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Thread: 10 Things You Didnt Know about Me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    10 Things You Didnt Know about Me

    Got this from another board, dont think there is one here...Good to get to know other members

    1. I own 2 JackRussels

    2. I've met PerfectBeast personally

    3. I worked for a major UK bank for 3.5 years

    4. I always use the same Username whatever board I register/join

    5. My mother is a teacher and father a commercial diver

    6. My grandfather was in the SAS

    7. I hate coffee

    8. I'm not allergic to anything I'm aware of...

    9. I'm not religious...AT ALL

    10. I cant drive motorbikes

    Right, whos next...?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    1. i have no pets. though i used to own 2 monitor lizards and a kenyan sand boa
    2. Ive met Abbot personally
    3. i used to sell narcotics many years ago. no more
    4. my username is the same as my emails and the same username or a variation of on other boards/sites
    5. ive never met my real father, my mother is a operations specialist for an advertising company.
    6. my grandfather was a navy seal
    7. i like coffee, just dont drink it often. i love tea
    8. im not allergic to anything that i know of
    9. i dont believe in religion or a higher power
    10. i can ride a bicycle


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    1. i have no pets. though i used to own 2 monitor lizards and a kenyan sand boa
    2. Ive met Abbot personally
    3. i used to sell narcotics many years ago. no more
    4. my username is the same as my emails and the same username or a variation of on other boards/sites
    5. ive never met my real father, my mother is a operations specialist for an advertising company.
    6. my grandfather was a navy seal
    7. i like coffee, just dont drink it often. i love tea
    8. im not allergic to anything that i know of
    9. i dont believe in religion or a higher power
    10. i can ride a bicycle


    ha ha cool.

    The 10 things dont have to be what I said though. They can be ANYTHING about you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    1. Born and raised in Philadelphia, PA.
    2. Father of 2 beautiful daughters. Neither of which live with me
    3. Huge hockey fan.
    4. Constant ball breaker- I like to get a rise out of people.
    5. It takes alot to get me angry, but once I'm gone, I'm gone.
    6. Hard headed, stubborn.
    7. I hate people who talk just to hear their voice.
    8. My father died when I was 19 due to the hosptal's neglect.
    9. I have no luck with relationships.
    10. 90% of the time, I'm not serious. Life is too short to be stressed about shit you can't control.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    ha ha cool.

    The 10 things dont have to be what I said though. They can be ANYTHING about you.

    i understood that. i was just too lazy to really think. its still early where i am.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    1. i laugh in my sleep alot
    2. i hate girls with sideburns and no chins
    3. i have to have the toilet paper with the flap over the top. not under
    4. i hate my adoptive father and i want to steal his harleys and buells.
    5. my brother is the complete opposite of me. he is nice, smart, smaller.
    6. i feel gross when ppl touch my face, girls included.
    7. i started doin gear way before my potential was reached.
    8. i only regret one thing in my whole fukked up life... not doing my best to make my ex-fiance and i work. i miss her
    9. i have a sugar tooth that will be death of me.
    10. im an asshole


  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    1. I have 10 kids (yep 10), 8 in my present marriage, (some adopted) and 2 from 2 ex's.
    2. I've been at the same government job for over 20 years.
    3. I pretty much never get upset. I get agitated from time to time, but just never get really mad.
    4. (an extension of 3) I've been married for 15 years to my present wife, and we have never had a fight. If we disagree, we agree to disagree and leave it at that. Life is too short to be consumed by conflict.
    5. I love animals, we often take in injured animals and nurse them back to health.
    6. I like working on old cars, and building hotrod cars and bikes. I've actually gotten to a point where I enjoy building them more than driving them.
    7. I've had 2 near fatal motorcycle accidents.
    8. I was born and raised in Chicago, but my parents were from the backwoods of Tenessee and West Virginia, so I had influences of both city and country life.
    9. I have no tolerance for any type of racism or discrimination.
    10. I have 2 brothers and a sister who all live in this area, yet I rarely see or hear from any of them. we get along, just have nothing in common.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    South Jersey
    1.) I hate John Elway, Im pretty sure he is the anti-christ.
    2.) Me and Duk is boys.
    3.) My username is actually a reference to the greatest rapper of all time.
    4.) I kick and punch in my sleep when there is a girl in my bed.
    5.) Me mom is and always will be my best friend.
    6.) I'm about a month away from resigning to the fact that there arent any normal females left on this planet.
    7.) I fvckin hate techno/house/trance/radio rap and the clubs that play the shiit.
    8.) I miss Ohio
    9.) I will not debate politics or religion with ANYONE, EVER.
    10.) My honesty gets me into a lot of trouble, especially with women.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    1. I have 10 kids (yep 10), 8 in my present marriage, (some adopted) and 2 from 2 ex's.
    wow, i have alot more respect for you from that fact. thats crazy. may i ask what the age range is for them all??

