2. #2
    BadBarbie is offline Banned
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    Jun 2008
    Clearwater Beach FL
    uh... I have a good luck shirt that I wear everytime I take a Spanish test. It says Muy Delicioso!
    Works everytime.

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