Why can't you folks take it for what it's worth. We have a NEW president and we can move in a different direction than we have for the last 8 years. Give the man a chance. Be positive and support him instead of whinning and condeming him before he even enters into office. How many of you voted for Bush and swore that he would be the next best thing for this country?
There were a WHOLE LOT of people that voted for Barack, so maybe it isn't that the majority was stupid, but maybe those that didn't vote for Obama were the ones among the ignorant.
As far as hearing black this and black that. What do you expect when the blacks have been supressed for so long and when a lot of the people were not far seperated from slavery themselves. This is long overdue and now WE as a black race can feel like we mean something to this UNITED STATES.
I expect we can work to eliminate institutionalized racist policies like Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employment...I expect that we can disband organizations like the NAACP... All of the aforementioned just seek to perpetuate the division, and do nothing to positively contribute to viewing PEOPLE AS INDIVIDUALS.
I was on the fence but once McCain picked Sarah my mind was made up for Obama. All i can do is hope for the best now.
I am not American but thats exactly what I was thinking as well. I was watching Obama on CNN tonight and he is a seriously articulate dude, in the same vein as JFK IMHO, although he has a way better tan. It will be interesting watching someone so young and relatively inexperienced deal with the most powerful position on Earth. I can only wish him all the luck in the world.
congrats everyone...wonderful to see that rhetoric is enough to get the majority of 2 party system sheep to vote for them.
Don't congratulate me. I voted for myself.
I wish Republicans would chill the eff out about the socialism thing though. Obama is not a socialist, and he's not even what would be considered a social democrat. Take a look at Europe you're going to have to admit that we have a bunch of stable, free, pro-western, social democratic countries in Europe. None of them have gone belly-up, their economies are working, and they have plenty of rich people. And that's with a system that's much more socialist than what Obama has promised. In conclusion, chill the eff out. Nobody is going to take away all your money, and you're not turning into Soviet Russia.
we do need some change, and no more retard cowboys for presidants.
How do you figure? Have you seen any pics of his dad. He was born and raised in Kenya. Whatever, Im done with all this bullshiit, who cares. He won, by a lot, like i said, wasnt just african-americans and hispanics voting for him. We live in a Democratic country and apparantley he was the better candidate regardless of race.
Well im intrigued how someone can be 6% African-Negro, but whatever!
If you are 100% Irish, but born and raised in Italy, does that make your bloodlines Italian?.... NO.
Research the Kenyan records for yourself. You will find that his father was officially classified as "Arab African" by the Kenyan government.
Why do you think he has an Arabic name? Why does his father have an Arabic name? Why does every ancestor on his father's side have an Arabic name?
As far as I have read, he only has one
black great-great-grandmother on his father's side while the other 7
were Arab
But this is starting to make the thread stray a little from the original topic. I merely was trying to point out in my first post that he is the first "mixed-race" president despite everyone labeling him as the first Black President. He is the first president with "African"-American blood, yes. But "African"-American and "Black"-American are two different things. Last time I check, Egypt was in Africa too, but I wouldn't call an Egyptian "black" merely because he comes from that continent.
Last edited by VeraDeMilo; 11-05-2008 at 10:07 AM.
I hear ya. I just dont give a damn. Im just proud of American people seeing past any of the above irrelevant information and voting for who they felt was the better candidate. Whatever ethnicity he is, he obviously has a different appearance and skin color than every other president we have ever had. Which like i already stated doesnt mean a god damn thing. He's the president and it's not bc of his ethincity, appearance, skin color, race, etc., contrary to what a lot of people may think. I respect everyones opinions and right to vote for whoever they want. And if you voted for McCain bc you thought he would be a better president then good for you. I just despise racism in all of its forms and I think this a huge step for our country.
Agreed. And my posts were just trying to unmask the fact that media tried to use his race as a "black" man to "Gain" votes from the people who would "Support" him based strictly on race. Otherwise the family history would not have been swept under the carpet. I myself voted for McCain. Not based on race, nor because I loved his ideas. It was more to do with not liking Obamas plans for universal healthcare and his tax plans. So my vote was based on the lesser of two evils. I have always been Republican, but would have had no problem voting for a democratic candidate if they were better suited for the job in my own personal opinion. Either way, he is our president for at least the next 4 years, so he will have my support.
Who cares if Obama is black or not! He won, and he won by huge, huge margins. I just hope that he can turn some things around and make this a better and stronger country for each one of us and our children.
Many blacks in Latin America identify themselves as Latino but that doesn't make them any less descended from Africa. I've seen pictures of Obama's father and they don't come much more negro than that. Don't be mad the one drop rule came back and bit you in ass. Lol j/k
EDIT: You also omitted the fact that Muslims/Muslim converts adopt Arabic names, even if their are not Arab by descent.....you seem to be a intelligent man so i'm guessing you omitted that little fact
Last edited by BajanBastard; 11-05-2008 at 03:49 PM.
i don't think it's so much thinking obama isn't black it's the very clear FACT that he is not 100% black but when i look at the front page of the newspaper it says "black man wins". alot of people of all races are tired of seeing and hearing he is "black" when he is not. obama is part black. tiger woods is not black, he is 50% korean and 50% black. why do we call him black? is it because he is the best golfer on the planet? would we call him black if he was a bad golfer or would we call him korean or mixed? right now obama is being called black but if the vast majority of blacks lose their approval of him will he then be bi-racial instead of black. i am in no way a racist but that does not mean it doesn't bother me that SO many other people of other races can be as racist as they want and nobody cares. if a black person said that they voted for obama because he was black that would be looked at as "pride" but if a white person said they voted for a candidate because he/she was white it would be considerd unbelievable racism and that biggot must have a hitler poster in their house and goes to klan meetings once a week. i hope last night proved that the racism in the white population is not what we seemed to think it was. actually last night did prove it isn't by voting in a bi-racial candidate. there is so much racism from EVERY race on the planet and as much as we know it will never completely go away it but it would be alot better if EVERYBODY tried.
^^^ I call him black because his skin color is black.
Same way i call Anderson Silva black when hes Brasilian. (Like me!) And i call Wanderlei Silva white even though hes mixed.
It comes down to skin color.
True he is bi-racial and should be recongnized as such, but come...
You really think most people in this country care or even know about this?
just a thought...
Skin color is an identifying characteristic. Like I posted earlier, I am bi racial but you couldn't tell by looking at me. I identify myself as a black man because that is what I see when I look in the mirror. The same way you see someone like Jasonn Taylor or Halle Berry when they walk in a room. The color of a person is the first thing you see.
I guess many of you guys never heard of the one drop rule. Once you have a black ancestor you're considered black. Blacks in America just twisted it to their advantage.
I re-read your posts multiple times and draw the same conclusions each time. How would the media fabricate a man's race when the man himself has always identified himself with being black?
Whether you believe (and contrary to what you've been told by the conservative media) it or not, most blacks didn't SOLELY because of his race. But it makes it that much better to us that he is. Remember blacks traditionally vote 85-90% Democratic, during President Clinton's second run he garnered close to 94%.
So your idea of a media plan to make people believe Obama is black when he actually isn't is ridiculously absurd, and makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist.
Think Obama passes "The Pencil test" ?
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