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    south Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by kraken View Post
    1. Born and raised in Philadelphia, PA.
    2. Father of 2 beautiful daughters. Neither of which live with me
    3. Huge hockey fan.
    4. Constant ball breaker- I like to get a rise out of people.
    5. It takes alot to get me angry, but once I'm gone, I'm gone.
    6. Hard headed, stubborn.
    7. I hate people who talk just to hear their voice.
    8. My father died when I was 19 due to the hosptal's neglect.
    9. I have no luck with relationships.
    10. 90% of the time, I'm not serious. Life is too short to be stressed about shit you can't control.

    I hope that means you're a flyers fan!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    1. I have 10 kids (yep 10), 8 in my present marriage, (some adopted) and 2 from 2 ex's.
    2. I've been at the same government job for over 20 years.
    3. I pretty much never get upset. I get agitated from time to time, but just never get really mad.
    4. (an extension of 3) I've been married for 15 years to my present wife, and we have never had a fight. If we disagree, we agree to disagree and leave it at that. Life is too short to be consumed by conflict.
    5. I love animals, we often take in injured animals and nurse them back to health.
    6. I like working on old cars, and building hotrod cars and bikes. I've actually gotten to a point where I enjoy building them more than driving them.
    7. I've had 2 near fatal motorcycle accidents.
    8. I was born and raised in Chicago, but my parents were from the backwoods of Tenessee and West Virginia, so I had influences of both city and country life.
    9. I have no tolerance for any type of racism or discrimination.
    10. I have 2 brothers and a sister who all live in this area, yet I rarely see or hear from any of them. we get along, just have nothing in common.

    This is why I thought this thread would be a good one here.

    Good stuff B.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    Yeah, very cool. Great idea swifto.

  13. #13
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    may i ask what the age range is for them all??
    from 3 to early 20's

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    from 3 to early 20's
    whew. thats alot of college funds to save up for!!
    your more of a man then ill ever be.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    5.) Me mom is and always will be my best friend.
    same here. after not seeing her most of my childhood. when i was an adult and moved out to her area, we became very close. through my drug problems, frequent jail visits and crazy g/fs. she was there for me. now that i have my act together, we are best buds

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    1. I have degrees from 3 different countries. (Yes I am a geek).
    2. I use to compete in ameture boby buiding contest ( Yes I still have those medels)
    3. I am married for almost 11 yrs to my high school sweet heart.
    4. Got One kid and trying to convince wife to have another ( i just love little buggers).
    5. My Dad was my best friend till he died 2 yrs ago and I am still touchy about this subject.
    6. Love Ice Hockey or as most of the american pronounce it Ice hackey
    7. I have 5 sisters. (My dad worked nights Imagine if he wasnt )
    8. Mostly I am laid back and easy going .
    9.Dukki I am not your father but lets just pretend that I am .
    10. I have 14 nephew and nieces (try to fit all of them in a picture)

  17. #17
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    9.Dukki I am not your father but lets just pretend that I am .

    what!! all this time. you just strung me along. i thought we had a connection!!

  18. #18
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    9.Dukki I am not your father but lets just pretend that I am .

    what!! all this time. you just strung me along. i thought we had a connection!!

    We do ..thats why lets just pretend that I am ur father. Its physically immposible for me to be ur father.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post

    We do ..thats why lets just pretend that I am ur father. Its physically immposible for me to be ur father.


