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Thread: CCNA and MCSE exam download

  1. #1

  2. #2
    nice links....
    they really the Q an A of the exams we would be sitting?
    no that i would use them that is...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The world in my head.
    wow that is a good post

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    they should be lol, some guys will come out of these exams that have really good memory and write them down .. its kinda like braindump ;-)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    these are just demos, so they suck actually. if you want to try something worth while, get an app called certblaster. It is perfect for practicing all the certs in the computer field. i was lucky and got the A+ version of it free with my class i took at school.
    Last edited by AdamGH; 11-22-2008 at 10:35 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The world in my head.
    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGH View Post
    these are just demos, so they suck actually. if you want to try something worth while, get an app called certblaster. It is perfect for practicing all the certs in the computer field. i was lucky and got the A+ version of it free with my class i took at school.
    did somebody actually compaire a CCIE exam to an A+ cert??

    i mean no answer sheet or practice test will ever replace just knowing what you are doing. that is the problem with the computer feild right now, way to many fly by night computer nerds think they can get tech jobs, but only know how to set up their computer for gaming.. nothing against gaming it drives the computer world in more ways then normal people realize.. .. but getting on and bashing somebodies post because u didn't use it for your A+ cert. when he is posting cisco help

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by quarry206 View Post
    did somebody actually compaire a CCIE exam to an A+ cert??

    i mean no answer sheet or practice test will ever replace just knowing what you are doing. that is the problem with the computer feild right now, way to many fly by night computer nerds think they can get tech jobs, but only know how to set up their computer for gaming.. nothing against gaming it drives the computer world in more ways then normal people realize.. .. but getting on and bashing somebodies post because u didn't use it for your A+ cert. when he is posting cisco help
    he advertised his post that we were getting full exams for free. we arent. they are just demos. i tried each one. did you even look at it yet? i added the cert blaster comment because i used it most recently when i got it free from my computer class professor. it does cost money. so just like this one in order to be properly prepared for the test. you will need to put out some money. Cert blaster can be used for ccna, ccie,mcse and every other exam needed for your job or future endeavors.

    the problem with your comment about not having those certs is that your future income is directly effected. you will not get the jobs that pay well with just experience alone. they will require some form of degree and the certs you downplay. once you get the job, knowing what you are doing will become important. you can not show people you know what you are doing with just experience alone. i have worked for lockheed in the past and trust me. they wont even look at you just becuase you think or have experience in a related field. they look at your degrees and certs first, experience second when selecting candidates to interview.

    another thing, the A+ comment was made becuase I just finished those classes for my degree. my next couple semesters are mostly server 2003 related. I will again use cert blaster to prepare for my eventual MCSE certification. My degree, MCSE and along with my 10 years of IT experience will hopefully get me the job income level that normally is out of my reach.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The world in my head.
    i clicked on the different links, and ran thro it. and tho each one is a small demo they are good questions. and if you click thro them all you end up with a good pool of questions... and yes i agree certs is what you need now a days for a job. maybe i was unclear on what i meant, my point is only studying for certs is bad. because my ccna and ccnp have very little to do with your day to day jump.. I mean be honest, i have taken server2003 in college.. do u really feel u need that to pass your cert? no.. do u need that class to be able to do your job once you get it. yes... thats my point getting help with a cert is great. remembering Q & A's is not.

    i will admitt i was wrong then about my comment. if you are in school and learning and have knownledge in IT then forgive me. but the tone of your first comment was one that you just knew a way to study and pass any test fast. which i will stand by my believe is wrong.. because having certs IMO mean nothing.

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