  20. #20
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post


    As I told inky-e I dont make many friends but I try to keep the ones I have . I love u too in a non - gay way.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    1. I am a very laid back person until you piss me off, then my evil side comes out.
    2. My parents got divorced when i was 10 and it pissed me off so i rebelled all the way until i was 18
    3. I used to be addicted to a lot of rec drugs
    4. Dad used to beat my ass when i was younger.
    5. My mom is like a best friend to me.
    6. I have a lot of regrets in my life such as: not doing good in school, not playing football or baseball in high school, being a short fused asshole with my ex from 4 years dukkit i still miss her.....but i think i found the one to help me get over her.
    7. I have 8 skulls tattooed on my body.
    8. I am German, Cherokee, Mexican, American..LOL a mutt, but i look more white than anything.
    9. My first vehicle ever was a 1970 1/2 Chevrolet Camaro
    10. I like listening to Journey

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Skully44420 View Post
    my ex from 4 years dukkit i still miss her

    oh yes... i miss your ex very much.. yum.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    oh yes... i miss your ex very much.. yum.

    hahahaha not the one that i showed you...i don't miss her at all. i miss the one before her little petite blonde

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Skully44420 View Post
    hahahaha not the one that i showed you...i don't miss her at all. i miss the one before her little petite blonde
    ohhh, okay. well i miss the one you showed me.


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    ohhh, okay. well i miss the one you showed me.

    LOL she's going to the east coast soon. i think she said she's going back to Virginia though.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skully44420 View Post
    LOL she's going to the east coast soon. i think she said she's going back to Virginia though.
    thats only a 4 hour drive. ill hit her up

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    want her #? hahaha

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skully44420 View Post
    want her #? hahaha
    seriously... hook me up. ill text her. see if i can work some charm.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    1) First off, im 100% Brazilian. Im a native of Rio, but I currently live in Orange County, and LOVE IT! Though i do miss my homeland.

    2) I was a terrible kid growing up, i had all the chances of a well off family and i fvcked them all up.

    3) I was born into a well off family, though because of my father and my love for fighting, girls, and drugs, i rebeled and left home at age 14. (Probably not the best decision.)

    4) Ive been stabbed twice, and shot once. I stop counting at 50, but if i had to guess, ive been in roughly 100-125 streetfights. And the only streetfight ive ever lost was when i was shot. (pvssy's use guns, and like i said, i was a bad kid. Like many others here, i used to be chemically dependant.)

    5) At one point, i was under the impression that i had a son. But due to the fact that his mother is a whore, the truth was exposed. I hope to have many childeren with my current GF. (Though it would be a same to have her lose that body... )

    6) Im friends with many, MANY famous fighters, and i have fought under one of the most successful teams for my whole career.

    7) I have a BB in BJJ and Ive fought MMA professionally for the last 4+ Years.

    8) I recently opened my own studio to teach MMA and BJJ full time. To do this, i had to sell EVERYTHING. I sold my house, (I now RENT a condo.), and my 69' Camaro, which i spent 2 yrs rebuilding. (It was quite sweet, even though it only had a 350.)

    9) I did that so that i could help give back to my addoptive community, and help kids continue to make the sport of MMA grow.

    10) I love my GF very much and cannot wait to knock her up. Im even thinking that i should pop the question very, very soon.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Tryin to get Abs
    1. Born and raised in Northern CA
    2. Im a certified personal trainer
    3. I have 1 dog a very nice and friendly pitbull
    4. I love to read mostly non-fiction
    5. I am a beer and movie conisoir* spelling
    6. I spent 2 years locked up from the age 17 to 19 and im 21 in march- used to use be addicted to drugs but thats not what happend there
    7. I own a bad ass Four Wheeler
    8. Computer games rock
    9. Californication rocks and so does Dexter
    10. I'll workout till i die!

    uh thats 10
    Last edited by Deltasaurus; 11-04-2008 at 11:35 AM.

  31. #31
    1. i have four kids and one on the way
    2. i work with cell phones
    3. i been with the same girl for 10 years
    4. i love the bengals. (1-8 but still my team) dad died when i was 20 still miss him alot
    6.i have 4 bros and 3 sis with 19 nephew and nieces and 1 one the way
    7. i love football playing and watching
    8. i have 16 tatoos
    9. stop drinking soft drinks about a year ago1
    10. i spend alot of time at work doing nothing

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    1. Took my GED and dropped out of High School
    2. I was a professional gambler for a little while
    3. I have a short beard
    4. Honor Student in college
    5. Smoked for 10 years before quitting
    6. My screen name isn't tough. "Ernst is afraid" is a good translation. It's the title of a funny picture
    7. I used to run track
    8. Mopar musclecar know-it-all
    9. Huge football fan
    10. I'm a wine snob

  33. #33
    1. i LOVE the new york giants, mets and islanders
    2. i used to do a lotttt of rec drugs (shrooms coke you name it)
    3. i fart when i pee MOST of the time
    4. Ive only done one cycle in my life and thats plenty for me
    5. I live in new york...
    6. I have a "fetish" for older women (not like 70, more like 35-40)
    7. I love playing hockey, I play goalie in a few house leagues
    8. I despise work. I feel like I hate it more than your average person
    9. I love watching any football games. I am pumped for thursday nite football since I do get NFL net work =)
    10. I still love to puff the magic dragon here n there

  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    1.) I was so desperate for my first cylce that I POKED with a 19g.
    2.) In 8th grade, I maxed out 225lbs for flat bench.
    3.) I've used a numerous amont of PHs before using AAS.
    4.) Had a horrible gambling addiction at 17.
    5.) Hockey is the only sport I really watch religously.
    6.) Incubus is my favorite group.
    7.) Lost a few gf's due to the lifestyle that most of us live on here.
    8.) Pizza almost always ends up being my rare cheat meal.
    9.) I cannot workout at night..either morning or noon.
    10.) I recently just learned what the hell JM Presses are

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Good stuff people.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    May 2008
    ve jay jay land
    1. I peed in a girls Mountain Dew and she drinked it all but I still kissed her.
    2. Ive walk the park stoned looking for old ladies to masterbate in front off.
    3. I have 11 wolf t shirts.
    4. Ill glock up the womans bathroom, and then take the mother of all dumps.
    5. I pull the pants down on a pt talking to girls like hes hot shit, lmao.
    6. Ill spot my friends on their max and walk away after lift off, lol!!
    7. I make sure theirs hair on the soap in the bathrooms
    8. I shart myself a few times a year
    9. I hold my protein farts for when I get into the elevators.
    10. Ill have sex with circus freaks.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Tryin to get Abs
    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    1. I peed in a girls Mountain Dew and she drinked it all but I still kissed her.
    2. Ive walk the park stoned looking for old ladies to masterbate in front off.
    3. I have 11 wolf t shirts.
    4. Ill glock up the womans bathroom, and then take the mother of all dumps.
    5. I pull the pants down on a pt talking to girls like hes hot shit, lmao.
    6. Ill spot my friends on their max and walk away after lift off, lol!!
    7. I make sure theirs hair on the soap in the bathrooms
    8. I shart myself a few times a year
    9. I hold my protein farts for when I get into the elevators.
    10. Ill have sex with circus freaks.
    that was interesting

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    1. I peed in a girls Mountain Dew and she drinked it all but I still kissed her.
    2. Ive walk the park stoned looking for old ladies to masterbate in front off.
    3. I have 11 wolf t shirts.
    4. Ill glock up the womans bathroom, and then take the mother of all dumps.
    5. I pull the pants down on a pt talking to girls like hes hot shit, lmao.
    6. Ill spot my friends on their max and walk away after lift off, lol!!
    7. I make sure theirs hair on the soap in the bathrooms
    8. I shart myself a few times a year
    9. I hold my protein farts for when I get into the elevators.
    10. Ill have sex with circus freaks.
    I have 12.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    I have 12.
    im still waiting on my first one.. its in the mail.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Tryin to get Abs
    i have none, not really my bag

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